Archive for the ‘Special Events’ Category

Global Toast to Olivia De Havilland on Her 104th Birthday — 3 Days Away — Wednesday, July 1, 2020

28 Jun

Watching you all these years has been a most gracious thing, Olivia. Happy Birthday!

— Tim


June 25, 1876 – “a la Errol”

25 Jun

“a la Errol Flynn”

“There is a fascination with the battle unlike interest in any other historical event that comes to mind,” Scott said, standing on a spot overlooking the treeless ground where 250 white stones are scattered up and down the ridges marking where each soldier fell.

Indeed, the battle of the Little Big Horn has moved Hollywood to produce 41 movies featuring Custer`s Last Stand, including ”They Died With Their Boots On,” in which Errol Flynn played Custer bravely fighting to the death, bullets spent, waving his saber as hordes of Indians finally overran his men. ”Perhaps the most amazing thing that our research last year and this year indicates is that there really was a last stand and that it was just where they put the marker,” Scott said.

He said bullets, bones, arrowheads and other items recovered by the archeologists show that the stand took place at the top of ”Custer Hill,”

where an obelisk and 50 white stones are supposed to mark where the vastly superior force of Indians finally overcame the last defenders of the 7th Cavalry.

Scott said the National Park Service will publish the archeological findings of his study in late June or early July.

About 300 other books have been written about the battle as well as hundreds of academic papers, many of which seek to dispel ”myths” about the world-famous battle, Scott said.

Many authors of Custer literature have singled out the picture of a hilltop last stand as one of the major myths of the Custer legend. But, Scott said, the current research has used sophisticated computer analysis and other techniques to ”essentially confirm that there was indeed a last stand” a la Errol Flynn.”

He Died with His Boots On…

— Tim


Captain Blood Honeymoon — June, 1935

23 Jun

June 20, 1935

Yuma Nuptials
Los Angeles Examiner

To Judge Earl A. Freeman, the marrying judge of Yuma, Ariz., it was just another wedding yesterday when he married Lili Damita, vivacious French actress, and Errol Flynn, Irish actor.

But to the eloping, excited young couple it was the thrilling finale of a romantic trail started six months ago when they met and fell in love on a New York bound ocean liner.

June 21, 1935

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Honeymooners Lily Damita and Errol Flynn showed up at the Trocadero only a few hours after their marriage in Yuma and got a royal reception from the stay-up-laters.

June 22, 1935

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Lili Damita and Errol Flynn entertaining twelve of their intimates at a wedding dinner.

June 23, 1935

Flim Flam with Sidney Skolsky
Hollywood Citizen News

Lily Damita has told intimates that the reason she got married is that she wants a baby.

June 24, 1935

Reine Davies
Hollywood Parade

Lily Damita and Errol Flynn’s honeymoon house atop Lookout Mountain was the “location” for high revelry last Thursday night, when the entertained at a formal dinner, not only to celebrate their marriage the previous day, but Errol’s birthday as well.

The vivacious Lili had the attractive home bounding with valley lilies, white roses and gardenias, and the party was high-spotted when the butler, with befitting fanfare, brought on a huge wedding cake, followed by another for Errol.

Those who wished the Frenchy Lili and her Irish husband great happiness were Dolores Del Rio and Cedric Gibbons, the Countess de Maigret, Peggy Fears, George Cukor, Al Kaufman, Lloyd Pantages, Rene Hubert, and those hospitable romancers, Lyda Roberti and Bud Ernst.

To carry on the celebrating, Al Kaufman later took the entire party to the Miramar Hotel, where they greeted “Colonel” Gus Arnheim, and danced to his very danceable music.

June 25, 1935

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Lili Damita and her bridegroom, Errol Flynn, who have been much entertained since their trip to Yuma, are being given a dinner by Dolores Del Rio Wednesday.

June 26, 1935

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Keep your eye on Errol Flynn,the publicity he received when he married Lili Damita didn’t do him any harm and Warners are now getting ready to give him a break.

June 27, 1935

Hollywood Citizen News

Tests for Captain Blood will be no make-shift. So anxious is director Michael Curtiz to have everything right for the selection of the cast, that he has persuaded the studio to construct realistic sets for various scenes in the script from which tests can be made. One of the sets constructed for testing purposes only is a South Seas island locale. Robert Barratt is being tested for the important role of the French pirate. And Errol Flynn is again being given more elaborate tests for the title role.

June 28, 1935

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Lili Damita’s new groom, Errol Flynn, is versatile to no end. In addition to acting for Warner pictures (he has a good chance for the lead in Captain Blood) the young Irishman is writing a book about his experiences in the interior of New Guinea.

And he’s an ace at tennis, too, which is Hollywood’s favorite game.

June 29, 1935

Warner Bros. Begin Intricate Tests for Captain Blood, Raphael Sabatini’s swashbuckling novel of adventure on the Spanish Main. The film will enter actual production a month hence as one of Warner Brothers most tremendous screen undertakings.

Scores of actors have passed before the all-seeing eye of the testing cameras.

Errol Flynn is receiving the most careful consideration for the romantic role of Captain Peter Blood.

