Archive for the ‘Travels’ Category

Suppering with a Socialist, a Socialite, and a Spouse

08 Feb

February 8, 1939

“Hopkins and Stars see club opening.”
“Washington, D.C., Feb. 8.”

“Washington’s newest supper club opened last night with celebrities and stars in attendance. Here, Harry Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce, movie star Errol Flynn and Mrs. John Hay Whitney, wealthy socialite, found their way to fun. Note the ‘pop’ bottle on the table.”

[Note, also, how Lili was cut out of the story, quite literally in Life Magazine’s coverage, which did not include her in this same photo. That had to infuriate Miss Dynamita!]

Harry Hopkins was FDR’s main man for both the New Deal, and for international diplomacy. (Many believe he was also either a Soviet agent or Soviet dupe.)

Liz Whitney was a premier equestrian and horse owner, along with her legendary husband,Jock Whitney, “master of one of the great American fortunes and a pace-setting leader in a kaleidoscope of fields.”

— Tim


Arno Flies to Horse Country

07 Feb

February 7, 2019

Harrison Carroll
LA Evening Herald Express

After mourning for days over the absence of his master, Arno, pet dog of Errol Flynn, is on a plane today speeding to join the Irish star in Upperville, Virginia.

For four years, Arno, a schnauzer, has been an inseparable companion of Flynn’s. He has accompanied the actor on yachting trips and to motion picture sets. He is even allowed to follow Flynn into the green room of the Warner Brothers commissary.

However, the star didn’t see how it was possible to take Arno on his present trip which will include visits to Havana and Mexico City. So, for the first time, master and dog were parted.

Ever since, Arno has been inconsolable. Three days ago he refused to take any more food and has been lying for hours underneath the star’s bed.

Yesterday, in desperation, Flynn’s business manager, Vernon Wood, wired Errol at Mrs. Jock Whitney’s estate in Virginia.

Flynn didn’t lose a minute wiring back to put Arno on a plane.

And now he’ll have to figure out a way to take the dog to Cuba and Mexico.

Llangollen Farm, a polo, fox hunting, and horse breeding, landmark in the rolling hills of Upperville, VA, now valued at over $40 Million

— Tim


Mauch Adeux About Sailing

03 Feb

February 2, 1938

Harrison Carroll
LA Evening Herald Express

A trip such as any small boy might dream of looms for the Mauch Twins if parental and studio consent can be obtained. They have been invited by Errol Flynn to go on a six weeks’ cruise of the Caribbean. It would be the boys first vacation away from their mother and there would be no women on the boat. Mrs. Mauch is torn by misgivings, but may yield.

Here are the Prince and the Pauper with their mother, Mrs. Mauch, Sir Miles Hendon, and William Keighly:

Here, a bit later, are Billy and Bobby (or is it Bobby and Billy) with a big wheel at Warners:

— Tim


“Between Pictures”

28 Jan

January 29, 1938

Jimmy Starr
LA Evening Herald Express


Hollywood is fast becoming fed up with the glitter and the glamour, the hustle and the bustle of the more prominent “between pictures” holiday spots. The trend is definitely toward smaller, more isolated hideaways. Like other people, the stars occasionally tire of the brights lights, the night clubs, the theaters, the traffic, crowded sidewalks, hotels with super-service and the necessity of properly creased trousers and correct coiffures.

Errol Flynn has found the perfect method of “losing himself” between films, on weekends or other days of leisure. The popular Warner star ducks down to Santa Monica, boards his yacht and sails away.

— Tim



27 Jan

January 27, 1938

Harrison Carroll
LA Evening Herald Express

Purchase of a 75′ ketch in Boston makes Errol Flynn the No. 1 boat owner in Hollywood.

The Warner star, who planed in yesterday from a shopping tour of eastern shipyards, reveals that he now has a collection of seven boats with still another under construction.

The prize exhibit is the ketch Avenir*, which Flynn just purchased in Boston and which he will later sail through the Panama Canal and up the Pacific Coast.

