Archive for the ‘Travels’ Category

First Time in Paris? — L’intrigue se Corse

29 Nov



You Asked Me and I’m Telling You!

[Question from] Ada Hefflin, Chicago:

Errol Flynn first met Lili Damita at a party in Paris and they met again on shipboard coming to this country. But the third time was the charm. Lili was lunching with Dolores Del Rio at the Warners Brothers Studios. Flynn stopped to speak and the romance dated from there.

Here is a famous photo of lightning striking the Eiffel Tower in 1933. Did lightning also strike in 1933 for Errol and Lili in Paris?

Or was it in 1934 aboard the SS Paris?

Or was it later in ’34 at Warner Bros. with these two contintental cinestars ?

— Tim


Rita on the Zaca

24 Nov


P.S. Rita turned 100 this year! Thank you, Rita, for all the beauty, talent, joy and love you brought the world!

— Tim


“A Clash of Temperament”

16 Nov

November 16, 1936


Lili Damita, Errol Flynn Separated, Friends Report

Errol Flynn, star of Captain Blood and Charge of the Light Brigade , and his wife, glamorous Lili Damita of the files, have separated, friends said today.

Flynn is an outdoor man, while Lili likes to dance and attend the numerous affairs of the smart film set, said intimates of the couple, who explained that it was a clash of temperament and that no other persons were involved.

Flynn plans to leave for Europe in about a week and indications are that Miss Damita will then seek a divorce.

— Tim


Welcome to Modesto, Errolivia

14 Nov


November 15, 1938


by Harrison Carroll

Fans up at Modesto drove Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn to take refuge in their rooms. The stars, in location for Dodge City, tried to eat in the hotel coffee shop, but admirers pushed in a plate glass window in on them. A jagged hunk of glass just missed Flynn’s nose and landed spear-like in his steak.

BTW, This incident likely occurred at one of the best hotels in downtown Modesto (Hotels Covell, Hughson, or Modesto), on one of the very streets (10th or 11th Street) where George Lucas later cruised cars as a teenager, as famously depicted in American Graffiti. … Though a relatively small, California Central Valley town, Modesto was nationally-renowned for it’s architecture.

— Tim


Oceans Apart . . . – – – . . . 80 Years Ago This Week

03 Nov

November 3, 1938

Louella O. Parson
Los Angeles Examiner

“Errol Flynn has promised to be home November 11 from his Honolulu holiday.”

. . . – – – . . .

November 4, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Yesterday’s late editions carried a one-paragraph story from London that will lift eyebrows in Hollywood. It quoted Lili Damita as follows:

“I’ve retired from film work forever. I’m going to settle down and be a wife and a mother.”

Only one thing that would have tilted the eyebrows higher—if Errol Flynn had said: “I’m going to settle down and be a husband and father.”

— Tim


For Fans of Flynn

14 Oct

From Eire for Errol…

— Tim


The Case of the Curious Pneumonia

07 Oct


Los Angeles Examiner – Louella Parsons, October 4, 1938

Errol Flynn heard yesterday for the first time that he had pneumonia when he was so critically ill last week. So remarkable was his recovery that he is expected to go home today, and Lili Damita will sail Thursday on the Queen Mary. Errol’s doctors have ordered him to rest for two weeks, after which he is to report to Warner studio for Dodge City.

Don’t say “That’s where we came in,” for Hal Wallis really tried to borrow Ronald Coleman and Cary Grant for the remittance man who goes western. But when neither English accent was available, he went back to the original idea of putting Flynn in the role, postponing The Sea Hawk until early next year. Michael Curtiz, the director, who always favored Flynn, was rejoicing yesterday, for both Flynn and Olivia de Havilland were in Robin Hood Curtiz’ biggest hit.

Dodge City could-have-been cowboys, Coleman and Cary:

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Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll
October 5, 1938

Errol Flynn went from the hospital to Edmund Goulding’s house at Palm Springs. He wanted to take a trip to Mexico City, but doctors vetoed it.…
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Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Jimmy Starr
October 10, 1938

Lili Damita shushed those Paris divorce rumors by nixing her trip to Gay Paree with the Jack Warners and flying back to hubby Errol Flynn in Palm Springs.

Here they are in Palm Springs:

— Tim


In Eirinn Like Flynn

03 Oct

“Many stories have circulated about Errol’s visits to Belfast, the most repeated (and uncorroborated!) tales are about the excitement he caused at local dances, packed with adoring girls who’d heard that Flynn was to grace their Saturday-night bop!”…

“Ian Rippey, Secretary of the Co Armagh Wildlife Society, reckons that Flynn definitely visited Belfast, and has information about a positive sighting. And Mr Rippey’s letter ended with an intriguing postscript: “Captain Thomas Blood…had Irish Presbyterian if not Ulster connections.” But first, Ian explained why he’s sure that Flynn came to Belfast.”

“A Miss Rene Liggett of Armagh informed me a good few years ago that she remembered seeing Errol Flynn at Queen’s University, Belfast, when she was a student. I assume that she studied biology under Errol Flynn’s father…I knew Miss Liggett from when I joined the Armagh Field Naturalists Society (now the Co Armagh Wildlife Society) in 1974 until her death. I don’t know whether “Miss Liggett saw Errol Flynn only once or on a number of occasions. All she said was that she had seen him…Miss Liggett died in a nursing home some years ago.”…

— Tim



25 Sep

Was Albert Einstein one of Errol’s amazing universe of friends? Absolutely, relates this relatively unknown account. Is this just Hollywood spin? An unproven theory?…

Periodically, Einstein did circulate with a cluster of mega-stars from LA LA Land. But, in the orbit of Errol? For the reasons postulated? Improbable perhaps, but, as with all things Flynn, not astronomically impossible. Here’s A.E. with J.W., four years before Errol arrived from another world:…

And he was a high-flying star in a film at Warner Brothers …

— Tim


Win In Like Flynn Tickets

11 Sep

In Western Australia…

— Tim