Archive for the ‘Shangheinz Shanties’ Category

From Istanbul with love

17 Mar

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

today marks the 100th birthday of Nathaniel Adams Coles commonerly known as Nat King Cole. Born in Montgomery Alabama the son of a butcher turned  Baptist pastor had a professional band  at age 16. Having moved to the South Side of Chicago he engaged in a prolific musical battle with his piano idol Earl “Fatha” Hines. “Sweet Lorraine” was his first hit with many more to come like “Mona Lisa” and “Straighten up and fly right”, once he was signed by Capitol Records, then a young label.

The King of Jazz was nominated four times for a Grammy and finally received his first in 1959, playing at the Sands Casino of Las Vegas for many years. The broad smilin’ entertainer with the honey covered vocal cords found himself opposed to very similar obstacles in later life like our man Flynn, who he met in Istanbul on the backlot of Universal Studios. In order to pay back back taxes caused by incompetent management he was forced to constantly touring and n’erending TV appearances. That a a whole lotta chain smoking lead to his untimely death at 45.

27 years after he posthumely would receive seven more Grammys for the duet across time and space with his daughter Natalie.

Much obliged for any post of all you knowledgeable Flynnions here if King Nat commented on his working with Errol.


— shangheinz


Gone without the Flynn

16 Mar

Der fellow Flynn fans,

I share with you a rare document, which shows the Hollywood studio executives ways of thinking when it comes to casting and cashing in on a movie in the making. It further shines a light on why Flynn wasn’t in in GONE WITH THE WIND. While the frantic search for the leading lady is common knowledge, it was new to me, that Gary Cooper was also considered for the lead role. Either way the film would have turned out ok. Let’s post your favourite photo of an iconic scene of GWTW and let our imaginary eye insert Errol into the picture. But keep in mind that Gable brought a lot to the table…


— shangheinz


One punch wonder

24 Feb

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

our Hollywood hero had more than one way to connect with people.

There was his charm and then there was his left jab. Funny enough this fisticuffs were meant in an almost friendly way. He picked well documented fights with John Huston, Dan Topping, Duncan Martin, Jack Easton and Olympian tough man & native Indian Jim Thorpe. During filming “They died with their boots on” Errol poked the former football player and all star athlete in the back at the Brown Derby bar and challenged him to hit him with his best shot. Thorpe, who supposedly was able to lift up & bring down a sledge hammer with on hand, did just that. He ducked a right and put his polar bear paw to Flynn`s chin. General Custer was down, but not out and ordered a round. Another friendship had just been sealed with a fist.

Here`s the blow by blow:



— shangheinz


Are you ready for Suicide Freddie?

03 Feb

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

I went on a book binge this weekend.

The account of Errol`s look and live- a like Aussie friend Frederick Joseph McEvoy is a page burner. Very little is know about the Olympic medal winner, world class race car driver and wizardry whirlwind womanizer. Dubbed the International man of mystery, he is finally revealed by Australian author Frank Walker. A foreign correspondent in Germany and the United States for 40 years he penned two bestselling books “The Tiger Man of Vietnam and Ghost Platoon” and “Maralinga”. Now “The Scandalous Freddie McEvoy” makes three.

Many blind spots about Freddie Mac are blotted out with amusing anecdotes starting with his education at the Jesuit school of Stonyhurst, giving Hitler the stare carrying the British flag at the opening ceremony of the Olympian Winter Games of 1936 in Garmisch- Partenkirchen and filling in as Flynn’s wingman both at the rape trial as well as his best man at the wedding with Pat Wymore in Nice and Monaco.

Having the FBI at his frock’s tail didn’t bother him one bit. He set out marrying dollar spouting and dried up oil heiresses, gambling fastearned fortunes away at the Riviera and when asked what his profession was, cooly countered: “Pleasure is my business“. No wonder he became part of the Flynntorage in no time.

Walker managed to uncover previous classified archive files, which shed further light on how McEvoy steered clear of military service and may have served his own cause in the process. The infamous highpriest of mayhem Charles Higham is cited and again put into the right perspective.

“Higham described his book on Errol a ‘deductive biography‘ and often added up one and one and got three or four…there was no need for him to exaggerate- the story of Errol and Freddies’ lives was already larger than life.”

I can`t wait to compare notes with Frank on the still murky death of the perennial playboy when his ship sank off the coast of Morocco in 1951. Only three man survived the shipwreck of Freddie’s lavish Kangaroa yacht in a torrid storm on their way to the Bahamas, where he was supposed to meet Flynn. The dashing sportsman and deepwater diver that was called Suicide Freddie did not.

