Archive for the ‘Zaca’ Category

Mail Bag! Zaca Models and a bit of History

14 Jun
Robert de Cantelar writes to us:

To whom it may concern…..

The first time I saw her was during summer 1964, in Villefranche, so alone…..already careless !

I’m and I was the first expert and master who has studied and carry out the file for the first restoration of ZACA for a well known French financier, aborted the day of signing the final contract because of an indiscretion of Camper & Nicholson in Cannes.

It was in 1988.

The manager of Villefranche Shipyard was Mr. Lagarrigue and we had a great team together, in vain ….

Part of the funding for the study was provided by a series of 92 half-hull of ZACA carved in the wood of the main boom of the boat we had cut up in the presence of a bailiff.

I carved them. The Nr 0 is home. (Pict)

I also made a model, flush deck, complete with masts to show to our customers the beauty of the restored boat lines. (Some pict)

Masts, booms, pole are made with original ZACA main boom wood, the stand too. Oregon pine.

I still have some plank of this wood that I use with the respect due to a relic ….

I carved too, a half-hull 103 Cm long in Teak, Azobe, Wengé, Bronze and Cuba Mahogany. (Pict)

Because of lack of space I sell my two collections of models and half-hull, so, it is normal that I propose to you in priority those of ZACA.

All these pieces have a story linked to this exceptional boat, even their material, many pictures as she was when near to sink, almost abandoned.

Some more things at home.

Are following some pictures and my address.

Best regards,

R de Cantelar.

Capitaine Marine Marchande.
Ingénieur mécanicien MTU – MAN – Cat.
Expert en moteurs Diesel marins – Survey.
Agent exclusif “Rémora 2000” COMEX
1003 Rte de St Jacques – 06810
Auribeau sur Siagne.

+33 (0)4 93 609 189 et +33 (0)6 03 783 713


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— David DeWitt


The Governor’s Cup

14 Jun

The Inaugural Race of the world renowned Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race.

Featuring Errol Flynn, Humprey Bogart & Spencer Tracy.…

The Newport Ocean Sailing Association (NOSA) was founded in 1947 to organize a boat race from Newport Beach, California to Ensenada, Mexico. The first 125-nautical mile race took place on April 23, 1948 and was called The Governor’s Cup. The race was renamed the Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race and grew to include 20 boat classes. In 1983, the race set the record as the world’s largest international yacht race, with a record 675 boats entering the competition.…




— Tim


Baby Zaca

03 Jun

cheerio 2

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

here is flynnfinite more info on one of Errol s lesser known yachts. A topic that has been targeted terrificly by Tugboat Tim here:…

Cheerio II, the 46-foot yawl owned by 1992 Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club’s Members of the Year Juanita and Dick McNish has been designated as the State of California’s 66th historic vessel and landmark. The distinction is only bestowed upon those boats that were built before 1940, are of wooden construction and demonstrate significant historical connections with state history.

The functionally elegant classic sailboat was once owned by silver screen idol, swashbuckler and rogue, Errol Flynn. The McNish’s bought the boat in 1980. Patriarch McNish is also affectionately known as the Admiral of the “McNish Navy” due to the family’s commendable devotion to the restoration and maintenance of traditional sailing vessels.

In 1988, Cheerio II was treated to a complete restoration. The effort helped to capture the Corinthian Classic Yacht Race’s “Bristol Boat Award” in 1989. More kudos followed with a “Best Restored Sailboat” honor at the Victoria Wooden Boat Festival in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. It should be noted this last award came while Cheerio II was in the midst of a 120-day cruise of Desolation Sound, the San Juan and Gulf Islands. Any old salt knows a boat at sea is anything but bristol.

More than 60 years old, the vessel is a yar example of maritime heritage. Designed by Edson B. Shock, Cheerio II was built in 1931 by Fellows & Stewart in San Pedro, California.

The vessel is renown among the wooden boat crowd and is one of the oldest sailboats in the Channel Islands Harbor. Unlike yachts bought for status, Cheerio II is meant for slicing through the sea with great agility.

For 15 years Dick and Juanita did a crack job of organizing the annual Classic Corinthian Yacht Race, an event that brings together sailors and landlubbers alike from all over the west coast. Through their company, Strathmore Homes, the McNishes donated the Strathmore Cup, a silver bowl given to the winner. For years, McNish has tried to win the cup back. He came close at the 1991 event when Cheerio II was first to finish. However, since McNish had given such generous handicaps, Cheerio II ended up third.

Cheerio’s restoration included replacement of its decks, deck beams, cockpit and transom, replanking the aft one-third and selected forward planking. New water and fuel tanks were installed along with a pressurized water system with “on-demand” hot water in hopes that Juanita, would come aboard more often. New countertops, cabin sole and engine stringers also appeared. McNish dismisses the monetary aspect of the restoration, thinking of the effort in terms of preservation duty.

