Archive for the ‘Special Events’ Category

A Curious Pair

10 Mar

At the Wilder Theater on Wilshire, in Westwood…

The Adventures of Robin Hood swoops into the Billy Wilder Theater to restore a measure of innocence to the jaded moviegoer. Splendidly operatic in style and resplendent in its Technicolor trappings, the film endeared Errol Flynn to a Depression-era audience and secured his place in the Hollywood pantheon. Director Michael Curtiz replaced William Keighley when Warner Bros. decided that the action needed more oomph, and the film certainly doesn’t lack for excitement, particularly during the climactic swordfight with Basil Rathbone. UCLA Film & Television Archive is pairing it with Flynn’s American debut, The Case of the Curious Bride, as part of its tribute to Curtiz. Alan K. Rode will sign copies of his new Curtiz biography in the lobby prior to the screening.

UCLA’s Billy Wilder Theater, 10899 Wilshire Blvd., Westwood; Fri., March 9, 7:30 p.m.; $10. (310) 206-8013,….

— Tim


The Shape of Errol

05 Mar

Errol’s connection to The Shape of Water? The extraordinarily talented and beautiful Millicent Patrick. Before she worked on the shape of Gil-Man in Creature from the Black Lagoon, she worked on the shape of Errol.…

“She began working as a “makeup illustrator” on an Errol Flynn film and worked her way up from there. Patrick created and designed the look of Mr. Hyde in Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and the Xenomorphs in the B-picture This Island Earth and of course the iconic Gil-Man himself from Creature from the Black Lagoon.”

* Lake Zaca near Santa Barbara, California, which may have inspired Templeton Crockett to name Errol’s future yacht “The Zaca”, is very frequently reported to have been the lagoon filming location in “The Creature from the Black Lagoon.” These reports however may be apocryphal. The true “Black Lagoon” may actually have been Wakulla Springs in Florida.

— Tim


Hail to the Chiefs

19 Feb

A Presidents Day Tribute

— Tim


Chasing Errols

04 Feb…

— Tim


“Swashbuckling Splendor”

20 Jan


“Off the Hook Arts celebrates film and music of the 1930’s and 40’s in their Fourth Annual WinterFest week! We’re featuring two great composers that fled Europe, settled in Hollywood and helped bring film to where it is today through their additions to film scores. Join us for the full Hollywood classic movie, The Sea Hawk, featuring Errol Flynn in his swashbuckling splendor and film score by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. But first, get a brief introduction about the significance of this film and composer from our host, modern day Hollywood film score composer and Assistant Professor of Digital Media Composition and Music Theory at UNC Ludek Drizhal.”

— Tim


Mail Bag! Crossed Swords Remembered!

14 Dec

Vincenzo Castaldo writes us about his new book on the filming of Errol Flynn’s Crossed Swords circa 1954. You may remember him from a previous post last year. His book is finished and was the center of attention in the village of Lauro at the Lancellotti Castle where the movie was filmed when Vincenzo (who lives in Lauro) held a public showing of the film, and discussion of his book. It was a grand affair attended by all the dignataries of the town. Vincenzo speaks no English but does well with Google Translate:

Crossed Swords – Stories and anecdotes about the Holy Grail by Errol Flynn (Il Papavero).

(Il Papavero is the book’s Italian Publisher. It may also be purchased online, he says.)

The book, the result of a three-year research conducted by the author mainly between Naples and Rome, unveils the gestation and elaboration of “Crossed Swords” (M. Krims, 1954), a compelling and unknown film from ’52 and ’53 made in Cinecittà , at Real Bosco di Capodimonte in Naples and in the Irpinia villages of Lauro and Marzano with the main interpreters Errol Flynn and Gina Lollobrigida.

The book is divided into four parts. The first offers a historical synthesis of swashbuckling, which found fertile ground first in America and then in Italy since the Thirties, and pays tribute to stars such as Burt Lancaster, Sean Connery, Antonio Banderas and Johnny Depp who, in the wake of the mythical Errol Flynn, have made the caste of the hood famous. The second focuses exclusively on the cinematographic work of Milton Krims, revealing the artistic and technical cast, the plot, the places and the various assumptions about how the troupe has landed in Lower Irpinia.

