Archive for the ‘Travels’ Category

Les Racines du Ciel — Kiss from a Star

27 Mar

March 27, 1958
JET Magazine

— Tim


Diary of an Actor-Adventurer as a Young Man

26 Mar

“Beautiful spring day, warm sunshine, country beautiful. How can people fight a war in this lovely weather? Four hours train journey from here the most savage cruel patricidal war is being waged.”

So begins Errol’s Spanish Civil War Diary, eighty-four years ago today, on March 26, 1937.

Further, Errol wrote:

“Everyone is armed – some with large knives plus revolvers, but all with revolvers. The train is stopped. Plane has been heard – we are crowded with young loyalists all armed and with oddest assortment of uniforms.”

Christies wrote:

“Into the environment of violence and constant strife between fascists led by the iron-fisted Franco on the one side, and republicans and communists on the other, goes the intrepid Errol Flynn.”

Christies’ description of the diary:

“Autographed manuscript, various locations in Spain, 26th March, 1937, through at least April 2, in pencil. 74 pages, averaging at least 20 lines per page, 4 x 6 1/2 inches, bound in dark green leather over paper covers, strongly written and very legible; in very fine condition.”

— Tim


A Giant St. Patty’s Day Quiz

17 Mar

Errol was once a guest at a giant St. Patrick’s Day Party. Where was it and who was the host?

– It may have been the largest St. Patrick’s Day celebration ever thrown by a private person.

– Many dozens of Hollywood celebrities attended.

– The millionaire host wore sunglasses the day of the party, reportedly because he had a black eye he earned in a fistfight while greeting or preparing to greet celebrities.

— Tim


The Virginia City Premier — March 16, 1940

16 Mar

— Tim


Florida Spring Break for the Flynns

13 Mar

March 12, 1938

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Lili Damita leaves for Palm Beach shortly to meet Errol Flynn and come back through the Canal with him.

— Tim


Errol in Hell-Hot Havana

11 Mar

Released in New York – March 11, 1957

“The opportunity to get a good, 90 minute look at scenic (and in parts, seedy) Havana, the “The Latin Las Vegas” prior to the Castro revolution. THE BIG BOODLE also boasts an interesting cast, with the rare opportunity to see beautiful Italian actress Rory (who retired at 35 after barely a dozen films); the stunning, but troubled Scala; and of course, Flynn. If you’re a fan of any of them or the locale you’ll want THE BIG BOODLE in your collection.”

— Tim


Robin de Los Bosques Arrives in London

06 Mar

March 5, 1937, Errol and Erben arrived in London:

“In 1935, Flynn married French-American actress Lili Damita (divorcing in 1942), with whom he had a very stormy relationship, with frequent physical fights. They were called the “Fighting Flynns,” and he called his wife “Tiger Lili.” When his friend Dr. Herman F. Erben (1897-1985) proposed that he and Errol travel to Spain in 1937, Flynn jumped at the opportunity. The friends had met three years earlier on April 14, 1933 in Salamaua, New Guinea. Born in Vienna, Erben was a physician and a world traveler, adventurer, and photographer, making a living primarily as a ship’s doctor. The two adventurers liked each other from the start and traveled together for a couple of months through the Far East. (Thomas McNulty, “Errol Flynn: The Life and Career.” Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2004. pp. 23-24) So, in early 1937, Flynn decided to go to Spain as a war correspondent with a commission from Hearst Press, to get away from it all (some say to, literally, escape from his wife) or perhaps just for the adventure. “Arriving in Spain, I felt I was right back in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’” (Errol Flynn, “What Really Happened to Me in Spain” Photoplay, July 1937: 12-15). Flynn and his enigmatic traveling companion, Dr. Erben, left on the Queen Mary on February 24, 1937, arriving in Southhampton, England on March 1.”

“On March 5, 1937, they arrived in London.”

Quoting “Robin de Los Bosques in the Spanish War

— Tim


Did He Tie the Knot or Not?

04 Feb

February 4, 1945
Sunday Times, Perth, WA

— Tim


Happy Birthday, Mr. Presidents — Featuring FDR, Errol Flynn, and Baby Joe Biden

29 Jan

January 29, 1939

Dinner and a Play with FDR and Errol Flynn

7:45pm – 8:50pm: Dinner at the White House with ER, Household, Errol Flynn, Miss Malvina Thompson, Mrs. Helm

8:50pm – 11:10pm – “Outward Bound” at the National Theater with ER, James Roosevelt, Jr., Errol Flynn, Marguerite A. LeHand , Miss Malvina Thompson, Mrs. Helm, Miss Connochie, Miss Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik van Loon

“Tonight all of us are going to see: “Outward Bound.” I have no fear about the evening, for I know that the play, as well as the cast, is among the finest in the theatre today. We are deeply appreciative of the generosity of the cast. They have come down from New York City to give this performance at their own expense for the benefit of the Infantile Paralysis Fund.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“All of our guests last night sang “Happy Birthday” to the President just as the clock struck midnight, which was a nice beginning for his birthday. All the young movie stars are here today to help him celebrate his birthday by making the birthday balls a success throughout this city.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

This is a play program for President Roosevelt’s birthday celebration in association with The Playhouse Company and the National Theatre Directors. A command performance of “Outward Bound” by Sutton Vane. Directed by Otto Preminger and staring some of the greats like Laurette Taylor, Florence Reed , Helen Chandler and Vincent Price. Preformed at the National Theatre, Washington, D.C. on Sunday evening, January 29, 1939. — with Errol Flynn as a special guest of the President.


Birthday Boy Biden Born When FDR was President and Errol Flynn Ruled in Hollywood

When Joe Biden was born, World War II raged. Franklin D. Roosevelt was in his third term as president, Errol Flynn was a Hollywood heartthrob, and Glenn Miller was the top recording artist in the country.

— Tim


The Prince, the Pauper, and the Malarial Superstar (Plus a Sick Director)

26 Jan

The Prince, the Pauper, and the Malarial Superstar (Plus a Sick Director)

January 27, 1937

Harrison Carroll

Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn is back at work on The Prince and the Pauper after days out with the flu and malaria.

January 28, 1937

Elizabeth Yeaman

Hollywood Citizen News

The Prince and the Pauper has been plagued by flu. Errol Flynn, the star, was out of the cast for two weeks with a combined attack of flu and malaria. He finally reported for work on Monday. And todaydirector William Keighley took to his bed with flu. So William Dieterle has been rushed in to complete the picture which should be finished within another week.


Part 1

Errol’s Malaria

Errol’s Malaria — Part 1 — Blood-Thirsty Ann

Part II

Bitten in New Britain

Errol’s Malaria — Part 2 — Bitten in New Britain? … Or was it New Ireland? Or was it New Hanover? Or ….

Part III


Errol’s Malaria – Part 3 – Reports of Recurrences

— Tim