Archive for the ‘QUIZ PAGE’ Category

Producer? Movie? Role? Actor?

26 Jul

In the mid-1940s, a very famous personality and friend of Errol produced a movie in which he wanted Errol to play a key role. Errol, however, did not appear in the film, thus providing a very big break for the person who did play the role and went on to become a star.

Who was the producer? What was the movie? What was the role? Who played the role?

— Tim


Sixty-Six Years Ago Quiz

17 Jul

Sixty-six years ago Errol selected the cover photo for a magazine because it reminded him of the location depicted below. Where is the location and why was it memorable to him??

Added Friday 10 p.m. EST

— Tim


“Destination Unknown” Quiz

05 Jul

July 4, 1936

Louella O. Parsons

Los Angeles Examiner

Errol Flynn away on a three-day holiday, destination unknown, just for a rest before he starts that new picture.


Where did Errol go? and What “new picture’ was Louella referring to??

Added @ 5:15 PM EST

— Tim


A Bust Quiz

03 Jul

Who is the man that inspired this bust?

Of all the wonderful busts that could be shown and talked about on an Errol Flynn site, why this one – what’s the Errol connection?

Image of statue below added at 1:30 PM EST:

— Tim


That Alleged Wretched Statue — Quiz!

03 Jul

Who protested and caused the alleged wretched statue above to be removed? Why?


The article below has been posted subsequent to barb’s solution of the quiz. Splendid work, barb!

Custer Statue Letter

— Tim


Seventy Years Ago Quiz — June 27

26 Jun

Errol wrote this person a letter seventy years ago tomorrow, June 27.

Before Errol employed him or her, this man below employed him or her:…

One of the two stars doing the heavenly dancing in this film clip also has a connection to our mystery man or woman:…


It was one of these two people:

Errol wrote on stationary from this motel:

— Tim


June 6 – What Quiz is This?

06 Jun

— Tim


Quiz 23 ’38

23 May

Two very significant events boosting Errol’s legacy took place on the 23rd day of two separate months in 1938. One was that LIFE Magazine featured Errol on their May 23, 1938, cover. What was the second event?

7pm Additional Clues

8:30pm Additional Clues

— Tim



15 May

— Tim


A Common Quiz about Uncommon People

09 May

What did Errol have in Common with these Uncommon People?

Alexander the Great

Christopher Columbus

Hernán Cortés

Davy Crockett

Genghis Khan

Andrew Jackson

Lord Nelson

General John Pershing

Teddy Roosevelt

George Washington

— Tim