Archive for the ‘Special Events’ Category

An A through Z List of Possible Libations for the Global Toast to Errol on June 20, 2020

15 Jun

Based on drinks and beverages Errol is known to have drank, believed to have drank, likely Drank, rumored to have drank, and has had created and named in tribute to him, here is an A through Z list of possible libations for the Global Toast to Errol Flynn on June 20, 2020:

Absinthe – in Europe and New Orleans

Bacardi – in Cuba and elsewhere

Bavarian Beer – in Germany

Bloody Mary – the drink he introduced at the Smokehouse in LA

Bourbon – during Desperate Journey (the movie, not the marriage to Lili)

Brandy and Soda – a favored drink in New Guinea during his days there

British Beers from his days in Britain and at the Cock’n Bull in LA

Bundaberg Beer – in Australia and New Guinea

Bundy (Bundaberg Rum) – in Australia and New Guinea

Captain’s Blood – a daiquiri created in tribute to Errol

Cascade Brewery Beer – from Tasmania, per tassiedevil (Steve & Genene)

Champagne – throughout his celebrity years, and a la Olivia’s annual birthday toast to Errol

Chianti – drank at various locations and occasions


Coffee – throughout adulthood

Courvoisier cognac – during years of celebrity

Cuba Libre – from his first visits to Cuba in the mid-Thirties

Cuba Story – a drink created for Errol by Dennis Mullen

Daiquiri – during his visits to Havana, a la El Floridita

Dry Martini – throughout years of celebrity

Errol Flynn’s Pick-Me-Up – a drink named after him

Fine French Wines – brought with him to locations without, per Difford’s Guide for Discriminating Drinkers

Gin, bathtub-style – a la Errol at the Roosevelt Hotel

Gin – in many drinks, with mixes from tonic to O.J., sometimes with a splash of Squirt

Guinness Stout – in Britain and Ireland and elsewhere

Hennessy Cognac – a likely Flynn cognac

Herradura – the tequila owned by his friend Bing Crosby

Italian Wines – during his days in Italy and filming of William Tell (with sardines), et al

Irish Beers – from his days in Ireland and Britain

Irish whiskeys

Jack Rose – at the 21 Club (and maybe the Mocombo)

Jamaican Reef – created for Errol Dennis Mullen

Johnnie Walker – per Difford’s Guide for Discriminating Drinkers

Kentucky whiskey – straight, in a Mint Julep, or in a Kentucky Coffee

Louis XIII Cognac – a possible Flynn cognac

Maid Marian – created and bottled by Chesterfield Whisky

Mai Tai – see the “Q.B. Cooler” below

Mojito – a la Bodeguita del Medio

Moselle – a la 21 Club

Moscow Mule – a la the Cock ‘n Bull in LA

Napolean Cognac – a likely Flynn cognac

Navy Grog – in tribute to Errol’s In the Wake of the Bounty

Old Fashioned – a likely cocktail for Errol throughout adulthood

Pi Yi – a la Don the Beachcomber, LA

Q.B. Cooler – predecessor of the Mai Tai, created by tiki-drink pioneer, Donn Beach

Queen Elizabeth

Queen’s Pineapple Punch – a la Don the Beachcomber’s, LA

Remy Martin

Robin Hood cocktail

Rum and Coca-Cola – a la Caribbean, California and Courmayeur, et al

Sangria – a la Errol’s days in Spain

Sangro de Cristo

Sazerac – a la New Orleans


Tasmanian Devil

Tea – throughout his life

Tequilas – during his days in Mexico

The Errol Flynn – created by Errol, resurrected a la Petronella Wyatt

The Martini Special – a la Fabio Delgado Fuentes

The Tasmanian – a la Dennis Mullen

The Vancouver – a la Sylvia Hotel, Vancouver

U.S. Bar Beers – a la Boardner’s in LA and many other locations in. U.S.

Various Vodkas – straight, with tonic, with O.J., inter alia

Vicious Virgin – a la Don the Beachcomber

Veuve Clicquot

Vodka with Red Pepper – a la The Hotel Savoy’s American Bar in London

Water – both sparkling and natural

Whiskey Sour – a likely for Errol throughout adulthood

XXXX Gold beer- from Queensland and Tasmania

York Gin – Old Tom and Outlaw

Your favorite or choice for saluting Errol

Zombie – a la Don the Beachcomber

Zubrowka Polish Vodka

— Tim


Ten Day Countdown to the Errol Flynn Global Toast on June 20, 2020

10 Jun

So far there’s been contact with every continent, subcontinent, and major country. The Netherlands is presently in the lead in Europe! Germany, Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. are doing well, too.

So the contest is on! Which country and continent will take top prizes? – North America? Europe? Australia? — Africa, Asia, India, Central America, South America, the Caribbean? …New Zealand?
Even Antarctica is in the race!…

— Tim


T minus 22 /// \\\ T minus 33

31 May

T minus 22

Today is 22 days till the Errol Flynn Global Toast on June 20, 2020, the 111th Anniversary of Errol’s birth.

