One of The Beatles once dressed a la Errol in one of his swashbuckler films. Which Beatle was it, what was the occasion, and why is today an appropriate day for this quiz?
— Tim
Mon Film was the leading “film photonovel” publication in France in the decades before and after World War II. (It was “on hiatus” during the war.) This issue was published on February 25, 1948, seventy-two years ago today.
Thank you to our great EFB Flynnmate and Author Tina (aka Baribel), for originally publishing this cover and information regarding it, nine years ago today. Danke, Tina!
— Tim
In 1945, one of Errol’s favorite leading ladies confided in Dolores Moran that the greatest lovemaker she ever had was not Errol Flynn, but, rather, another Hollywood celebrity.
Who was the leading lady?
Who was the purported superior lovemaker?
What were the circumstances of that hard-to-believe revelation?
Clues to Use
It was whispered into Miss Moran’s ear in the leading lady’s studio dressing room (dressing room no. 7) during the filming of a Warner Brothers movie.
There’s a good chance Raoul Walsh was there also, and almost certainly he knew what was whispered, though unlikely he actually heard it.
Errol traveled many thousands of miles with this alleged lovemaking competitor, prior to and subsequent to this dubious disclosure.
— Tim
February 22, 1935
Jimmy Starr
Evening Herald Express
Margaret Lindsay’s heavily bandaged wrist, a badly wrenched shoulder, and several black and blue marks all the cause of an overly-enthusiastic newcomer to the screen, handsome Errol Flynn, Irish actor, brought here from England by Warner Brothers.
When Mr. Flynn was cast in a small role in The Case of the Curious Bride, his first scene was with Miss Lindsay. He was to grab here and fake a terrible struggle. Mr. Flynn, ex-gold miner of New Guinea, pearl-fisher of the South Seas and boxer in the Olympic Games of 1928, suddenly became much too realistic in his handling of the fair heroine.
Director Michael Curtiz, enjoying the excitement of the splendid struggle, was too engrossed in getting action in his pifture to stop the rough treatment of his star. At the finish of the scene, however, Maggie was rushed to the studio hospital, where she was treated for severe bruises and her sprained wrist.
It is needless to say that Mr. Flynn has been warned to curb his “realism” in the future.
February 23, 1935
By Peter Pry
Behold Them Minus Hokum
Hollywood Citizens News
Errol Flynn, the he-man Irish actor under contract to Warners who previously was an Olympic Games boxer, does not entirely realize his strength. For a scene in The Case of the Curious Bride he was told to grab Margaret Lindsay by the wrist and throw her across the room. He did as he was told. Margaret landed 12 feet away. Her hand and arm began to swell with alarming speed. First aidcarrived and the swelling members were taped up. But director Michael Cuttiz said it was a wonderful scene.
— Tim
February 21, 1938
Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express
Here’s a vacation offer to fit any boy’s dream.
Errol Flynn has decided to give two youngsters, between the ages of 15 and 18, a chance to accompany him on his Carribean cruise.
The star originally invited the Mauch twins, but they are going into a western picture at Warners and won’t be able to make the trip.
So Flynn is going to extend the opportunity to two other boys.
Anybody has a chance, but certain qualifications are necessary.
First of all, the consent of the parents. No boy who runs away from home will be given consideration.
Secondly, the star wants boys who have had an elementary training in seamanship and who possess some knowledge of the mathematics of navigation.
The cruise is to be made in the star’s yacht, Sirocco, and the sailing date is about the middle of March. Flynn plans to be gone six weeks. With him on the boat will be the captain, the two lucky boys and a couple of the actor’s men’s friends.
Don’t write this reporter for more information. Address all communications to Flynn at the Warners Brothers studio, in Burbank, California.
— Tim
Warner Downtown Theatre, 1938 featuring Robin Hood …
1938 …
1938 …
2020, location of Warner Downtown Theatre, Los Angeles, 1938 …
— David DeWitt