Archive for the ‘Ships & the Sea’ Category

The Zaca Today!

07 Feb

The Zaca Today!
Built by Nunes Bros. in 1929-30, Sausalito, CA. for Templeton Crocker
Acquired by the US Navy, 12 June 1942
Placed in service as Zaca (IX-73), 19 June 1942
Placed out of service, 6 October 1944, at Naval Station Treasure Island, CA.
Struck from the Naval Register, 13 November 1944
Transferred to the War Shipping Administration, 21 May 1945, for disposal
Sold in July 1945 to Joseph Rosenberg of San Francisco for $14,350Sold to Errol Flynn in 1946, he owned the Zaca
until his passing Oct. 14. 1959.
She was found rotting and abandoned in the south of France by Robert Memmo in 1990.

The ZACA has a life of her own, a distinct Survivor and a heart of Endurance how otherwise could she has survive 30 long years of neglect after her Captain's passing!

Zaca was in Palma de Mallorca in her berth at the Palm de Mallorca Yacht Club (Club Nautico) and the crew kept her maintained, but soon Patrice encountered financial problems. The lawyers kept Errol's estate for 14 years in probate for what reason is the biggest mystery. Unfair practices where suspected in particular how was it possible for the attorneys to consign the Zaca to English millionaire playboy Freddie Tinsley before the estate is released from probate and being one of a major asset.  Freddie Tinsley apparently was confident to sell her in France, instead he stripped her of every conceivable value she had and left her totally stripped abandoned in 1965 at a marina in Villefranche. The marina owner Bernard Voisin eventually claimed Zaca for non-payment of rent, but the neglect and deterioration took its toll and Zaca turned into a ghost ship. True or false, but eventually villagers claimed to hear party sounds coming from the boat at night and an exorcism took place in 1979.  Maybe designed to attract tourism, anything is possible.  Phillip Coussins, an English electronics tycoon purchased the marina in 1987 just to acquire the Zaca, as  she was now a marina asset, but the sale did not go through and ended up in court for what ever reason for the next two years.  At last Zaca's suffering is coming  to an end it is the year 1990 and Phillip Coussins who wanted the Zaca winds up selling the now horribly deteriorated Zaca to Roberto Memmo and Italian businessman restorer of antique buildings of  renown.  Roberto Memmo gives Zaca her most deserved rebirth after a 30 year  inhumane ordeal.




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Today Zaca is restored authentically to her former glory one can admirer her during the summer at important Regattas in the Mediterranean and in winter she is berthed in Port de Fontvieille, Monte Carlo!

     The Emblem

image     The Dining Room

image      The Living Room

image      Another side of the Living Room

image      Master Bedroom

image      Master Bathroom adjoining to Master Bedroom

image      The usual Guest Cabin

image      Deck Dining Area

image      Deck and Helm quite authentically restored

     The Helm

image      The Rigging


I am sure Errol is back on board and extremely happy that his Zaca is afloat again!

I think he is around and flies like angel do and sings this song:


Every night before the dream
I float up through the silent stream of galaxies,
Sailing along through stars.
Far above the cares of day
I drift beyond the Milky Way on stellar seas,
Sailing along through stars.
Feel a comet shower shimmer
All around you in a glim'ring wonderland.
Close your eyes and, in the hush,
You can almost feel the brush of Heaven's hand.
Meet me when the night is nigh
And I will show you how to fly like angels do,
Sailing along through stars.

— Tina


The Zaca!

07 Feb


Templeton Crocker's Zaca!

Errol Flynn's 118 foot Schooner “Zaca”,  which means
“peace” in Samoan language and I think it is that peace and tranquility he longed for. 

The Zaca was never renamed, except in World War II where she was “IX-73”, she became a service schooner out-fitted with anti-aircraft machine
guns and was

strategically placed to report positions of passing Japanese ships on the coast of California.