A Global Birthday Toast to Errol

For all those lookin’ to drink like Flynn for this event, here is a post that details dozens of liquid refreshments Errol is known to have enjoyed at various locations throughout his life, around the globe.

How to make an Errol Flynn

T minus 33

Please remember that we are also toasting Olivia d’s birthday on July 1st, her number 104! Olivia herself toasts Errol every year on his birthday with champagne at her home in Paris. So, you may find champagne or French wine apropos on her birthday. But, again, please toast with anything you wish – from Tang to Tangueray – or even, perhaps, some Sake from her birthplace in Tokyo!

— Tim


Announcement of USO Tour — May 30, 1951

30 May


— Tim


Quiz 23 ’38

23 May

Two very significant events boosting Errol’s legacy took place on the 23rd day of two separate months in 1938. One was that LIFE Magazine featured Errol on their May 23, 1938, cover. What was the second event?

7pm Additional Clues

8:30pm Additional Clues

— Tim


A Global Birthday Toast to Errol

20 May

One month from today, on June 20, 2021, the EFB will host their Second Annual Global Birthday Toast to Errol Flynn. All fans of Flynn from around the world are invited to raise a glass (cup, bottle, or can) to the greatest swashbuckler of all time.

Fans around the world are invited to join us. Drinks representative of your location are encouraged. As examples, Errol is know to have drank Beer and Bundaberg Down Under – Jack Roses in Manhattan – Bloody Marys in Burbank – Vodka and Whiskey in LA – Rum and Cokes and Mojitos in the Caribbean, Wines, Beers, and Champagne in Europe, etc etc etc. Drinks need not include alcohol. of course. Errol also drank coffee, and enjoyed tea with orange blossom honey. A more detailed list will be provided in coming days. It would be great if regional toasts included regional specialties also – Margarita’s in Mexico, Gins in the British Empire, Guinness in Ireland, etc etc etc. Anything that’s good Flynn fun.

Eleven days later, on July 1, Olivia De Havilland’s first birthday on the Other Side, we can alo raise a glass to Olivia, who herself toasted Errol every year with champagne on his birthday.

Cheers, Salud, Slainte, A Votre Sante, Prost, Cin Cin, Skal, Gesondhaid, Akale Maluna, Felicidades, 干杯, Ypa, 乾杯, and Oogy Waha!

— Tim


Today is the 80th Anniversary of Virginia City

16 May

Released on May 16, 1940

As this video of the Virginia City World Premier Tour poignantly depicts, 1940 was a wondrous time in Hollywood history, and in American history. Everything changed in ’41 – as abruptly as this video.

For a great review of Virginia City, and especially of Errol’s unmatched magnetism as a film star, see the Bogie Film Blog at this link.

For a great review of Virginia City, and especially of Errol’s unmatched magnetism as a film star, see the Bogie Film Blog at this link.

— Tim


Warner Bros. West Coast Premiers of The Adventures of Robin Hood

12 May

The Adventures of Robin Hood opened almost simultaneously at both Warner Bros. Downtown (Seventh and Hill) and Warner Bros. Hollywood (on Hollywood Boulevard at Wilcox.) Here is an ad for the openings that ran on May 12 in the Los Angeles Daily Mirror.

The Adventures of Robin Hood at the Warner Bros. Downtown Theatre

The Adventures of Robin Hood at Warner Bros. Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard

— Tim


World Premier of The Adventures of Robin Hood — At Radio City Music Hall, May 12, 1938

12 May

On Thursday, May 12, 1938, at 11:45 AM, Radio City Music hall – The Showplace of the Nation – hosted the world premier of The Adventures of Robin Hood

This is the Opening Day 12 x 6 inch advertisement that was published in the New York Times on May 12, 1938.

Live on Stage were the following performances…

These are the 1938 Rockettes… Waiting in line to meet Errol perhaps?…

Music lovers got a real treat. Not only were they to hear for the first time Erich Korngold’s magnificent Academy Award-winning score, they also witnessed a live performance of Ottorino Resphigi’s Pines of Rome, one of the most spectacular symphonic compositions of all time. Here is a version from seven years ago by a tremendous young orchestra:

Not to be outdone by Resphigi, here is Maestro Korngold:

Here can be seen the full New York Times ad and associated info.

— Tim


More from Mexico — Errol Helps the Red Cross

05 May

While we’re down Mexico way on Cinco de Mayo, here’s a photo of Hedda Hopper, Errol, and Faye [future daughter-in-law of FDR and “First Lady of television”] Emerson boarding a flight to Mexico City for a Red Cross benefit premier showing of Yankee Doodle Dandy at the Palacio de Bella Artes in May of 1942. The premiere would be broadcast over WMCA Radio, with members of the cast interviewed by “The Perfect Ingenue”, Helen Twelvetrees.

Palacio del Bella Artes

The Palacio de Bellas Artes is known as the “Cathedral of Art in Mexico”. Construction began again in 1932 and was completed in 1934. The building is best known for its murals by Diego Rivera, Siqueiros and others, as well as the many exhibitions and theatrical performances its hosts, including the Ballet Folklórico de México.

— Tim