Besides the Avenir, Flynn still owns a 50-foot yacht, a yawl named the Cheerio, a 25-foot speedboat, an outboard fishing smack and two 20-foot yacht tenders.

Then, in a western shipyard, he is having a lifeboat made over into another tender for his latest acquisition.

When and if he gets a vacation, the star plans a long voyage to the South Seas.

* Errol subsequently named the yacht “Sirocco” after the yacht he owned and captained in Australia and New Guinea before he achieved world fame.

— Tim


Cuban Rebel Errol – Injured Like Flynn – January 6, 1959

06 Jan

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, 1959, it was reported around the globe that Errol Flynn had been wounded in Cuba while covering the combat of Fidel Castro’s rebel forces. This was spectacular and very surprising news: Robin Flynn of Hollywood was swashbuckling around in the Sierra Madre Forest with the future Hood of Havana and his Not-So-Merry Rebel Men (and Rebel Girls.) A blockbuster story custom-made for (and by) the one-and-only Errol Flynn.

— Tim


Feliz Año Nuevo, 1938

31 Dec

New Year’s Day, 1938

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Happy New Year!

Very little whoopie in Hollywood this year to herald in the New Year. Many of the stars went to the desert for a quiet New Year’s Eve and those who didn’t went to bed early to attend the races at Santa Anita or the football game at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Our sport-loving stars had a difficult time choosing between the game and the races, but a poll taken disclosed that the races won by a large majority.

Socially the most important events were a dinner given by Grace Moore and Gladys Swarthout, a small gathering of Marion Davies’ close friends at her beach house to celebrate her birthday, and a celebration at the Charlie Chaplin mansion.

The Bing Crosbys partied with a few congenial friends, including Andy Devine. But Bing had big business at Santa Anita, so he didn’t stay up late.

Marlene Dietrich, Myrna Loy and Arthur Hornblow Jr., Bette Davis and Harmon Nelson,  George Brent, the Robert Youngs, Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond saw the New Year in at Palm Springs, while the Charles Boyers, the Errol Flynns, and Brian Aherne chose the restful La Quinta for their holiday.…

— Tim


Nay Paree

14 Dec

Errol gets a 20K pre-Christmas bonus for cancelling his “reconciliation trip” to Paris with Lili.

December 14, 1936

Sheila Graham
Dallas Morning News

Errol Flynn demanded – and received – a $20,000 bonus for cutting off his reconciliation trip with wife Lili Damita, returning to Hollywood in the kiddie story, Prince and the Pauper.


Good-looking Hollywood gossip columnist Sheila Graham had a thing for the very virile Errol, a thing that made her legend of literature lover, F. Scott Fitzgerald, very jealous. At one point, the Mighty Flynn lived in a Garden of Allah bungalow next door to Fitzgerald’s. Sheila resided a block away, but often stayed with Fitzgerald at the Garden of Allah. She wrote the book on Hollywood’s most notorious upscale hotel of hedonism.

— Tim


Un Errol Examen

29 Oct

Who was the American that witnessed Errol working on part of his autobiography in Mexico?


1. He or she wrote about it in their own autobiography.

2. In addition to him or her, there were three women present.

3. The circumstances were quite rare, (except perhaps for Senor Fleen himself.)

4. The person who witnessed it later became a rather well known Hollywood celebrity.

Chronological Visual Clues:

— Tim


Sailing the South Seas, Lililess

22 Oct

October 22, 1936

Elizabeth Yeaman
Hollywood Citizens News

Errol Flynn, completed four starting pictures in the one year he has been at Warners, is headed for a three-month vacation. His pictures have been Captain Blood, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Green Light, and Another Dawn, the latter now in progress of shooting with Kay Francis.  Only his first picture has been released.  Errol is headed for New Zealand and the South Seas, his old haunts before he became a movie star.  His bride, Lili Damita, will not accompany him on the holiday.  Perhaps, a marital holiday will do them both good, judging from rumors floating about.

— Tim