Sail No:7465
Rig: Yawl
Material: LOA: 46′
Displacement: Builder: Fellows & Stewart

A model of some kind had been auctioned of some time back: Sea for yourselves:…

Furthermore Errol used a vintage style wooden handle flare gun whenever on a voyage with the Cheerio II as remembered by Life Magazine photographer Alan Grant, since he ended up with it as a gift from our Hollywood hero.


— shangheinz


Ghostship Zaca IV

09 May


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Whenever Errol was Catalina dreaming he naturally went there with his Zaca.
And just when I thought I was in clear waters, the swashbuckler`s schooner turned out to be the “Shearwater”.
Here though is the real deal on reel:…


— shangheinz


You Can See Him at the Newseum

07 May

The New Catalina Museum Opening in June!


Avalon is an Especially Fun & Wondrous Place for Fans of Flynn.

CIM - ErrollFlynn and his yacht Sirocco…

Our Last Visit on the Blog:

Travellin’ in Avalon – Errol Flynn’s Catalina

— Tim


Strange Past of The Sexiest Yacht

10 Apr

Inspired by zacaheinz’s stern post on The Zaca, his stern photo at bottom.

Thank you to Millie Robbins for Chronicling the History of The World’s Sexiest Yacht.





— Tim


Ghostship Zaca III

08 Apr

favo4favo 3Favo ita 2favorita

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

this is the post where we come close but come up short detecting the ZACA at various locations:…

Blogmaster Witty Dave asked his self before, if that could be the ZACA in the film “The Monte Carlo Story”:…

The answer is Yes, but No. The yacht used in the movie supposedly was the FAVORITA.

The FAVORITA was a clipper ship, built in 1862 in Mystic, CT. The ship’s first owner was J.A. McGaw. The FAVORITA was rated at 1231 tons, and dimensions were 188′ x 37′ x 24′. The ship was built to trade between its home port of New York, San Francisco, and the United Kingdom. She was sold in 1874 to Pray & Dickens, also of New York, and to German owners Schilling & Meinke in 1879. The FAVORITA continued to trade until 1891, when it was reported to be hulked in East Africa.

She sailed at various regattas. See:…

My question to you Flynnmates now goes like this: With the boat looking exactly like the ZACA, could it be that many photos on the net of Errol`s sailor pride actually depict the FAVORITA?

Take a peep for yourself at FAVA in moving pictures over here:…


— shangheinz


Flynn’s Footsteps Day 2: Zacahoy!

29 Mar









Dear fellow Flynn fans,

all roads lead to Rome so the elders said. I say many roads lead to Errol in the former capital of the Roman Empire. If you take the Via Appia, turn South and steer your chariot towards the Mediterranean Sea you will end up at Gaeta, a small port of a tourist town. Our Hollywood hero left his mark anchoring with the ZACA there many times.

Signor Cosmo Rao must be considered a true Flynnthusiast, since he manufactured a miniature model of Flynn`s truest love. It took him one year to complete and it is on display at Hotel Mirasole International. He used the finest wood and spent a grand on that alone. He loves all Flynn films and took up the task, after visting the ZACA courtesy of his amico, the then captain Bruno. He even was offered to join the crew on a trip around the world by its new millionaire owner. Even though his family is of Sardinian descent, he prefers to look at the sea rather from the beaches than from a ship`s rail. But what he loves most is looking at his masterpiece and explaining the various sections of the schooner. He studied the building plans meticulously and attended to every detail of Cap Robin Blood`s boat.

Here is an internet eagle eye`s view on little ZACA in all her splendor:… .

Grazie Signori Rao and Ciano for a landlubber`s seafaring experience.


— shangheinz


Ghostship Zaca II

14 Feb


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

while last time turned out to be an UFO sighting…, this looks more like the rail deal.

Errol rented out his beloved yacht amongst others to Rita Hayworth and her pauper prince Aly
Khan, Mary Pickford and Orson Welles.

Check out the schooner at the 0:47 mark in the trailer of Roger Vadim`s frenetic flic “And God created woman”- do we have a Zaca Vu here?

Here is the whole film:…


— shangheinz


Flynn in Cannes

23 Jan


Invention of the French Riviera:…



Errol & Bridgett:




Errol & Tilda:


Errol & Clelle @ what appears to be Cannes:

03 Sep 1953, Venice, Italy --- Original caption: Errol Flynn Suffers Back Injury. Venice, Italy: An old back injury, which sent him to bed in his hotel suite, is keeping film star Errol Flynn from enjoying many days such as the one he is shown sharing with Mrs. Barry Mahon under sunny Italian skies. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

03 Sep 1953, Venice, Italy — Original caption: Errol Flynn Suffers Back Injury. Venice, Italy: An old back injury, which sent him to bed in his hotel suite, is keeping film star Errol Flynn from enjoying many days such as the one he is shown sharing with Mrs. Barry Mahon under sunny Italian skies. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

A Glimpse of Flynn at the Festival:

— Tim