Archive for the ‘Travels’ Category

“Errol’s Claim to Fame”?

26 Sep

Lot’s of Fun on Cresta Run … But did “Fanatical Flynn” “Never Finish”?…

Or did he finish once?…

With the slowest time in history, after a stop for champagne?…

The Infamous “Horseshoe Curve”:

— Tim


Flynn Falls in and forJamaica

18 Sep

A Series Look at the History of Errol’s Landfall On and Falling In Love with Jamaica:

— Tim


“Blown Off Course”

10 Sep

Legend has it Errol was “blown off course” by a hurricane in 1946, causing him to dock The Zaca in Jamaica, leading him to discover and soon move to Port Antonio. If this is true, which hurricane was it? Officially, per the charts below, there were seven Atlantic Ocean hurricanes in ’46. By my calculations, it appears No. 7 would have been most likely. Earlier that year, during all the other official hurricanes that could have forced Errol into Jamaica (except possibly “extratropical” No. 6), it appears to me that Zaca was exclusively in the Pacific – San Francisco, Los Angeles, Mexican islands & waters (filming Cruise of The Zaca), Acapulco (filming Lady from Shanghai), et al. Anyone out there know for sure? If any of this is not accurate, please let us all know!

Here’s a Jamaican-written history:

“1946: Actor Errol Flynn’s schooner Zaca docks in Kingston for repairs, Flynn discovers Port Antonio and then sails there, beginning his lifelong love affair with the area and reviving Porty as a secluded destination for the rich and famous.

Christopher Columbus arrived in Jamaica in 1494 and claimed it for Spain. He liked the island so much he returned four times. In 1655 the British took control, turning it into a colony. It was Errol Flynn, however, who really turned the international spotlight toward Port Antonio. The swashbuckling actor was a social swashbuckler in real life, and to this day the people of Porty love to tell tales about Flynn – many of them taller than the Blue Mountains.

No doubt, the hard-living, high-sporting Flynn enjoyed women, drinking, gambling, sailing, fishing and being a prankster. He was dead serious, however, about his love of Port Antonio and its prospects. Flynn’s very presence in Port Antonio in the 1950s helped attract celebrities and international attention.”

— Tim


Crews of The Zaca

05 Sep

I think it would be great to collect and publish names of Zaca crew members since the days of the legendary schooner’s first launch in Sausalito nearly ninety years ago.

It’s been reported that Templeton Crocker’s Zaca had up to eighteen crew members, including on his circumnavigation of the world, and his legendary scientific expeditions. This included his personal valet, a doctor, and a photographer. From photos, it appears the Navy appears to have had that amount or even more crew.

The number of crew on Zaca when Errol sailed her appears to have varied.

Nail polish millionaire, Freddie Tinsley, certainly must have had some crew at times, mostly only a skeletal crew for dockside entertainment. It’s unclear, however, how often he actually sailed The Zaca.

I am not certain if Joseph Rosenberg, Bernard Voisin or Phillip Coussins ever actually sailed Zaca.

Today’s Zaca – majestically restored and cared for by its current owner, Robert Memmo – has been said to day cruise out of Monaco with as few as four in its crew.

For the historical record, can anyone help name members of these various crews?
(Ahoy San Francisco Bay Area Marine Historians, Wallace Berry, WWII Navy Alumni Associations, Port Antonians, Bonny Cother, and Palma de Majorcans!!!)

1929 – 1942 – Templeton Crocker, San Francisco
1942 – 1945 – U.S. Navy – renamed “USS Zaca” “IX-73”, San Francisco
1945 – 1945 – War Shipping Administration
1945 – 1946 – Joseph Rosenberg, San Francisco
1946 – 1959 – Errol Flynn, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Jamaica, Mediterranean
1959 – 1965 – Freddie Tinsley, Palma de Mallorca to Villefranche Su Mer
1965 – 1990 – Bernard Voisin, Villefranche Su Mer
1990 – 1990 – Phillip Coussins, Villafranche Su Mer
1990 – 2017 – Robert Memmo, Monaco


Some of the crews can be seen in the videos below:

— Tim


The History of Scripps

02 Sep…

“[Carl] Hubbs arrived in La Jolla in 1944, when Scripps was a ghost town because so many people had left to help with the war effort. There wasn’t a lot of money to collect or study fish.

But opportunities arose, and one of them came from an unexpected source: Actor Errol Flynn.

In 1946, Flynn notified Scripps that he planned to sail his schooner from San Diego to Acapulco and that he was willing to take a scientist with him. Hubbs quickly stepped forward and ended up collecting a great number of specimens.”…

— Tim


And Where Might This Be?

29 Jul

In early 1941, Errol reported that he had purchased land where he said “[he’d] rather live than anywhere else in the world.”