The third part includes a series of stories, stories and very funny anecdotes retrieved by the author, who interviewed the exclusive diva Gina Lollobrigida, Prince Pietro Lancellotti with his sisters Ginevra and Maria Cristina, who met the main interpreters during the realization of the film in the family castle, and several citizens of the time of Lauro who have lived the period of filming or have participated in the film with more or less important roles.

The fourth and last part includes news and various curiosities about the vicissitudes of the company during the period of the film, the journalistic reviews of the major newspapers of the time and those “found” by four great critics of Italian cinema, including the late father of David Gian Luigi Rondi.

Everything is accompanied by scene photos and amateur shots found by the author.

The book uses the preface by Valerio Caprara (well known film historian and journalist) and the afterword by Alessandro Cecchi Paone. A well respected journalist).

Thanks, Vincenzo!


— David DeWitt


Robin Hood Days — 50 Years Ago

04 Dec

‘Robin Hood Days’ Part of Proposed Tourist Program

The Chico City Council has been asked to participate in a tourist-luring program designed to draw metropolitan residents with the slogan “Come to Chico for a Change.”

If the three-part program is adopted, Bidwell Park will become “Sherwood Forest” and “Robin Hood Days” will become an annual civic celebration.

Chamber Manager Don Woodside said chamber officials decided some type of program is necessary to lure motorists from the Bay Area off Interstate 5 on the west side of the Sacramento Valley.

The advertising and marketing program to sell Chico as the recreation center for northeastern California was prepared for the chamber by the San Francisco advertising and public relations firm of Johnson-Gleason.

Johnson-Gleason proposes to capitalize on the fact that Bidwell Park was the site for the filming of the Errol Flynn epic, “The Adventures of Robin Hood.”

Hood’s band of merry men would be identified in the park, such as The Friar Tuck Picnic Area, Little John Acres, etc.

– Chico Enterprise-Record, November 1967

Robin & Marion in Chico, California 1938


Here’s one currently popular site in Chico’s Sherwood Forest – the Sherwood Forest Kids’ Disc Golf Course.


— Tim


Lynne, Flynn & Hamilton @ The Victoria Palace Theatre

01 Dec

£50 million renovation incudes a “Lynne Promenade”:

“Pride of place will be given to a photograph of Ms Lynne, taken back in the day with an old beau by the name of Errol Flynn.”……

— Tim


October 14, We Mark the Passing of Errol Flynn!

14 Oct

October 14, 1959. The passing of our dear Errol Flynn into history and legend …

— David DeWitt


Project Liberty – Protecting a Flynn-Related Theater

14 Oct

In the 75th Anniverary Year of Desperate Journey and it’s World Premier in Libertyville, Illinois

High school students lead effort to protect Liberty Theater

Americans of all walks of life were banded together to support the war effort, and Hollywood celebrities were no exception. This was the reason that on September 3, 1942, famed actor James Cagney, known for his energetic performances, and deadpan comic timing, visited Libertyville as part of an effort to sell war bonds. Drawing a crowd of some 4,000 at Cook Park (according to the 194o census the population of Libertyville was 3,930) Cagney gave a speech about the virtues of supporting the war effort by buying war bonds. It must have been a very inspiring speech since by the time he left the steps of the Cook Memorial Library, which was at the time located in Cook House, the town had pledged nearly $111,000.

As a reward for the town’s patriotism, Liberty was chosen to be the location of the world premiere of “Desperate Journey”, a film about a group of downed Allied airmen making their way out of Nazi Germany staring Errol Flynn and (Future President) Ronald Reagan. As part of the ceremonies, then Illinois Governor Dwight H. Green drove a horse-drawn carriage, loaned to him by publishing magnate John F. Cuneo, up Milwaukee Avenue.

— Tim