Archive for the ‘Travels’ Category

In the Wake of Hurricane George

16 May

With hurricane season rapidly approaching in Florida, here is a rarely seen photo of Errol and Nora arriving in Miami in the wake of “Hurricane George”, “one of the most powerful and largest storms ever to hit SE Florida.”…

1947 was the first year the U.S. Air Force officially assigned names to hurricanes. The worst hurricane that year was Hurricane George, aka “the Fort Lauderdale Hurricane”, because of the Category 4 havoc it caused in Fort Liquordale. It caused extensive damage in Louisiana and Mississippi, also.

“Errol Flynn and his wife, Nora, are pictured on their arrival here by plane from Jamaica. Their flight course closely paralleled the course of the hurricane. ‘Shocking and sad, ‘ Flynn said of storm-wrecked Miami.” Flynn and wife are shown on the stairs of an airplane.” September 20, 1947.

In October, the long-delayed filming of The Adventures of Don Juan began in California.

Orange represents Category 4 winds:

Man on Miami Beach, where there was major flooding and damage, including to 334 hotels:

— Tim


What Number One Hit?

07 May

In what number one song did the singer sing about going to Mexico with Errol Flynn?

– Errol was in the news quite a bit for traveling south of the border before (and after) the release of this song

– It hit the top of the charts in the same month Errol was appearing with one of his most beautiful co-stars, with the same first name initial as his.

– It was performed by a very well-known big band.

– It was recorded again, about seven years later, by one of the most popular singers of all time, a major celebrity who knew Errol from having worked with him several years earlier in a Warner Brothers film.

– Errol’s name was replaced in recordings with “You know him” (rather than “Errol Flynn”), but it was a direct and widely recognized reference to Errol.

– In live. professional performances of this song, and amateurversions sang by female fans of Flynn, Errol’s name was sometimes sang as the true lyric. (i.e. “Errol Flynn” rather than “You know him”)

— Tim



04 May

PER THE IMBd: This biopic depicts Errol’s roust-about early life in Australia, before he became an internationally famed celebrity. In those days he was an adventurer, opium smuggler, gambler, street fighter, womanizer, and gold prospector. The film, based on Flynn’s early autobiography “Beam Ends,” was written for the screen by Luke Flynn, who found the inspiration as a result of travels through Australia in the footsteps of Luke’s iconic grandfather.


Characters beyond Errol’s days of Beam Ends have been previously mentioned also, including Olivia De Havilland and Michael Curtiz. See, for example this previous IMBd cast of characters:…

And a possible “former wife” featured in this new article:…

Starring Thomas Cocquerel & Isabel Lucas

— Tim


Four Score Years Ago — 4/15/1937 — Barcelona

17 Apr

Hollywood Citizen News – Elizabeth Yeaman – April 15, 1937

The Hollywood Reporter today carries a remarkable story titled
“Barcelona Greets Errol Flynn.” The story carries a Barcelona date line,
but there is no indication of the actual source of the interview. I quote
it in part: “When Errol Flynn arrived in Barcelona he was greeted by the
commissioner of public spectacles, J. Carner Ribalta, who introduced him
to the commissioner of propaganda of the Catalonian government and all
facilities were accorded him. In an interview with the press, Flynn said
his visit to Spain was prompted by a desire to ascertain the truth regarding
conditions there.

“Asked by the press boys what was the general impression in the United States
about the war, he replied, ‘That’s it. The confusing news and the fact that
all the American press is in the hands of powerful ‘trusts’ made me decide to
take this trip to see with my own eyes what is really happening and write a series
of articles for publication.’

“Is is true that money has been collected in Hollywood to help the Spanish government?”
asked the reporters. “Yes,’ said the actor. “Fredric Marsh, James Cagney, and I were the
initiators, and $1,500,000 has been raised so far.’

Flynn was accompanied by his old friend, Dr. Herman F. Erben, a well known member of
the American Communist Party.”

— Tim


Eighty Years Ago — 4/13/1937 — Queen Mary

13 Apr

Hollywood Citizen News
Elizabeth Yeaman
April 13, 1937

Errol Flynn cables Warners that he will sail aboard the Queen Mary Friday,
and will report as soon as possible
for his picture, The Perfect Specimen, with Miriam Hopkins.

Then he may exhibit his battle scars, if any, to back up his tales about seeing action on the Spanish front.…

— Tim


Eighty Years Ago – 4/6/1937 – “Urban”/Livvie

07 Apr

“Urban”/Livvie at its finest.

