Archive for the ‘Special Events’ Category

Elizabeth and Errol

18 Nov

November 17, 1949…

— Tim


The Impact of World War I on Australia

11 Nov

Remembrance Day, 2020

First and Foremost, Thank You and Great Praise to the Amazingly Valorous Veterans and Active Military of Austtralia, Who have Repeatedly and Very Bravely Risked Their Lives and Sacrificed So Much to Help to Save the World from Evil and Oppression Around the Globe….

How Might World War I have Impacted Errol’s Opinions of War?


~ “World War 1 had a profound impact on Australian society. Anzac Day, commemorating the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula on 25 April 1915, is Australia’s most important commemorative day. The Anzac legend, representing the Australian fighting man as a resourceful, resilient, even cheerful warrior, has become part of Australia’s folklore. It has been an accepted part of the culture for generations of Australians. More recently it has been questioned increasingly. That same Anzac landing really heralded Australia’s entry into the First World War, a war that took nearly 60,000 Australian lives. The tremendous cost of the War (Australia’s casualty rate, in proportion to the number of troops engaged, was higher than for any other country in the British Empire) left an indelible scar on the nation.”


Dawn Patrol 1938, with Australian-American Errol Flynn…

Errol regarding the sometimes destructive nature of man…

Gallipoli 1981, with American-Australian Mel Gibson…

The Water Diviner 2014, with that other Australian Robin Hood

— Tim


That Soames Opera

03 Nov

>Released November 3, 1949

— Tim


Dinner and a Movie — At the Waldorf and Warners

26 Oct

October 25, 1939

A large dinner was given last night by Miss Elsa Maxwell in the Perroquet Suite of the Waldorf Astoria. Afterward the party attended a private preview of the new motion picture “Elizabeth and Essex,” with Bette Davis and Errol Flynn, at the Warner Brothers Building in West Forty-fourth Street.

Elsa Maxwell – “The Greatest Celebrity of All Time”

ALFRED DUFF-COOPER was 1st Viscount Norwich GCMG, DSO, PC (22 February 1890 – 1 January 1954), known as Duff Cooper, was a British Conservative Party politician, diplomat and author. In 1937 he was 1st lord of the admiralty and regularly appearing as one of the 3 worst warmongers’ in Nazi propaganda. He spoke in the United States during the late 30’s seeking to secure its entry into World War II. Like his (in)famous wife, “Darling Monster” Diana, he was quite an outspoken and often controversial character.

LADY DIANA COOPER was born into one of the richest and most socially prominent families in England, the daughter of a duke. Acclaimed “the most beautiful girl in the world”, “the only really glamorous woman in the world”, “the most celebrated debutante of her era”, and an actress of note, she was internationally renowned. In 1939, she met Errol in California and disliked him for, in her view, not being a proper loyal colonist and sufficiently supporting the Crown, not enough to spill oceans of American, Australian, English, or Irish, blood in Europe. Here they are at the Santa Anita Ball. Errol looks friendly; she does not. (Nor does it look to me like she was ever truly “the most beautiful woman in the world”.)

The Waldorf-Astoria

The Parraquet Suite

The former Warners by the Hudson

— Tim


Errol Flynn Day 2015 — Featuring Rory

23 Sep

September 23. 2015



BRIDGEWATER— Bridgewater College presents Errol Flynn Day in a two-part discussion and film screening program at 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25. During the day at 3:30 p.m., Chad Trevitte shares his “Swashbuckling on Screen” discussion with the audience, followed by a screening of the film, “The Sea Hawk.” Starting at 7:30 p.m., Errol Flynn’s daughter, Rory Flynn, will be the evening’s guest speaker and share her program, “Stories of My Father,” followed by a screening of “Captain Blood.”

Charles Culbertson, director of media relations, and Stanley Galloway, professor of English and director of the film retrospective program, got together to bat around ideas for interesting guests. “Since I knew Rory Flynn,” says Culbertson, “I said, ‘Hey, how about Errol Flynn’s daughter and it kind of took off from there. I met her on- line several years ago. I was selling something on eBay related to her father and she bought it, and I emailed her to ask if she was Errol Flynn’s daughter and when she said yes, I said, ‘I’m not going to sell this to you. You can have it,’ and from that correspondence we just kept up via email. This will be the first time I will actually physically meet her so its exciting to meet the daughter of one of my childhood heroes.”

