— Watch Out Buddy —> “Errol is Tops”

15 Mar

March 16, 1949

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

After saying he wanted to stay away from Hollywood for a long time, Errol Flynn now talks of returning from Europe in a month.

This is more or less a shot in the dark, Buddy Fogelson had better watch out.

People predicted that Errol and Greer wouldn’t get on in The Forthsyte Saga. Just the contrary happened. They got along famously and Greer thinks Errol is tops.

I know that she was up to his house for a small dinner party Sunday.

Now, wouldn’t that combination be something? And, don’t forget, Errol is partial to redheads.

Errol had a small window of time to romance gorgeous Greer Garson, who had just ended an odd marriage with the allegedly “morose” neysayer, Richard Ney (who was twelve years younger and looked a touch like Sean Flynn did in the early Sixties), followed by the very tame and wealthy Texas wildcatter, Buddy Fogelson.

So, here’s Greer, with Dick Neysayer, Errol Swashbuckler, and Buddy Wildcatter (sporting a Flynn-pencil-thin-like stache, but very thin on the Flynn panache):

— Tim


The Sea Scout

14 Mar

March 14, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

A Florida Sea Scout is tentatively selected as one of the boys to accompany Errol Flynn on his cruise.

— Tim


Up the Sepik with Young Captain Flynn

14 Mar

March 13, 1936

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

The most dramatic movie premier of 1936 took place not in Hollywood or in New York, but in Belfast Ireland when Captain Blood opened there the other day with Errol Flynn’s father and mother in attendance. They hadn’t seen him since 1932 and, suddenly, there he was on the screen, their turned into a movie star.

Reporting the incident, the Belfast papers also carried an interview with R. L. Simpson, who adventured with Flynn to New Guinea. He told a story about the actor that not even the studio knew.

Seems that a motion picture troupe hired Flynn to take them in a 20-ton schooner up the unexplored Sepik River, a stream infested with crocadiles and transversing jungles crawling with hostile natives. Sure enough, the troupe was ambushed and five of the police escorts were struck by poisoned arrows. Flynn and the crew were able to repel the attack with rifle fire and to get the troupe back to civilization.

Superb video featuring multifarious primitive tribes and exotic cultures Flynn may have crossed paths with, if not crossed swords with, in Papua New Guinea – headhunters and cannibals included:

— Tim


Lili Leaves for PB

12 Mar

March 12, 1938

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Lili Damita leaves for Palm Beach shortly to meet Errol Flynn and come back through the Canal with him.

And here’s a photo of Tiger Lil’ taking a “Palm Beach Cab” on what appears what might be the town’s world famous Worth Avenue. Probably taken after she divorced Fleen.…

“The bicycle chair- sometimes called the “Afrimobile” or “Palm Beach Cab” was the only wheeled conveyance (other than a railroad or trolley car) allowed on Palm Beach at the turn of the century. The hotels employed drivers by the hundreds during the season.”

— Tim


‘A Different Idea of Elegance’

12 Mar

March 9, 1938

Erskine Johnson
Behind the Makeup
Los Angeles Examiner

Errol Flynn’s ambition is to play Cyrano de Bergerac on the screen, but studio bosses frown on the idea of his appearing with a long, false nose.

— Tim


$500 Reward Quiz

10 Mar

What does a $500 reward have to do with Errol Flynn?

— Tim


Looks Like a New Team

08 Mar

Read the rest of this entry »

— Tim


White Rajah, Wrong Times

07 Mar

March 7, 1939

Hollywood Citizens News

Errol Flynn’s four assignments, in order of their production, will be The White Rajah, written by him; The Sea Hawk, The Knight and the Lady, with Bette Davis, and Don Juan. Each will be a $2,000,000 film.