It’s breathtakingly beautiful.

A famous king was born nearby.

It was tens of thousands of acres.

It’s name had 2 ‘H’s, 2’U’s, and 2 ‘E’s.

He intended to raise Hereford cattle there.

There were already thousands of cattle there.

There were already hundreds of horses there.

There is a view of a famous geological feature.

He said he intended to bring Sean and Lili there.

The attack on Pearl Harbor may have sabotaged his plans.


There is a golf course now on part of the property:

There are majestic beaches:

Peacocks live off the land:

And whale’s off it’s coast:

— Tim


Mail Bag from Manhattan! Errol & Fidel Musical!

16 Jul

Just ending it successful run at the New York Musicic Festival was the musical offering Errol & Fidel from writer producers Boyd Anderson & Guy Anderson; Music by Peter Kaldor, John Kaldor and Doug Oberhamer; Lyrics by Boyd Anderson, directed by Michael Bello … Our own Karl Holmberg, Gentleman Tim, and Donna Juan attended the show and write to us from the theatre stage! I will let them comment on the show itself but here are some wonderful images, and a look at a novelty item soon available to everybody who follows our blog. More about that in another posting …

Some photos:

One adventure, two heroes. Something’s gotta give.

Cuba, 1958: Revolution is in the air! In his final year Errol Flynn has one last adventure. The dashing star of so many Hollywood blockbusters yearns to be a real hero, and Fidel Castro fits the bill. What Fidel craves is fame, and who better than Errol to show him how? At the height of the revolution an explosive encounter beckons – fueled by envy, lust, and vanity – with a mysterious woman calling the tune. Or could the CIA really be pulling the strings? Who knew revolution could be so much fun?

Recommended for ages 13+
Running time: 2 hours
GENRE: Comedy, Drama, History, Politics, Romance

— David DeWitt


Flynn River

28 Jun

You always rolled in style
And always brought a smile …

Oh dreammaker, you heartbreaker
You were off to see the world,
And there was such a lot of world to see …

June 28, 1935

Harrison Carroll – Los Angeles Evening Herald Express

Lili Damita’s new groom, Errol Flynn, is versatile to no end. In addition to acting for Warner pictures (he has a good chance for the lead in Captain Blood) the young Irishman is writing a book about his experiences in the interior of New Guinea.

Seems he once went there on commission of the British government to promote peace between the tribes of aborigines. And, while there, was lucky enough to make a gold strike and have a river named after him.

All in addition, of course, to his prowess as an athlete. Flynn was the amateur boxing heavyweight champion of Ireland and competed in the 1928 Olympic Games. And he’s an ace at tennis, too, which is Hollywood’s favorite game.

— Tim


More On In Like Flynn

28 Jun

See photo of “Errol” on the “Sirocco” from Luke’s In Like Flynn.…

Summary below is extracted and adapted from the above-linked article by Cheryl Goodenough.

“The movie stars Australian actor Thomas Cocquerel, from Red Dog: True Blue and Kidnapping Mr Heineken, as Errol Flynn.

It is being co-produced by Flynn’s 41-year-old actor, writer and producer grandson Luke Flynn.

A 100-person film crew set up at Cleveland’s Raby Bay to shoot In Like Flynn.

Directing In Like Flynn is Australian Russell Mulcahy of Highlander, Teen Wolf and Resident Evil: Extinction fame.

Mr Mulcahy said the film was taking full advantage of Moreton Bay at its best.

“The first time I came here on the location survey to Cleveland, I fell in love with it,” he said.

“It’s perfect – it’s exactly what we need.

“How could any director not enjoy this part of the world? It is stunningly beautiful, from sunrise over the water to sunset.”

In June 2015, Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp put Cleveland on the filming map.

Redland City is fast earning a reputation within Queensland, Australia and overseas as a great place to make great television and movies.

The city was recently recognised at the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales on the Gold Coastfor its welcoming community, film-friendly council and its spectacular water-based locations.

Scenes from Flynn’s exploits in Papua New Guinea were shot in the Mount Tamborine area.

Set in the 1930s, In Like Flynn tells the story of Flynn in his twenties when he discovered a map on a dead prospector while serving as a guide for a Hollywood producer in the jungles of Papua New Guinea.

In Sydney, Flynn rounds up a crew, who steal Sirocco, a yacht belonging to Chinese opium smugglers and they voyage up the Australian east coast.

Mr Mulcahy said In Like Flynn was an “honest seat of your pants true life action adventure about a group of guys lead by Flynn, who barely make it through some incredible situations”.”

— Tim


Film of Errol & Lili Skiing!

23 Jun

On the slopes of “Hollywood St. Moritz” (aka Sun Valley)…

— Tim