Archive for the ‘Ships & the Sea’ Category

Coast Guard Arrives in Time

04 Nov

November 5, 1937

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Examiner

Didn’t see any mention of the fact that Errol Flynn’s yacht, “The Cheerio,” had to have assistance from the Coast Guard the other day. The star wasn’t aboard at the time. He had flown back from Catalina for scenes on Robin Hood.

The Cheerio was in mid-channel when a Coast Guard boat noticed the craft seemed to be in distress. Its captain, it turned out, had collapsed from a heart attack.*

The yacht was towed to port and the captain was rushed to the hospital.

Here’s current Captain, Dick McNish, pointing out for the Errol Flynn Blog, Cheerio II’s cabin clock. Captain McNish has meticulously restored Errol’s first significant yacht in California, the name of which was Cheerio II (not “The Cheerio”) when he purchased it from a silent movie star friend of Charlie Chaplin. Errol briefly named it “The Bachelor”.

* Who the “captain” was that suffered the heart attack, I do not know. Anyone out there in Flynnland know?

— Tim


Deaf to All Pleas — He’s Off to the South Seas

28 Oct

October 26, 1936
Harrison Carroll
Hollywood Citizens News

Deaf to all pleas, Errol Flynn will not put off his vacation to bask in the glory that is sure to be his after the release of The Charge of the Light Brigade. Hot or cold, he’ll leave about Nov. 18, and now threatens to be gone from Hollywood for six months instead of three. However, I imagine Warner Brothers will have something to say about this.

The vacation is almost certainly to a be a solo one, with Lili Damita preferring to remain in this country rather than to face the jungles and hardships that come under Flynn’s idea of having a good time.

Even though the motor lingers the full six months in the South Seas and the Orient, they’ll be no dearth of Flynn Pictures on the screen. Besides Charge of the Light Brigade, a film of real epic stature, there are Green Light and the current Another Dawn.

— Tim


Deep Sea Fishing Puzzler? Errol Flynn, or Howard Hill?

26 Oct

The Mail Bag brings this puzzler???

This picture, and a few others, have been linked to the 11-minute film, Deep Sea Fishing, with dates of the release of this short subject, anywhere from 1946 to 1954. There are supposedly some newspaper ads for the picture that listed, “starring Howard Hill,” not Errol Flynn.

Is there any information on the actual film, showing a correct year?  How about a date and place of it’s showing?

I leave this you Flynn Detectives out there …

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Closer look at Robert de Cantelar’s Zaca Model!

22 Oct

Some closeups of the wood Robert de Cantelar’s Zaca Model is made of. It was made from wood taken from the Main Boom of the original Zaca …

Thanks, Robert!

— David DeWitt


Zaca Haul Out, Exterior and Interior of Abandoned Zaca!

22 Oct

Here is a series of extraordinary photos taken of the abandoned Zaca sitting in the port of Villafrance by our correspondent Robert de Calendar:

State of the bow:

Details of Deck:

Details at Stern:

Bridge and Superstructure:


We thank Robert so much for these special photos, and remember, if you are interested in the bollard from the Zaca, you can contact Robert via the blog at zacapublishing at gmail dot com …

— David DeWitt


Sailing the South Seas, Lililess

22 Oct

October 22, 1936

Elizabeth Yeaman
Hollywood Citizens News

Errol Flynn, completed four starting pictures in the one year he has been at Warners, is headed for a three-month vacation. His pictures have been Captain Blood, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Green Light, and Another Dawn, the latter now in progress of shooting with Kay Francis.  Only his first picture has been released.  Errol is headed for New Zealand and the South Seas, his old haunts before he became a movie star.  His bride, Lili Damita, will not accompany him on the holiday.  Perhaps, a marital holiday will do them both good, judging from rumors floating about.

— Tim


Mail Bag! Zaca Bollard! Robert de Cantelar …

20 Oct

This mornings Mail Bag brings us word from Robert de Cantelar …

Hi, David,

Do you remember me since more than three years of silence ?

Some news from you ?

I want to sell this bollard of ZACA, there were two originally and when I knew the boat only one was in place on the starboard aft. I bought it at the Shipyard who was next to Bankruptcy. It is in the state it was on board, there is a beautiful trace of cables on one arm and the central sphere. (See pict of detail)I also have the four bolts for fixing to the bridge, in bronze.

This piece is unique and for a true enthusiast of Errol Flynn and ZACA. I ask for it 60.000 Euros. Interested collector can contact me. Looking forward to your reply, I present to you my best regards.

Robert de Cantelar, from France.

Where ?

This bollard was in place on ZACA in 1988 before she sunk one more time.

I have many pics of the complete boat that was abandoned with only an asthmatic raw water pump….!

Details: Bollard in cross, in bronze, from Starboard side of ZACA.
Weight 23 kilos
Base, square 255 m/m – Base thickness 25 m/m
Total Hight without teak base 355 m/m
Total lange of horizontal arms 300 m/m
Four bronze bolts from origine on Zaca – Lengh 415 m/m – Diameter 19 m/m


Thanks for sharing Robert! If anyone is interested or knows somebody who is, you can contact me via the blog’s email address: zacapublishing at gmail dot com …

— David DeWitt


700 sail with Lock, stock and Errol

16 Oct…

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

these days Flynnmate No. 700 came aboard my FB site…

All are eager shiphands clicking likes for our Hollywood hero day in day out- on a clear day with interactions of almost a 1000 film fans!



— shangheinz


Doctor, Slave, Pirate

11 Sep

Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude

Lessons in Morality From Peter Blood, the Pirate…

— Tim


Love Birds

06 Sep

September 7, 1938

Louelle O. Parsons
Los Angeles Times

Errol Flynn and Lili Damita, a couple of love birds all alone on their yacht at Catalina over the holiday, stopped a lot of “talk” by their devotion.

Their boat was a beautiful sight racing another yacht under full sail.

— Tim