Errol’s White Rajah contract with Warners:

Another swing and a miss in ’47”

— Tim


The Valley of Death

06 Mar

March 5, 1936

Harrison Carrol
LA Evening Herald Express

Movie location scouts have found a replica of Tennyson’s famous near Chatsworth, Cal., and the scene will shortly become one of Hollywood’s biggest sets. The picture, of course, is The Charge of the Light Brigade. Warner Bros had to find a valley floor big enough for the operations of 300 infantry and of 690 calvarymen. Tennyson’s poem had only 600 calvarymen in the charge, but studio research depts. are more accurate than poets and they have determined that 690 calvarymen actually stormed the Russian fortifications.

These fortifications, to be erected upon the top of the hills forming one wall of the valley, are to be on a grand scale. No miniatures for this battle scene, which, if you remember, finds the English the French and the Turks pitted against the armies of the czar.

Looking toward an English market for this Crimean War special, Warners is out to get a British cast to support Irish-born Errol Flynn in his second screen appearance. They have cabled Irving Asher to test the best available young actors in London for the role of Flynn’s younger brother.

“The Battle of Balaclava is one of the most famous battles of all time, despite being a comparatively minor engagement in the Crimean War. The futile heroics of the soldiers who fought there may have gone relatively unnoticed if not for a picture and a poem.”

“The battle itself is fraught with anecdotes and personalities that combine to make legend. The events of October 25th, 1854 evolve like the episodes of a Greek tragedy, with the fate of the soldiers hinging on the acts of a handful of characters.”…

— Tim


Errol Flynn’s Room on the Queen Mary Mystery Continues!

06 Mar

Like many things with Flynn there is yet another mystery and more questions …

To whit: In about 2011 I contacted the Queen Mary concerning the cabin that Errol stayed in during his trip to Spain to cover the Spanish Civil War and he was aboard ship with the erstwhile sinister Hermann F. Erben. Erben kept notes about his travels in a notebook and some of these notes were published in Josef Fegerl’s red covered book.

In the book, Erben notes that Errol stayed in M 38.

So I wrote to the QM and asked them if the room was still there. They replied that M38 was changed to M012 and still existed. When I visited the ship I went to look for the cabin and found it. I did not knock on the door, fearing somebody would be disturbed. Later, I found evidence that M38 was indeed changed to M012. 

So what is the mystery?

Well, if you look closely you will see in that Erben wrote: M 38 not M38 … When I asked about the cabin location I asked in my email about M 38, too. With that space between the M and the 38 …

But the answer I got I think now was about cabin M38 and not as I have discovered in a different map: M038 … see in yellow on the left side of this map of M Deck.

Then I found this old map: if you look at the far right side below, you see that what is listed as M2 in yellow above was M038 (below) …

So, was Erben referring to M038 and leaving out the 0 when he wrote “Errol in M 38” ??? Did he put in a space between M and 38 to denote the number M038?

Here is where M038 is located now listed as M2 …

In 1997:

And M2 is up against the wall of the Mauritania Room on the Queen Mary. But, hold on … there is more! I found a video tour on YouTube of M Deck by Lake Nipissing and it showed the hallway leading to the M2 cabin in my maps. I left a comment explaining the mystery I was trying to solve and in a short time, Lake replied to my comment!

Whoa! Not only did Lake go check things out, but created a short video showing the room as it is today (3-6-30) and there was a surprise.…

Lake says: Since the door ventilation grille is covered over, this room was remodeled in 1999 and will have a drywall vs. original wood ceiling, the punkah louvers will not be functional, and the bathtub surround will now be tiled instead of the gray/white marble pattern Formica on wood. There is a conversion list on a Queen Mary website which can help:…
Correct: Cunard M2 = Long Beach M038 . . . Cunard M38 = Long Beach M012
Both of these rooms are active, with the card reader door locks. They are facing the parking lot, though, and not the harbor.

Do we know for sure which room Errol was in? M38 or M 38 (M038) ???

Tis a mystery still …

Thanks, Lake … you are the best!

— David DeWitt