Archive for the ‘Shangheinz Shanties’ Category

Secret Sirvice

08 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

meet Sir Anthony Jenkinson, descendent of the 2nd Lord Liverpool, when he visited Errol at Elstree Studios in 1952.

They got acquainted probably via mutual friend David Niven in Hollywood of 1938.

The Etonite worked as wartime correspondent during WWII and was assigned by his school friend Commander Ian Fleming to the Carribean on a secret mission to document the activities of Nazi submarines in the area.

He was accompanied on this snoop cruise by none other than Hemingway‘s brother Leicester. Big Brother wrote in ernest about their adventures in the book (not the song!) “Islands in the Stream“.

Sir Alex was the first journalist to interview Chairman Mao and may have given Flynn the idea to do so likewise with Fidel Castro.

Jenkinson set up shop, a shipyard to build schooners, in Jamaica, where the seafarer and the swashbuckler again often met.


— shangheinz


Diva Bomber

03 Sep

Dear Flynnstones,

Tiger Lil  gets ready for another air raid at North Linden Drive, where champagne bottles flew dangerously narrow and haymakers were hurled at chins of porcelain.

Heads up,

— shangheinz


The Shot Seen Around The World

29 Aug


Dear Flynnstones,

here you see young paperazzo Gianni explaining Errol how he took the shot of a lifetime.

And here you can watch it from every angle:…


— shangheinz


The Barondess of Mulholland

28 Aug


Dear Flynnstones,

Barbara Barondess was a colorful caracter. Born in NY on the 4th of July in 1907 she left the US for her parents` homeland Russia, only to take a bullet for her father during the October Revolution. She came back to the States and became an actress in Hollywood. Winning a Miss New York pageant along the way, paved her path. She filmed with Greta Garbo, whom she would term a polite, if dull, friend (“She chose to be a recluse, basically because she  had nothing to say.”). One of her better known movies was “8 girls in a boat”- Flynn was not in, he surely would have loved to, but it preceded his arrival at the Traumfabrik by two years. Barondess met Errol, when she persued a second career as an interior designer and in that capacity worked for him.

Her third job was a dream come true, since she alwas aspired to be a writer, ever since she went to dinner with literature great Eugene O`Neill. In 1990 she released her memoires “One Life is not enough. Surviving the Russian Revolution and Capture the American Dream of Broadway and Hollywood”. Apparently one book seemed not enough and she had two more additions planned with anecdotes about Harlow, Gable and Garbo. Having been the love interest, or shall we say muse, of producer Paul Bern, it would have been interesting to read, if she also had an apparition of a mischievous dwarf in Bern`s mansion like Sharon Tate had when she lived there with Jay Sebring. If it was Paul or the Pole Tate saw in a lucid dream, who threatened her life years before her gruesome murder. And if Barbara B. would have approved of Sebring`s choice of pitch black as a color for his bedroom. If Errol Flynn`s pool had been of the same color at some time. If… Nuff!





— shangheinz


3 Ringling Circus

26 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

here is a rare pic of Errol a mere two weeks before his untimely death visiting Ringling Bros. Circus.
The team of three shows him with his past protegé and fiancé in spe Beverly and her friend Linda.
Where Flynn put his buzzsaw straw hat, if he threw into the ring or lent it to Maurice Chevalier remains an open investigation.

Make ‘em laugh,

— shangheinz


Flynn Noir

06 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

imagine if Errol had gotten some of the roles of Alan Ladd, Humphrey Bogart or even Ronald Reagan. And had worked with dark directors Fritz Lang, John Farrow or the early John Huston.

That‘d been kinda flynntastic.


— shangheinz



01 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

I wonder if the sequel to the prequel is a postel…?

Anyways, as a sequel to yesterday‘s post…, I couldn‘t help but notice the similarity of  Jean Harlow and Errol‘s one time charm Shirley Hassau. Also in type she is a dead ringer for the untimely demised blond bombshell, wife of the unlikely suicided producer Paul Bern. She would have made for a fine asset in the stable of Thompson Productions, at a time when Flynn‘s best man and pest pal Freddie McEvoy gave his occupation as manager for TP on various visas around the globe. Probably searching high and low, over and under for new talent with starry faces. One time they were even pitching the media a Miss Forsyte. But that is a story for another day.



— shangheinz



31 Jul

Dear Flynnstones,

there can never be another Flynn, right?

But while reading  Samuel Marx’ superb book “Deadly Illusions“ on Jean Harlow and the murder of Paul Bern, I came across a namesake actor’n’athlete, who could have given Errol a run for his ringside reputation.…
MBF threw in the Tinseltown towel early and made way for the real deal. He may have given Warners the idea to market our Hollywood hero as a bonafide boxer of Olympic proportions though. Luckily they didn‘t change the name of the aspiring contender to Terrence Thompson or Leslie LeBaron  or…

The studio then and there already knew the prequel can never outdo the original.


— shangheinz


Full Cycle

12 Jul

Dear Flynnstones,

Errol covered a lot of ground during his lifetime. Between these pics taken respectively in Brazil and Germany lay roughly a decade. They confirm that once learned, you never loose the ability to


— shangheinz


The Benny Flynn Show

06 Jul

Dear Flynnstones,

here is our man Flynn with jet set reporter Benno Graziani, one of the of the all time great photographers.…

His motto went a little like this: “Make em laugh, then shoot them“.

And it applied very well to their encounter in Deauville.



— shangheinz