Archive for the ‘Special Events’ Category

$500 Reward Quiz

10 Mar

What does a $500 reward have to do with Errol Flynn?

— Tim


Morning After

05 Mar

March 4, 1939

Erskine Johnson
Behind the Makeup
Los Angeles Examiner

Morning after the Academy Awards banquet, Donald Crisp sent a telegram to Errol Flynn, vacationing in the South. “Dear Errol,” it read. “Last night the Academy Awards banquet was held. Your name was not mentioned.”

Deplorable that Flynn was not even nominated for his immortal portrayal of Robin Hood.

The nominees were:

Spencer Tracy, for Boys Town

Charles Boyer, for Algiers

James Cagney, for Angels with Dirty Faces

Robert Donat, for The Citadel

Leslie Howard, for Pygmalion

And the winner was:

Spencer Tracy, for Boys Town…

Proper Evaluations of Flynn’s Greatness

The model of an action hero in 1938’s The Adventures of Robin Hood, the dashing star made the swordplay and wooing look so effortless that it’s easy to ignore the craft behind his derring-do. – Entertainment Weekly


He was the Tom Cruise of the 1930s, a global superstar whose natural charisma and box-office power put him at the tippytop of Hollywood — and he never won an Oscar. Unlike Cruise, Flynn was never even nominated, not for “Captain Blood,” “The Charge of the Light Brigade” or 1938’s still-dazzling “The Adventures of Robin Hood.” – Boston Herald


Unfortunately, at the time when Errol enjoyed his greatest success, the adventure film, as a genre, was not sufficiently appreciated and therefore [Errol’s] appearances therein were not as highly regarded as they [are now.] … [He] played his roles with unmatchable verve, conviction, and style. In doing so, he inherited the mantle of Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., who was my favorite film star at the age of 9 and whose ‘The Black Pirate’ left an indelible impression on me. No one since Errol has worn that mantle; it is buried with him. – Lady Marian Fitzwater


— Tim


Leap Day 1940 – Part 1

29 Feb

The day the Oscar leaped by Olivia:……

— Tim


First Annual Blue Ribbon Invitational Tennis Tournament at the Palm Springs Racket Club

18 Feb

Featuring images of the Racket Club from various years…

On February 7, 1951, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported:

“On Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 17 and 18, the First Annual Blue Ribbon Invitational Tennis Tournament will be held at the Palm Springs Racquet Club … Among those expected to enter are Kirk Douglas, Cornel Wilde, Gilbert Roland, Lex Barker, Errol Flynn, Peter Lawford, Mickey Rooney, Dinah Shore, George Montgomery, Paul Henreid, Van Johnson, Frank Sinatra, Evelyn Keyes, Tony Martin, Jimmy Ritz, Dick Haymes, Dane Clark, Marguerite Chapman, Mark Stevens and Dean Jagger. Some of filmtown’s best tennisers aren’t on that list, but there’s still plenty of talent there.”

— Tim


Suppering with a Socialist, a Socialite, and a Spouse

08 Feb

February 8, 1939

“Hopkins and Stars see club opening.”
“Washington, D.C., Feb. 8.”

“Washington’s newest supper club opened last night with celebrities and stars in attendance. Here, Harry Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce, movie star Errol Flynn and Mrs. John Hay Whitney, wealthy socialite, found their way to fun. Note the ‘pop’ bottle on the table.”

[Note, also, how Lili was cut out of the story, quite literally in Life Magazine’s coverage, which did not include her in this same photo. That had to infuriate Miss Dynamita!]

Harry Hopkins was FDR’s main man for both the New Deal, and for international diplomacy. (Many believe he was also either a Soviet agent or Soviet dupe.)

Liz Whitney was a premier equestrian and horse owner, along with her legendary husband,Jock Whitney, “master of one of the great American fortunes and a pace-setting leader in a kaleidoscope of fields.”

— Tim


Two Stars are Born * *

08 Feb

Sixty Years Ago Today

On February 8, 1960, Errol was tributed with two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, one for Motion Pictures, one for Television

— Tim


Please Help Find and Bring Sean Leslie Flynn Home!

15 Jan

Rory Flynn:

As most of my friends know I have been searching for my brother for years. My step mother spent her last years searching but to no avail. Now there are some people trying to find his remains and bring him home. Please click on the link to find out more.

Mike Luehring:
Its been almost 50 years since photojournalist Sean Flynn went missing in Cambodia covering the Vietnam Conflict spilling into Cambodia. After many efforts made by the US Government, and private individuals no data has lead to locating his remains. Please assist Rory Flynn (Sean’s sister) and her team’s efforts to bring Ground Penetrating Radar into Cambodia to locate Sean’s remains.

— David DeWitt


Errol Shows at Sugie’s

28 Dec

December 20, 1941

The Hollywood Parade

Bill Wickersham
Los Angeles Examiner

Celebrating their engagement, Mickey Rooney and Ava Gardner were a beatific duo at “Sugie” Sugarman’s Beverly Tropics with Dick Paxton as their guests. And among those who pulledup alongside to rejoice with them were Betty Jaynes, the Douglas McPhails, Gwyne and Bud Ernst, and Errol Flynn.

A great place to get Errol Flynned.

— Tim


Friday the 13th, 1939 @ WB

13 Dec

“On Friday, January 13, 1939, a party was held on Stage 5 (now Stage 15) at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California. The “Gay Lady Saloon” set from Warner’s Technicolor western spectacular Dodge City was still in use, having been dressed with additional props to celebrate that day’s Friday the 13th, and to poke fun at various other superstitions. Here is a selection of photos from that gathering, the original negatives of which were recently found deep in the WB archives.”…

Henry O’Neill, Alan Hale, Michael Curtiz. Errol

Errol & Olivia

Errol, between Rosemary and Priscilla Lane

The Dodge City “Gay Lady Saloon” Bar

— Tim


Happy Thanksgiving to All On the EFB

29 Nov

Errol Gets Siouxed
Central Park, New York (1941)

— Tim