Rory Flynn prepared the program, “Memories of My Father” to keep her father’s memory alive. “The public Errol Flynn is very well known, but the public doesn’t know very much of him as a father — away from the cameras and the press,” says Culbertson. “He was famous not only as a movie star but as an adventurer, a ladies’ man. His exploits rivaled anything he did on the screen. What he’s not so much famous for is what he was like away from those movie cameras, away from the press, and those are some of things Rory will touch upon when she gives her presentation.” “From what I have read, he was highly intelligent and well read. He could talk on a huge variety of topics. And this was a man who was kicked out of every school he attended as a boy. He taught himself. He was charming and urbane, and he had that ability to charm the birds out of trees. At the same time, he was a man’s man — an adventurer, loved danger, loved sailing the world in his yacht; he sought adventure and experiences he never had — a true adventurer.”

According to Culbertson, this is what the real Errol Flynn was like and that is part of what her daughter will share during the film retrospective. “Flynn himself was such a fascinating character that I thought the human connection with him would be interesting to those people who do remember him, and also it would be a good introduction to our students about a man and an era of filmmaking,” Culbertson says.

This year also marks the 80th anniversary of “Captain Blood” which made Errol Flynn a star.

What:: Errol Flynn Day at Bridgewater College, Flynn’s daughter to be keynote speaker.

What: Errol Flynn Day

When; 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25 3:30 p.m. Chad Trevitte’s “ Swashbuckling on Screen,” followed by “The Sea Hawk” 7:30 p.m. Rory Flynn’s “Stories of My Father,” followed by “Captain Blood”

Where: Cole Hall, Bridgewater College, Bridgewater Cost

Both events are free and open to the public.

More info…

PHOTO COURTESY OF CHARLES CULBERTSON. Errol Flynn (right) duels to the death with Basil Rathbone in the 1938 classic “The Adventures of Robin Hood.”

— Tim


Robin in Oregon

17 Sep

This Weekend, Friday and Saturday, 6PM, September 18 and 19, 2020.

It’s yesteryear once more out in Oregon! See Errol swashbuckle his way to victory over the Sheriff of Nottingham at the historic Granada Theater in The Dalles, 84 miles east of Portland. The theater is showing old movies in a new way: as dinner theater with food matching the themes of the movies. It’s a cinematic and dining time machine!…

— Tim


The Freedom Bonds Act of 2001

11 Sep

In September of 1942, as a reward for the town of Libertyville, Illinois’ record-breaking war bond sales in 1942, the town’s Liberty Theater was chosen to be the location of the world premiere of Errol’s first of five World War II films, “Desperate Journey”, which, much more notably now than then also starred Ronald Reagan. Far more notably at the time was the fact that Jimmy Cagney hosted the event.

This historic event of September 1942 was cited in the Freedom Bonds Act Hearings of 2001 U.S. Congressional Hearings of 2001, as follows:

From the Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 147 (2001), Part 14][Pages 20376-20379]


Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and pass the bill (H.R. 2899) to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue War Bonds in support of recovery and response efforts relating to the September 11, 2001 hijackings and attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, and for other purposes, as amended.

The Clerk read as follows:

H.R. 2899

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the “Freedom Bonds Act of 2001”.


Section 3105 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

“Freedom Bonds.–The Secretary may designate one or more series of bonds or certificates (or any portion thereof) issued under this section as `Freedom Bonds’ in response to the acts of terrorism perpetrated against the United States on September 11, 2001.”

Mr. KIRK of Illinois:

Mr. Speaker, I want to rise in strong support of H.R. 2899, the Freedom Bonds Act of 2001. This legislation draws upon the heritage of our greatest generation. During World War II, war bonds were one important way that every American could help make sure that our men and women in uniform had what they needed for victory. My own district is home to Libertyville, Illinois. Libertyville sold more war bonds per capita than any other city in America. Libertyville oversubscribed every bond quota assigned, and this achievement led to a unique honor.

In the fall of 1942, a young sailor reported for duty at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Like the 3 million Americans who entered the Navy there, James Cagney trained for war. On September 10, 1942, he was able to leave the base and paid a unique honor to Libertyville’s war bond drive by opening a major Hollywood movie there, Desperate Journey. Desperate Journey was a war thriller starring Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan and it opened at the Libertyville Theater. Tickets went for a $25 war bond, and the evening was a smashing success, raising $110,000 for the war effort.

Mr. Speaker, in these tough times after September 11, we return to our values in tested ways to support our country and the cause of freedom. This legislation recalls that spirit of Libertyville to enlist the help of every American in our cause against terrorism. I would hope that this legislation receives quick action and that Libertyville can help launch our State’s freedom bond effort.

— Tim


Citizen Flynn

16 Aug

August 15, 1942

Errol becomes an American

— Tim


From Florida for Olivia

01 Jul

à votre santé et bon anniversaire de Highland Beach, Florida

— Tim


To the Immortal Olivia

01 Jul

A Global Toast to Olivia de Havilland on her One Hundred and Fourth Birthday, July 1, 2020

Four for Olivia on Her 104!!!!


One from Errol Flynn Blog Author, Tina Nyary (aka Bariebel)



— Tim