His right hand man Manfred Lentner, an Austrian ex commando wanted by Interpol for murder of a prostitute in Berlin of 1945, escaped unscathed. When I interviewed his wife, sister, nephew and brother in law the picture became a little clearer, but still simmers like an impressionist painting of Monet.

Anybody on the blog who’s up for real life intrigue, mystique and the usual flynnanigans will be a delighted customer.



— shangheinz


Flynn along song Vol. 1

10 Jan


Dear follow Flynn fans,

Errol appeared in many a song, not only in this one:

Here’s a first of many more to come, written by Cole Porter featuring Flynnmates Frank Sinatra and Rosemary Clooney.

Cherry pies ought to be you

Oh, by Jove and by Jehovah, you have set my heart a flame
And to you, you Casanova, my reactions are the same
I would sing thee tender verses but the flair, alas, I lack
Oh go on, try to versify and I'll versify back

Well, let me see now, cherry pies ought to be you
Autumn skies ought to be you
Mr. Pulitzer's prize ought to be you
Romeo in disguise ought to be you

Columbine ought to be you
Sparkling wine ought to be you
All of Beethoven's nine ought to be you
Every Will Shakespeare line ought to be you

You are so enticing, I'm starting to shake
You are just the icing to put on my cake

You mean I'm yummy
Heaven's blue ought to be you
Heaven too ought to be you
Everything super-do ought to be you

Asphodels ought to be you
Orson Wells ought to be you
Uncles like Kip Cornell's ought to be you
Towels from Ritz hotel's ought to be you

Sweet Snow White ought to be you
Ambrose' light ought to be you
(Hey hey, that's good)
Eleanor wrong or right ought to be you
Errol Flynn loose or tight, watch it, ought to be you

You are so exciting,
I can't even laugh, wanna top that one
If you're fond of biting, I'll bite you in half

To continue
Whistler's ma ought to be you
Elliot's pa ought to be you
Everything hip-hurrah ought to be you

Ought to be you, ought to be you, ought to be you
Ought to be you, ought to be you, ought to be you
Ought to be you, ought to be you




— shangheinz


Ok lahoma!

07 Jan

Oklahoma U.S.A.

All life we work but work is bore,
If life’s for livin’ what’s livin’ for,
She lives in a house that’s near decay,
Built for the industrial revolution,
But in her dreams she is far away,
In Oklahoma U.S.A.
With Shirley Jones and Gordon McRea,
As she buys her paper at the corner shop,
She’s walkin’ on the surrey with the fringe on top,
Cos in her dreams she is far away,
In Oklahoma U.S.A.,
She walks to work but she’s still in a daze,
She’s Rita Hayworth or Doris Day,
And Errol Flynn‘s gonna take her away,
To Oklahoma U.S.A.,
All life we work but work is a bore,
If life’s for livin’ then what’s livin’ for

— shangheinz


400 flock to Lock, Stock and Errol

04 Jan

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Errol is one of the most photographed actors from the Hollywood of (G)old era. Almost every aspect of his amazing life is well documented. Even his weaknesses have been exposed, not least by the man himself in his outstanding autobiography “My wicked, wicked ways”.

This blog gives you news by the minute, unearthing auld articles, authentic anecdotes and auric odes by its members. A true tribute many other actors of stature lack or can only envy.

Now has every story been told and every stone turned?

My EF FB site “Lock , stock and Errol” tries to add an angle now and then and was able to welcome ist 400th follower these days:…


Looks like Flynn gets never out of fashion.



— shangheinz


E and thy shadow

13 Dec

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

we all here agree that there never will be another Errol Flynn. But if there ever was another actor, who could pass for a brother, an evil twin at that, it´d have been John Carradine. They were kindred spirits in many ways, both experiencing heights and letdowns of Olympian proportions and even sharing similar mishaps that come with a hell or highwater attitude.

Born Richmond Reed Carradine in New York on February 5 of 1906, the later day John, set his sight on the stage when seeing “The Merchant of Venice” at age 11. Donning different roles and robes seemed a way out of his drab childhood with a distant mother (one of the first female surgeons) and an abusive stepfather. A harsh education in Catholic schools made him direct his spiritual interest into a different direction. The only mass he would attend thereafter would be a black one.