Originally the Zaca was commissioned
by Templeton Crocker and
cost $200,000.00.  Crocker employed Garland Rotch
to design the schooner who borrowed the lines for the second Zaca from Canada’s
famed Bluenose.  Zaca was at the Nunes Brothers yard at Hurriane Gulch Sausilito
in 1929 and launched by Marie Dressler.  Crocker sponsored expeditions to
Polynesia, traveled the world in his yacht and helped rejuvenate the California Historical
Society.  Garland Rotch was Zaca's first captain and her maiden voyage in 1930 was the
first time a private yacht circumnavigated the globe from the West Coast.  The
crew included, scientists, about a dozen professional sailors as well as a
In 1941, every seaworthy private yacht over
75' was requisitioned by the U.S.
Navy.  Templeton Crocker was paid just $35,000 for his beloved $350,000 schooner.

In 1946 Zaca was purchased by Errol Flynn who proceeded to
do a full, much needed restoration and de-militarization.

The Zaca was Errol Flynn's pride and joy throughout the years of ownership until October 14th, 1959 the day he passed away.
What followed was a horrendous crime!  Errol Flynn's estate was for 14 years in probate totally inexcusable – a crime!  The Zaca suffered dreadfully – she was so badly abused and suffered outrageous indignities during this time.. She was sold, she was stolen, she was robbed of all her values, respect and

distinctions.  She was left to

decompose!  I am sure Errol Flynn turned in his grave!
But as Errol was a survivor, so was the Zaca she held out til one day her rescuer Roberto Memmo found and restored her to more than her former glory!  I am sure Errol is happy now!

   image Errol Flynn's Zaca!

— Tina


Errol's Yachts

31 Dec

She sails again!  Errol's “SIROCCO” under her original name “Karenita” is for sale!


This beautiful sailing yacht is of impeccable pedigree, and with a fascinating history. A proven race winner, she is perhaps not the ideal cruising yacht, having superb but limited accommodation, but any future owner can rest assured that he has one of the worlds' top classic yachts. Formerly owned by the actor Errol Flynn as 'Sirocco', she hosted many famous names in the heyday of Hollywood, and more recently has been the flagship of the fashion clothing company 'Blanc Bleu'. A regular sight at St Tropez, and other top Mediterranean venues, she is now looking for a new owner that will continue to look after her in a similar manner.

Brokerage Price: 1,550,000 EUR

Any buyers? Here is the link if you wish to make an offer? Give a little giggle! Very nice interior pictures to be seen…

Here is a photo of the Sirocco taken in the late 1970s in the Grenadines.  




A little History:


After being built under the signature of John Alden, American specialist, the 75' classic wooden ketch was launched in 1929 as “Karenita”, sold and became “Aviner” in 1930, “Simoon” in 1933, “Watchette II” in 1934 and named again “Karenita” in 1936.


Errol bought her in 1938 and renamed her Sirocco, after the first Sirocco.  He should have named her Sirocco II, but he did not.  Mariners actually do not believe in renaming boats, they feel it brings bad luck!

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She was restored by Bill Coffman and renamed to her former 1929 name “Karenita”, she was and remains an emblematic sailing boat off the Gulf of Saint-Tropez and she frequently takes part in regattas of ships in her category.

The “Beam Ends” Sirocco or Errol's first “Sirocco” in 1929. 
There are several stories how Errol acquired the Sirocco, one says – his mother purchased her, one says – his father purchased her and Errol says, he won her in a card game!  I like to believe he won her in a card game – it is so much like Errol.
What ever the story of acquisition –  here is a picture of the Sirocco, which he sailed to New Guinea through the Great Barrier Reef in 1930.

Errol Flynn's first “Sirocco” in New Guinea

— Tina


Zaca running before the wind… Dolphin's view!

07 May

Classic Boat Rally, in Imperiaclick to enlarge!

— David DeWitt


Zaca is hauled out of water at Villefranche…

18 Mar

Hull of Zaca is hauled out of the water in the French seaside town of Villefranche for restoration by Alberto Memmo…

— David DeWitt