Archive for the ‘Travels’ Category

Errol on Capri

27 Mar

Two years ago I visited the beautiful island of Capri, Italy. While there I found a book about famous people who visited or worked on Capri. To my surprise there was a photo of Errol in the book. In this picture you also see singer Scarola and a lady. It looks like they have a lot of fun.

— Debbyphielix


Errol Flynn”s Last Three Months of 1941, November/December

06 Jul

From wrapping up filming on his latest adventure picture, to traveling coast to coast and back again for; radio appearances…magazine and newspaper articles … going to the ballet or a premiere…dinners and shows … or becoming an honorary Indian, all of this and more, in only two months.


— Topper


Happy Birthday Errol

20 Jun

Last year I visited the beautiful island of Capri. There I bought a book about Capri in movies. Many movies were filmed there and many stars visited and still visit the island. Our dear Errol was one of them. Here is the picture of him that was in the book. I don’t know when it was taken but in the picture is singer Scarola (Giuseppe Savarese). I hope you enjoy this birthday treat. Happy birthday Errol.  Hope you have a good one up there.

— Debbyphielix


I go Sligo

19 Jun

Dear Flynnstones,

in reference to Errol Flynn’s Relatives in Sligo, Ireland? « The Errol Flynn Blog , Ireland`s poet laureate, William Butler Yeats, immortalized a certain Flynn in his volume of essays “The Celtic Twilight”.

“Many of the tales in this book were told me by one Paddy Flynn, a little bright-eyed old man, who lived in a leaky and one-roomed cabin in the village of Ballisodare, which is, he was wont to say, ’the most gentle’—whereby he meant faery—‘place in the whole County of Sligo.’”

Yeats spend many of his childhood holidays in Sligo, actually Sligeach (meaning: place of the shells).

“Flynn, with a few verbal alterations, from a note-book which I almost filled with his tales and sayings, shortly after seeing him. I look now at the note-book regretfully, for the blank pages at the end will never be filled up. Paddy Flynn is dead; a friend of mine gave him a large bottle of whiskey, and though a sober man at most times, the sight of so much liquor filled him with a great enthusiasm, and he lived upon it for some days and then died.”

If Errol didn`t read this already, that kind of literture seems very much to his liking. Compare it to: The errolist of books « The Errol Flynn Blog

And being the perennial Robin Hood, he would have felt right at home in Sleuth Wood, which is situated along the shores of Loch Gill. also in the County of Sligo.

“Sleuth Wood away at the south looked as though cut out of green beryl, and the waters that mirrored them shone like pale opal.” (from the short story “The Heart of Spring”).




— shangheinz


Errol Flynn Travelling the World Mid-May to July 1957!

14 May

The times, dates and places speak for themselves.


— Topper


Errol Flynn Vacation Time in July, 1937

29 Apr

After completing filming of The Perfect Specimen in mid-July, Errol will spend the next month vacationing on his yawl Cheerio 2, with a few adventures along the way…and no Lily.

— Topper


Busy Errol Flynn Beginning of March, 1953, to Mid April!

21 Jan

 Part 1

Errol finishes one film and prepares for his next, most important, production …The Story of William Tell.

    (to be continued)

— Topper


Errol Flynn from the End of May, 1951 to End of July!

22 Nov

Here and overseas

From visiting Las Vegas, Nevada with his son Sean, to entertaining thousands of troops in Korea, our man Flynn is adventuring in time zones around the world … and back to Nevada.

— Topper


Errol Flynn from Late November of 1951 to Mid January of 1952!

11 Oct

A little bit of everything during this time period: Mara Maru finishes filming on December 18th followed by a portrait shoot about December 19-21. After celebrating Christmas in Mulholland with Patrice and the kids, he is working on the short subject film, Cruise of the Zaca. Then starting in Janury, 1952: radio broadcasting…starts filming his next feature Against All Flags…and Flynn’s first television appearance. This does not include all of the partying, traveling, and headlining in between.

Enjoy …

— Topper


Errol Flynn is in Print Everywhere!

14 Aug

After spending a few days in Good Samaritan Hospital in L.A. from September 25, 1938 with pneumonia, Errol is back home with Lily by the 28th, after her return from New York City.

We will pick it up from there …

— Topper