June 30, 1935

Bridal Toasts Delay Dinner for Newlyweds

So hearty and sincere was the toasting to wish enduring happiness for the newkyweds, Lili Damita and Errol Flynn, that it was 10 o’clock before the party went into dinner last Wednesday night, when Dolores Del Rio and Cedric Gibbons entertained for the couple at a formal dinner party.

Lili wore a printed evening gown of corn yellow. And with her exquisite ruby ring as her only adornment, Dolores’ dark beauty was strikingly effective in a white crepe gown of Grecian lines.

— Tim



22 Jun


Cheers to All Who Toasted Errol on his 111th!!!


I am not able to name all those who deserve praise for their participation, but here are some key Flynnmates we can thank here, alphabetically by first name



Andy Hill from Chico, “Home of Sherwood Forest”
– Whiskey

A.R. – Cognac

‘B’ from Chicago

Bob Searles from Boston
Toasted from Cape Cod with a Cape Codder

Cathleen Schutz and Husband
G&T’s from North Haledon, New Jersey

Claudia from Germany
Champagne in Bavaria

Debby Phielix from Dordrect, Netherlands
Vodka and Cola

Jack ‘Mulholland Man’ Marino
From just north of Mulholland

Jose Garcia from Albecete, Spain
Toasted with La Mancha wine, a la Errol in ’37

King David from Myrtle Beach
CEO of the EFB

King Karl Holmberg
A Jack Rose from Upstate New York

Linda from New York
From Manhattan with a Jack Rose

Mitchell K. Green from Atlantla
Will “lift a libation”

Paul Harrison from Manchester, UK
formerly from Laguna Beach, USA
A G&T from Manchester

Ralph Schiller from outside Chicago

Selene Hutchison-Zuffi
From Kentucky – White Zinfandel

shangheinz – Flynn’s Main Man in Europe
A Will Tell from Vienna.

Steven Springer from Silver Spring, Maryland
Steve and his wife met online because of their
shared love of Errol and his films! He proposed on June 20, 1996

Steve & Genene (tassie devil)
From Hobart, Tasmania
Toasted with a G&T and Cascade beer

Tina Nyary
18-year-old Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey
Once poolside in the afternoon, once in the evening!!

Tita Lopez
Tequila in Tijuana

— Tim


A Father’s Day Tribute to Errol from Bariebel

22 Jun

Here is a wonderful music video from Bariebel, aka preeminent EFB Author Tina Nyary. Thank you, Tina!

Btw, Tina toasted twice on Saturday to Errol’s 111th from Toronto (I think Toronto) with an 18-year-old Glennfiddich Malt Whiskey – once by her pool in the afternoon, and once in the evening!!

— Tim


Toasting Errol’s 111th Birthday at the Very Wooden Bar He Drank at in the 1930s

22 Jun

June 20, 2020, at the Old Arcade Tap Room in Delray Beach, Florida

Conveniently if not coincidentally, the Happy Birthday lights were there when we arrived to toast!…

The Baron in Boca

— Tim


Arno and Errol at Ta-Boo

21 Jun

At Ta-boo, an historic haunt of Errol’s on Palm Beach, I had the opportunity to memorialize our 111th Global Toast on one of their famous monkey images. Amazingly, autographing the image before me was “Arno”! …I have no idea who this Arno is, but I know it’s a name I’ve rarely ever known, maybe never other than for the Arno River in Florence and for Errol’s wonderful schnauzer. So, I’ll take this sign and signing as a sign Errol and Arno are still monkeying around together, and in all the best places.

From Ta-boo, it was off to 346 Seabreeze Avenue, the Palm Beach home Errol payed for, where Sean lived for much of his childhood with Lili. Toasted Sean there with a Coca-Cola – age-appropriate for young Sean’s time in PB.

— Tim


International Swashbucklers Day? — June 20 — Sounds Good to Me

21 Jun…

— Tim


Spain is in the House

18 Jun

José Luis García from Albacete, Spain, joins in the tribute of the 111th anniversary of the birth of Errol Flynn, providing the inside history and two sensational drawings below. Like Errol in ’37, he will be toasting with La Mancha wine, stating:

“El día 1 de abril de 1937, cuando visitó nuestra ciudad de Albacete Errol Flynn bebió vino de La Mancha junto a los brigadistas británicos de la XV durante la Guerra Civil española.”

“On April 1, 1937, when Errol Flynn visited our city of Albacete, he drank La Mancha wine together with the British brigade members of the 15th century during the Spanish Civil War.”

Flynntástico Jose! Muchas gracias y salud!

— Tim


T Minus 3 Days — Global Birthday Toast to Errol Flynn — June 20, 2020

17 Jun

Errol was born at 2:25 in the morning, on June 20, 1909, at Queen Alexandria Hospital, Battery Point, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. This being a world-wide celebration, all should feel free to raise their glasses at anytime on June 20 in their time zone. Hopefully, the first toast can be made in Hobart at exactly 2:25 a.m.*

* Thank you to Tina Nyary for the precise time of Errol’s birth!

— Tim