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll – April 6, 1937

At the time of the Madrid incident–when a machine gun bullet creased his
forehead–Errol Flynn is supposed to have been accompanied by Dr. Harmine
F. Urban (sic), expert in tropical diseases. If so, it was not the first time
the two had been in a tight spot together. They were once ambushed by natives
on the Sepia (sic) River in New Guinea and it was motion pictures taken of Flynn
in this fight that won him his first screen test and role in the British picture,
In the Wake of the Bounty.

Olivia De Havilland, who was Flynn’s screen sweetheart in Captain Blood and The Charge
of the Light Brigade
was driving down Hollywood Boulevard when she saw headlines about
his being shot.

She told me yesterday: “I nearly ran into a street car.”

— Tim


Eighty Years Ago – 4/5/1937 – Errol

05 Apr

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – April 5, 1937


It was a close shave, but Errol Flynn today survived his first taste of off-the-screen warfare
with his swoon-provoking features enhanced, if possible, by the crease of a machine-gun bullet.

The Captain of Captain Blood and the leader of the Charge of the Light Brigade was wounded
on the left side of his face while on a tour of the University City front in Northwestern Madrid, the
only point where the rebels have a foothold within the capital.

Friends say the bullet passed dangerously close to Flynn’s left eye. He was given first aid at the
hospital, and left for Valencia yesterday morning.


Officials at Warner Brothers Studios hated to say “I told you so” – but they recalled today a stern warning
given to adventurous Errol Flynn before he left here Feb 22 last.

The 27-year-old actor was warned not to go into revolt-torn Spain, studio executives said. Furthermore, they
said, when they heard he was bound for Spain, they cabled him in Paris to return here at once and start work
on a picture.

Today the studio received with consternation reports that the young favorite had been wounded while watching
a battle near Madrid.

— Tim


Eighty Years Ago – 4/5/1937 – Lili

05 Apr

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – April 5, 1937


All Lili Damita is sure of today is that she must get post-haste to the side
of her wounded husband, Errol Flynn — by airplane if possible.

After a night of frantic worry over the fate of the handsome actor-adventurer
as the result of an alarmist telephone call from a London friend saying Flynn
had been killed near Madrid, Miss Damita planned to ask the foreign office for
a special permit to fly to Spain.

The actress poured out her thanks in a torrent of emotional words when she was
informed that latest information said that Flynn had been only slightly wounded
and had left Madrid for Valencia.

(Madrid advisers said Flynn was grazed on the head by a machine gun bullet
when he was visiting the University City front.)

In the meantime Miss Damita made frantic efforts to get in touch with Flynn,
planning to defer her departure until she gets direct word from her husband.

Her only worry as she prepared from Leeds Castle in Kent to the foreign office
here was whether the reported injury to Flynn’s handsome Irish face will mar his
film career.

— Tim


It Was Eighty Years Ago Today — 3/30/37

30 Mar

March 30, 1937

Hollywood Citizen News – Elizabeth Yeaman

The Warner Bros. are sincerely worried over their failure to locate Errol Flynn,
who was hastily summoned back to Hollywood when it was learned that he was
planning to penetrate war-torn Spain. Errol was in Paris, and last Friday he told
his wife, Lili Damita, he was leaving for Spain. He left, while Lili remained in Paris.
He didn’t tell her where he was going in Spain, and apparently Lili didn’t bother to inquire.

Robert Schless, head of the Warner Paris office, has not been able to locate him. Errol,
when he left, was determined to do some war corresponding in Spain. He started to make
arrangements with the United States for some special articles, but the studio jumped in
and soured the deal. Errol threatened that he would make arrangements with an English syndicate.
This he may have done.

Warners cabled him to be back here by April 15, to start the The Perfect Specimen.
I doubt if they actually had a picture ready for him, but hoped to get him back on the plea of urgency.
Miriam Hopkins has been announced for the co-starring spot in The Perfect Specimen, but that
announcement is quite premature, for she has not been signed for the role.

— Tim


Eireann Errol?

17 Mar

How Irish was Flynn?

Still widely regarded as an Irishman, even more so in his Hollywood hey days, how Irish was Errol in reality? Genetically and culturally?

The name Flynn and his father’s apparent ancestral and professional connections to Ireland seem to indicate Errol had some significant percentage of Irish blood, but how much? He also seemed to treasure and/or at least play up his Irish. He may not have liked being portrayed as a American-Irish motorcycle cop, as he was initially by Warners, but he did seem to relish the roles of Peter Blood and Gentleman Jim. His fighting spirit appeared Irish in nature also. And he did go by Flynnie in his early days. How much of it was real, and how much was theater, perhaps designed to make big green off of the huge population of Irish-American movie fans?

What do you think, me fellow fans of Flynn?………

— Tim