Errol “Off to Hospital(s)” — May 6 and July 16, 1942

07 May




Errol collapsed during filming of a boxing scene in Gentleman Jim as the result of a heart attack
and was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles.

— Tim


Neil M. Nicklin’s Nice Errol Flynn – Olivia de Havilland Collection!

06 May

— David DeWitt


At the Lido in Londontown

06 May

The Lido Club was near Picadilly Circus, on Swallow Street, a short block long known as a hotspot for nightclubs, from the early 20th Century to the Swinging Sixties (George Harrison himself once co-owned a nightclub at 9 Swallow Street.)

A Shot from Right Rear Side, with Errol Smiling

— Tim


More from Mexico — Errol Helps the Red Cross

05 May

While we’re down Mexico way on Cinco de Mayo, here’s a photo of Hedda Hopper, Errol, and Faye [future daughter-in-law of FDR and “First Lady of television”] Emerson boarding a flight to Mexico City for a Red Cross benefit premier showing of Yankee Doodle Dandy at the Palacio de Bella Artes in May of 1942. The premiere would be broadcast over WMCA Radio, with members of the cast interviewed by “The Perfect Ingenue”, Helen Twelvetrees.

Palacio del Bella Artes

The Palacio de Bellas Artes is known as the “Cathedral of Art in Mexico”. Construction began again in 1932 and was completed in 1934. The building is best known for its murals by Diego Rivera, Siqueiros and others, as well as the many exhibitions and theatrical performances its hosts, including the Ballet Folklórico de México.

— Tim


Cinco por Cinco de Mayo

05 May

Buenos Dias, Amigos.

Errol was a very frequent traveler to Mexico during his heydays in Hollywood. He drove, he flew, and he sailed to South of the Border. In celebration of today’s Cinco de Mayo holiday, here are five chronological photos taken in Mexico City, Acapulco, and Morelia, plus a bonus bow-and-arrow-fishing film with Howard Hill in the famous sportfishing waters off the coast of Old Mexico.

— Tim


Sean Flynn Monument Update! David Rocco, Mail Bag!

04 May

The replacement Sean Flynn Memorial Tree has been planted and the memorial monument has been relocated so that it now faces the entrance to the Trail of Honor.
Next step now is to obtain a memorial monument for Dana Stone and place it at a tree that is across from the Sean Flynn monument.  I am in negotiations with the Friends of Lasdon Park organization to reach an agreement on how we can honor Dana Stone.

David Rocco

Thanks so much, David!

— David DeWitt


A Deuce of Bruces Quiz

04 May

Two notable Bruces have identical connections to this date, May 3. Who were they?

The first knew Errol in three decades.

The second knew him in two.

— Tim


A FLYNN FAMILY STAY AT HOME DOUBLE FEATURE (“Desperate Journey” & “Five Ashore in Singapore”)

03 May


Previously I have posted about possible Flynn and son double features such as, “Uncertain Glory” and “Stop Train 349” and “The Big Boodle” and “Mission to Venice”. Today I have put together what I feel is another interesting combination, that of Errol’s “Desperate Journey” and Sean’s “Five Ashore in Singapore”.

Released in 1942, “Desperate Journey”, has Errol and his team after a successful bombing raid over Nazi Germany, having their plane shot down by enemy fire. Then he and the surviving four of his crew must make it out of Germany alive and get back to England. Errol’s crew includes; the ever reliable Alan Hale, Arthur Kennedy and a future US president, Ronald Reagan. Also included is the beautiful actress, Nancy Coleman. While most of the action is of the tongue in cheek kind, the film still has plenty of good thrills under the able direction of Errol’s favorite director, Raoul Walsh.

“Five Ashore in Singapore” (aka “Cinq Gars Pour Singapour”) had its world premiere in 1967 and was Sean’s last starring role. He had as his leading lady the very sexy, Marika Green who also happens to be the aunt of Bond girl, Eva Green. Also according to Perry Deane Young in his book, “Two of the Missing”, Tim Page, Sean’s friend and colleague, who had gone to Singapore with Sean appears as an extra in a scene in the movie. For more on this film, one can read the excellent article by Raphael Millet previously posted on this site.  Suffice it to say Sean also leads a team of five men here to solve the mystery of missing US marines in that capital city.  While not a classic, it still has a lot of action and is a document of its time.   –A.R.




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La Charge Fantastique

02 May

During Nazi occupation of France in World War II, the showing of “American, Russian, and British, films were out of the question.” Directed primarily by Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, film censors were especially assiduous in barring presentation of Jewish productions out of Hollywood. Warner Brothers were/was at the top of their hit list. In the post war years, however, movie fans in France and throughout Europe very much welcomed, even clamored for, great Hollywood films. Hence, on May 2, 1947, La Charge Fantastique (They Died with Their Boots On) was released in France.

— Tim


May Day No. 2: The Legend of Maid Marian

01 May

In addition to its connection to Robin Hood, May Day has had a very long and very strong association with the Virgin Mary, most especially among Roman Catholics. The legend of Maid Marian may have arisen from that association, as did apparently Olivia’s costuming, as well as her physical appearance, in The Adventures of Robin Hood.

In the 1400s Catholics, as all Christians were at the time, in England celebrated May Day on the religious holiday of Whitsun featuring a quasi-religious rebel who robbed and murdered government tax collectors and wealthy landowners in plays and games. Agrarian discontent lay at the foundations of the feudal system that was built on the shoulders of toiling peasants. As time went on, the characters of Maid Marian, Friar Tuck and Alan-a-Dale entered May Day rituals as well. Robin Hood was actually shown at this time participating in Mariology, the cult of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Originally Maid Marian (or the French Marion) was a shepherdess associated with the Queen or Lady of May or May Day. Keeping this in mind, “the world’s foremost authority on Robin Hood,” author Jim Lees in The Quest for Robin Hood set forth that the hypothesis that Maid Marian may originally have been the personification of the Virgin Mary and derived from the older French tradition of a shepherdess named Marion and her shepherd lover Robin in Adam de la Halle’s Le Jeu de Robin et Marion, 1283. In fact, Marian’s association with May Day celebrations lasted long after Robin Hood’s did, as pointed out by Scottish born poet Alexander Barclay in 1500, “some merry fytte of Maid Marian or else of Robin Hood.”

May Day in the Catholic Church

The Legend of Robin Hood and Maid Marian

Here’s a May Day Celebration in England from the Days of Errol Hood and Maid Olivia:

Hell, even atheist Katie Hepburn celebrated May Day!

Here’s a majestically beautiful May Day ceremony in 2018 from a Catholic School in St. Louis:…

— Tim