Starting out as a portrait drawer, he studied sculpturing with no less than Daniel Chester French, the creator of the Abraham Lincoln monument in Washington DC. Inspired by his favorite movie “The Golem” he strived hard to model something out of nothing, to give the breath of life to an inert matter- be it clay or play. Subconsiously this also is the plot of a lot of the horror movies he would star in in the future. In addition to that he tried to make a mark for himself as a set designer in Hollywood. But Jack of all trades wanted more and his dream of reciting Shakespeare became an unbearable urge. Enter John Barrymore.

Carradine seeked out the great profile and thespian sans compare at his Bella Vista villa in 1930. He had been prowling Hollywood Boulevard in cape with cane and Fedora hat already for some time and was seeking advice on how to tackle the famous line of Richard III: “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse..”. Barrymore said “Let`s have a drink!” and let him in. First into his home, then into his circle of carousing comrades. John Carradine became a regular of the Bundy Drive Boys with the likes of John Decker, Gene Fowler, Ben Hecht, W.C. Fields and Errol Flynn. After well received performances at the Pasadena Playhouse, his screen career took off as well, starring in legendary films as Stagecoach, Jesse James and the Grapes of Wrath. He bought a Dusenberg, a yacht “The Bali” and started raising a family with the intent to father a whole baseball lineup of sons. At the same time he deemed acting in movies as beneath him. “I never did like `em. Occasionally I got to play in a good one. But mostly I have been in pictures that never got anywhere and never settled anything; that only caused the patrons to waste an hour and a half of their valuable time. Of course if I don`t succeed in Shakespeare, I`ll come back to make some more pictures. After all I do appreciate all the money ($1750 per week in 1942) Hollywood paid me.” Sounds an awful lot like Ol`Errol to me.

By the true nature of Tinseltown things, the major studio bosses didn´t like being needled, not even by the dagger of a critically acclaimed Hamlet. The hand that fed him became an iron fist and pretty soon Carradine found himself offered only scripts where he either played a Nazi, a mad scientist or other freakish creatures. Yet again he managed to capture their maniacal ways in his own magickal manner. “The devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape.” (Hamlet, act II, sc 2)

After his first marriage with Ardanelle, who had lost her mind, wandering around as a real life Lady Macbeth in her nightgown talking to ghosts, faltered, he married his Shakespearian protegé Sonia Sorel, some fifteen years his junior. Sued for back alimony, John Carradine had to sell house & yacht and put up tent with his young muse in the Garden of Allah bungalow complex of silent siren, Alla Nazimova. Sharing the same initials with Jesus Christ, JC accepted bets there and then, that he could walk over the waters of the Black Sea- shaped pool. This messianic antics are reminiscent of Casy the preacher from Steinbeck`s “Grapes of Wrath” or his technicolor deathbed scene of “Blood and Sand”, where he is merely an extension of the crucifix hanging over his head.

Forever remembered for spooking audiences as Dracula, Blackbeard, Captain Satan, Voodoo Man and in his last hoorah as Judge of hell, John Carradine died in Milan, Italy, after climbing the 328 steps to the top of its Gothic Dome. He had set out to ascend his own personal Jacob`s ladder. Son David remembered the funeral at St. Thomas, the Episcopal Church on Hollywood Boulevard as a macabre outing, where the undertakers had given the cadaver a demonic, artificial grin. “…like nothing I had never seen him do in real life, except in his horror films.” He was poured a final drink, but the boys had trouble getting the champagne in the bawdy bard`s sewn- together mouth wetting his dark suit in the process. Not that it mattered much, for he was given a sea burial near Catalina Island, where he did patrol as a coast guard during WWII with his Bali. Sonia, his estranged wife no. 2, died a bag lady down and out in LA in 2004.

Good night, sweet Prince of Darkness.



— shangheinz


Silver telephoon fed

06 Oct

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Jack Warner for sure wasn`t born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Matter of fact he had to toughen himself up as a street kid. These street smarts helped tremendously later on when he made Warner Bros. Studios a major force in film. Once at top of Tinseltown, he never looked back. His stick was that of a penny pinching, horny- corney jokes telling and lavishly living movie mogul.
He had a silver telephone in his office and a hand written register to go with it. Many flynntimos are on the pages shown.
Both items are on display at the American History Museum in Washington, D.C.

“If these torn pages could talk…!”


— shangheinz


Lock, stock and Errol tunes 300

21 Sep

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

I just want to let you know that we are not alone in this Flynniverse.

There are 300 more Flynnthusiasts out there at my FB site LOCK, STOCK & ERROL.

As usual I salute another Double0 with an ultrare video glimpse at Errol in Europe.

Here it is:…


— shangheinz