Archive for the ‘QUIZ PAGE’ Category

Community Quiz Question

17 Jul

Ok, here's what I call a “Community Quiz Question” because I don't have the answer all ready. I intended to get it, but realised that it won't be until maybe in two years or so, that's why I thought it'd be easier to post it as a question for all.

–> How often did Errol get a slap in the face in his movies?

Please enter the answers as follows:

Name of the slapping person, title of movie, reason

Example and part of the solution which you all know:

1. Bette Davis, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, for turning his back on the Queen/insolence

I invite everybody to join in, it may take weeks or months to be complete, but would be great if we managed another trivial topic in a joint effort. Don't forget to number the slaps! So here would be number two:

2. Faye Emerson, Uncertain Glory, for not telling the truth about himself

Hope you enjoy a little! I'll be off for a holiday on Tuesday, let's see what you manage in the meantime.


— Inga


In one of Errol's movies!

12 Jul

Hi everybody – again I have been MIA for a while and noticed nobody has place a quiz question!?

Here is one for fun:
In one of Errol's movies there was a horse who had a nice name:
1. What was the name of the horse?
2. What was the race of the horse?
3. What was the horse able to do?
4. Who rode the horse – did Errol or another actor ride the horse?
5. What year did this horse have its movie debut?
6. Later this horse received another name – what was this name?
7. Who renamed the horse and why?

Happy quizzing – Saturday is answering time!
First entry with all the correct answers is the winner!

— Tina


Quiz Question: If I may? Who Am I?

06 Jul

Hey Guys,

I don't normally participate, mainly because my knowledge on Flynn is pretty limited but I do have a question.

Who Am I?

I was born in Boston, Massachussets, the youngest of three brothers; all of whom worked in the movie industry. I made close to 200 films during a very varied career and worked with Errol Flynn.
My middle name is Waldo.

More clues if needed.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


Posted in QUIZ PAGE


This week's Quiz question

05 Jun

First of all I like to give full gratitude for the well designed and complex quiz question with the photo,  revealing more and more each day. I like it very much. Very clever, Inga!


So, here is this week's question. And I thought it would nice to add extra spark to turn it into a 3-part one. It is so easy, even I know it! The information comes from a reliable source!

1) To whom did Errol say: “You are priceless. A rare jewel of innocence that only once in a lifetime of a man stumbles across in this jungle of humanity”.

2) Where exactly did he quote this beautiful romantic line?

3) What exactly were Errol and this particular person drinking at the time? (Brand and type)

                              Have fun guessing and good luck!

— Don Jan


Errols' Script

26 May

Errol wrote a script that would become a film. (1)What was the original title? (2)What was the renamed title? (3)What was the last title we would see on the screen?                                                                                                                                        

— Larry Bradford


One of Errol's favorite meals!

14 May

Errol used to adore a very special meal! He would drop anything and everything when invited to this special meal!
This is a three part question.

1. What did this meal consisted of? 

2, Who cooked it?
3. Where did he go to eat it?

Have fun!

— Tina


How well do you know your Flynn films?

16 Apr

I think that I mentioned before that sometimes sentences from Errol's films pop up in my mind, and the last sentence inspired me for this question. It took me quite a while to figure out where it came from – you will probably be faster. So please show us how well you know his films:

From which film comes the sentence: “I meant yours – certainly not mine.” and who said it?

I'm sure you will come up with the answer very quickly. Good luck guessing.


— Inga


Nice pictures of Errol but with a differene!

12 Apr

These are two great pictures of Errol, but there is a slight difference from the original can you spot the difference? If so, post the original picture here!

Just for fun!


— Tina


Posted in QUIZ PAGE


Errol's Nickname?

10 Apr

We all know that Errol enjoyed giving “nicknames” to people, but today we are looking for the reverse – for Errol's nickname!

The quiz question is as follows:
Under what nickname was Errol known to many in other countries and he loved it?

Please participate! We all love to hear from you!
Happy guessing,

— Tina


Cruise of the Zaca Quiz Question

03 Apr

Well, I hope that this one is not too easy:

Which was the originally intended title for the film project which eventually became “Cruise of the Zaca”?

Answer will be posted next Sunday.

— Inga