Archive for the ‘Shangheinz Shanties’ Category

White House matinee idol

22 Feb

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

although absent in this picture of the Who’s Who of Hollywood on the lawn of the US presidential palace, Errol did attend often. Even after his untimely death. How? Both presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronnie Reagan loved to show movies to a selected collection of guests. And Flynn was there in spirit as well as on the screen. Drumroll please, once you scroll down the lists and see their choice of favourite films here:…


— shangheinz


In should’ve been Flynn 14

19 Feb

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

this is another possible missing masterpiece in Errol’s filmography due to a one punch (rather a rum punch) tussle with Canadian millionaire Duncan McMartin at the Windsor Hotel on the Bahamas. Our Hollywood hero would forever claim that his old back injury backfired on him and therefore he had to renounce the role of Albion Hamlin, a farmer-laywer, who handles the estate of title giving Lydia Bailey during the Haitian revolution.

The bahama court drama of was settled with a 14.000.- fine for the former flynntimo Duncun, who said the he could not remember but a pad on his old friend’s shoulder. A far cry of the initial quest of $230.000.- for the pain gained and the picture lost.

Tyrone Power also did turn down the Lydia lead, which went to Dale Robertson instead. The 180lb former prizefighter and WWII hero had been approached before for the movie “Golden boy”, but at that time DR saw his future in training polo ponies and indirectly launched the career of William Holden.

Director Jean Negulesco also had Flynn ties, since he was the second unit director of “Captain Blood”. Watch his work here:…
and form your own opinion on number fourteen of bygone opportunities.


— shangheinz


Lollowood Boulevard

06 Feb

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Gina Lollobrigida received her first star on Hollywood Boulevard this week.
Starring with Errol in “Crossed Swords” in his initial European outing and second coming as Don Juan in Italy, after besting Cinecittà it boosted her quest to conquer Tinseltown .
Once crowned Italy´s most beautiful child and runner- runner up in the Miss Italy pageant of 1947, she quickly made a name for herself with movies like “Tulip le fanfan” and “The Young Caruso”.
Never shy and according to her own words “very headstrong” she would go on to complement leading men like Burt Lancaster, Tyrone Power and Anthony Quinn.
She as well as her most ardent rival for the title of “La donna piu bella del mondo”, Sophia Loren, were both considered as leading ladies in the ill fated Flynn tale of William Tell.
While Loren was turned down by our man Flynn, la Lollo meanwhile had a too hefty price tag attached.
She had just won the “Coppa Volpi”, a prestigeous film award.
Some rememberences of this highlight night can be read here:…


— shangheinz


Blimey, to Shelley Flynn smelled limey

12 Dec

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

those of us who read Academy Award winress Shelley Winter`s autobiography “Shelley, also known as Shirley” are well aware that she and Flynn had a fling going on. It dated back when our Hollywood hero was inbetween marriages two and three. She remembered him warmly and smelley…again that`s Shelley!


— shangheinz


A whole new picture

16 Nov

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

is anyone familiar with the paintress Gudrun Sibbons? Errol and David Niven respectively are said to have owned some of her paintings. Here`s her bio for starters like me:…


— shangheinz



19 Oct

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

in the new book from Dan Brown “Origin” there is a cross reference to one of Flynn`s favourite paintings: Paul Gauguin`s “D’où venons nous ? Que sommes nous ? Où allons nous ?”.

Without giving away the cliffhanger storyline, the central theme circles around the essential human questions “Where do we come from?” and “Where are we going to?” and amazingly comes up with answers, Errol so desperately was looking for all his short and sensational life.

In a nuts-shell the universe is thriving for entropy- for expanding and exhausting its energy and we all serve faithfully as outlets. This path may well turn us into a technically enhanced species in the future.

Basically we start out as Errol Flynns and end up as Rick Deckards.

For more on the metaphors within the masterwork watch this:…


— shangheinz


Lock, stock and Errol turns (in) 100

03 Aug

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

I just want to let you know that my little treasure chest “LOCK, STOCK & ERROL” locked up its 100th Flynnthusiast this week. Join the festivities and catch a glimpse at an ultrarare clip of Errol and the crew in Courmayeur while filming Will Tell:…


— shangheinz


Errol heading your way

18 Jul

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

I came across a rather curious item of Flynn memorabilia.

A bronze of Errol`s head is to be auctioned off at INVALUABLE:…

It is however a very accurate replica of the facial features of the golden bad boy of Hollywood.

Makes me wonder if Flynn had it commissioned himself or if Sam Peckinpah was behind all this.

Furthermore who took up the assignment?

Heads up,

— shangheinz


The Hearst heist

17 Jun

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

we were searching high and low, down and out all over the Lady from Shanghai for a fleeting Flynn:…
Can it be we were denied another escapist Errol at William Randolph Hearst`s Circus Birthday Party?
The obscured fella in the back passing by the massive mogul`s table with Gable has an utmost resemblance with the fabulous Gentleman Jim.
Your educted guesses are very welcome.

The game is aflynn,

— shangheinz


Mrs. William Tell is 90 and well

09 Jun

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Austrian actress, Mrs. Waltraut Haas, Errol’s co- star of his unfinished appleshot “The Story of William Tell” turns 90 today.

She remembers Flynn fondly as charming not flirty, knowing his lines on cue and feasting on sardines, Rum and Coca Cola during their short cut stint in Courmayeur Italy:…

She still is keeping busy appearing on stage at least once a year at the local Wachau summer theatre festival.

Starring opposite our Hollywood hero seems the equivalent of falling into a fountain of youth for his long-living leading ladies.

Some sort of caressing keelhauling if you will.

G’day and happy b’day,

— shangheinz