Search Results for: Pirate

Morning After

March 4, 1939 Erskine Johnson Behind the Makeup Los Angeles Examiner Morning after the Academy Awards banquet, Donald Crisp sent a telegram to Errol Flynn, vacationing in the South. “Dear Errol,” it read. “Last night the Academy Awards banquet was held. Your name was not mentioned.” … Deplorable that Flynn was not even nominated for his immortal portrayal of Robin… (more…)

Captain Morgan ⛵🐕🌴 The Wizard of Dogs

February 17, 1939 Harrison Carroll Evening Herald Express The Frank Morgan yacht is being equipped with a dog house for his five dachshunds. Errol Flynn’s gesture is tops, though. When the Irish star took his dog, Arno, on a cruise last summer, he installed potted palms on a deck of the boat. … Frank had the perfect name for a… (more…)

The Errol Flynn Blog Theme Change is coming!

I have tried to avoid this for several years … but we are going to have to change our theme because the current one has not been updated in far too long, and our PHP is out of date for running on WordPress … attempts to find something similar have been fruitless but we are going to have to make… (more…)

Kid Like Flynn?

“The pirate may have met his match in the young boy, who jumped around in swashbuckling moves inspired by movie star Errol Flynn.”…… — Tim

Rajah Rides Again! — Doomed No More?

“An epic tale of Sir James Brooke, the British adventurer who became King of Sarawak in the 1840’s and embarked on a lifelong crusade to end piracy and head-hunting – only to face charges of murder and piracy himself.”…… Over the course of his life “The White Rajah” fought “pirates and the Sultan’s enemies to win a crown as… (more…)

August 27, 1935

August 27, 1935 Harrison Carroll Evening Herald Express The Errol Flynns (Lili Damita) are sending all the way to London for the favors of their pirate party to be given as soon as he finishes Captain Blood for Warner Brothers. … ———- “The Errol Flynns” at the Trocadero celebrating Errol’s tremendous success in Captain Blood ————- — Tim

The Captain Blood Armada

July 24, 1935 Los Angeles Examiner Warners Rush Ships for Scenes in Captain Blood Construction of five pirate boats to be used in the filming of Captain Blood was being rushed on the Warner Brothers lot today, anticipating the picture’s going into production the first week of August. The ships are being made under the supervision of Anton Grot, art… (more…)

The Gentleman from New Guinea

His name is Errol Flynn and into his twenty-six years he has crowded enough experience to satisfy a dozen men. While other actors played at life in stock company repertoire, he has been living it, with dauntless gaiety. Prospecting for gold in New Guinea,being ambushed by natives,negotiating peace between savage tribes, captaining a pearl-diving crew and a copra-trading ship, receiving… (more…)

Swashbuckling Before CGI

Extracted and adapted from Swordplay & Swashbucklers: Hollywood Ships & Shores in Miniature Before the advent of CGI, many swashbuckler films used models of ship and shore, along with full-size ships built on sound stages, to both recreate environments no longer available and also to save money. To some degree the early miniatures may seem quaint today, as compared to… (more…)

Not Just Any Port — “Dodge City of the Caribbean”

April 12, 1938 Jimmy Starr Evening Herald Express In the year of 1692 the quiet little village of Port Royal, Jamaica, was startled by a loud rumble, followed by a violent earthquake that slid the entire town into the ocean. On days when the water is clear, sightseerers hire a small boat to visit the site of the tragedy and… (more…)