Archive for the ‘QUIZ PAGE’ Category

Flying Horses

06 Nov

As long as we’re horsing around …

Who in the orbit of Errolworld was the first to fly a horse to a thoroughbred race?

He or she was:

1) A singer

2) A movie actor

3) A radio broadcaster

4) A horse breeder and trainer

5) Owner of a famous home and property

6) The flying horse won, paying $38 on a $2 bet, at a track Seabiscuit famously raced at, and the only track in the U.S. permitted to stay ooen during WW II.

7) Along on the (Flying Tiger) flight came a filly as company


— Tim


Fire and Water

31 Oct

What happened here? / Who’s that lady?








— Tim


Oh Oh, who should know?

23 Oct


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

who is the famous actor that started his career as an uncredited extra in one of Errol`s London Years films.

He has a strong, rather a non- British accent

won an Academy Award

loves golf

starred as king, spy, robber & space cowboy

alongside Ingrid Bergman, Gina Lollobrigida and Brigitte Bardot

Quiz me if you can,

— shangheinz



14 Oct


FIRST PITCH – Right Down the Middle

With the summer season of Cricket beginning Down Under, who was “The Errol Flynn of Cricket”?



What film did both Errol and Lili appear in?

This being a Hall of Fame-level pitch, I provide the following batting tips
(not that they’ll likely help much – this a very, very tough one!):

> It was produced by Howard Hughes.

> Paulette Goddard co-starred.

> E.F.Hutton was involved.

> It was filmed entirely outside California.


— Tim



30 Sep


— Tim


An Eighty Years Ago Quiz

18 Sep

In September of 1936. it was reported that, during his days in New Guinea, Errol had hunted and sold snakes for a widely-heralded herpetologist.

Who was this famous man?


1) He was a preeminent pioneer in his field.

2) He was also a celebrated author and public speaker.

3) He had a very close association with The Bronx Zoo.

4) Here are two photos of him, one in his early expedition era, the second taken approximately at the time Errol was reportedly capturing snakes for him:



— Tim


When and In What?

06 Sep

When and in what did Errol appear with both a White Hunter and a Black Entertainer?


1) One was male, one was female.

2) The black entertainer could act, sing and dance.

3) Blindfolds were involved in one part of Errol’s appearance, handcuffs in another.


— Tim


A Looks-Alot-Like-Liz Quiz

01 Sep

Who’s the Mystery Lady Sean’s a’Kissin’ and Serenadin’??

Sean and Not Liz

Added September 1:

Have Faith Sean!

Have Faith Sean

— Tim


What Famous Actor?

02 Aug

What famous actor’s interest in the film business began when he saw Errol in the Dodge City premier parade?

1) He was a young child at the time.

2) He died in this decade, between 2010 and 2016.

3) He once had an indirect connection to Henry Fonda.

4) He also once had an indirect connection to Sean Flynn.

5) He was a very well known and often highly regarded actor.

Who knows, he may even be in the YouTube video below. … He said he was at the parade with his mother.

— Tim


What’s the Common Denominator?

31 Jul

Errol Flynn

Lionel Barrymore

Spencer Tracy

Kurt Russell

Tom Hanks

Chris Evans

Viggo Mortenson

Brie Larson

Errol with Sword


— Tim