Errol Flynn from mid-August 1951 Through mid-OCTOBER

22 Nov

Errol and son Sean try to spend some vacation time  together in Jamaica, but the best laid plans…hmmm. Later Errol and Patrice spend time together while Flynn deals with his financial woes. Eventually, Errol prepares for his next film, Mara Maru.


— Topper


Mail Bag! Errol Flynn from Grandmother’s Scrapbook

20 Nov

My friend Ellen Taibl sends two items found in her grandmother’s scrapbook. Ellen says, … Found these in Grandmothers’ scrapbook. Christmas card unknown year but it was stained and folded so I remastered and dried it flat.  It’s resting on box.
Second presumably a last photo of EF when and where not dated.

Thanks, Ellen!


— David DeWitt


Posted in Mail Bag


Errol Flynn with Two More Photos Sessions Near End of 1935

08 Nov


— Topper


Man of the world

31 Oct

Just found this on the internet. Not sure if it is new as Luke talks about his grandmother, who is no longer with us. But here it is. With some photos of… Read the rest of this entry »

— Debbyphielix


Early in Errol Flynn’s Career in November 1935

31 Oct

Errol has another portraits gallery session during the week of November 9th. and a quick cameo highlight with Lily in short subject. Then he has a radio appearance, among other things, before the opening of Captain Blood next month.



— Topper


Errol Flynn Begins January 1946 to Early March

24 Oct

As filming continues on Never Say Goodbye into February, Errol prepares for some more sailing his newly acquired  Zaca.


— Topper


Royale Encore

22 Oct

Dear Flynnstones,

the gaze says it all.


— shangheinz


Errol Royale

22 Oct

Dear Flynnstones,

what can you say?


— shangheinz


Skiing like Flynn

18 Oct

Dear Flynnstones,

slipping and sliding on the slopes: When Errol Flynn Skied at Alta –…


— shangheinz


Errol Flynn Headlines from October 15 … and Beyond!

16 Oct

“…and yet in death, lives on.”

— Topper