How alike are their looks? Confuse or unconfuse – Who is Who?

03 Mar

             Who was at the funeral?

— Tina


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Some More Sunday Night Reading Material

01 Mar……

Let me know what you think of these articles.

Okay, now this one is quite interesting.  It is from a blog, but it has some interesting tales about the Zaca.  If you go down into the posts, there is banter back and forth about Errol.  Andrea (much like Tina!) comes to his defense.  At the very end there are two posts made on OCTOBER 14, 2009–very eery when I realized this.  Have fun.…

— Kathleen


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Truth or Not?

28 Feb

     Dear Errol fans,

              I hope I have not been 'stirring the pot' too much, but I learned long ago that in the case of Errol Flynn, you just cannot trust what the media says. There have been rumors and legends and wild stories that after a time, were just took as truth where they very much were not. Sort of a case of 'if the shoe fits, wear it'. Or in Errol's case, 'If the story is outrageous enough, Errol must be responsible'.

            Case in point: Errol's funeral. The L.A. Times said that security was so tight that Jack Oakie, (Errol's friend) was kept out of the funeral due to tight security. Read Tina'a posting of the L.A times piece on Errol's funeral. But here is a picture of Jack being one of the pall bearers!(He's on the left) A neat trick, eh?

           This is why I question the fact that Patrice was at the funeral. The lady photographed beside Sean looks like Nora to me. Now I may in fact be 100% wrong, but I also may be 100% right.

          This is why I would like verification from those who were actually there. I was not, but Rory and Deidre were. I will bow to their recollection, be I right or wrong.

                                                       Thanks,  JOHN

— john


Pinning down the fickle Flynn!

28 Feb

Who? Me?  I am innocent, entirely innocent I am!


Some light Sunday reading for Errol's fans!  “Reading Eagle – September 17, 1950”…

— Tina


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Patrice in 1960 and fairly current

27 Feb

Second picture of Patrice attending premiere of remake of 1960 Ocean's Eleven.

— Kathleen


Does anyone know about a relationship . . .

27 Feb

Errol had with Diana Dill?

— Kathleen


The Last Sad Rites of Errol Flynn by John

25 Feb

Hi John – I hope you do not mind me clarifying this issue!
This here should explain that Patrice, Sean, Deidre and Rory were at the funeral.  Nora, Lili and Beverly were absent, but Beverly sent one red rose with a note saying “I'll always love you”!
Here are the articles for your information!

— Tina


Errol's estate in probate for 14 years?

25 Feb

I am sorry to be so bold and ask the much more informed body of this membership a few questions, which are of great interests to me.  It puzzles me very much as to why Errol's estate was for 14 years in probate, does anybody know the real reason?  14 years is a very long time!  There was a will and Patrice received the estate, there was Nora who contested the will, there was Beverly who contested the will, but all this could have not taken 14 years, there must have been other issues – what were the issues?
Why did the sale of the ZACA did not go through as arranged in Vancouver?  I thought the papers were signed?  Has anybody conclusive and

irrefutable information about this situation as to why and how this long probate could have ever happend?  In an interview Patrice says the ZACA was taken away from her.  How – if it was under probate?  All this is another great mystery in Errol's aftermath!  We are told Patrice had no money, but how does this come into the picture?  Once there are assets, there are no questions about money, because the money is in the assets!  I think Errol was shafted and mislead all his life by somebody or another!  It is horrible to think, but I am coming somehow to the conclusion he never had an honest person around him?  I can believe that he was very naive in many ways and things, but nobody is that naive!  Your valued insight would be very much appreciated!

— Tina


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A New Errol, Patrice photo

24 Feb

         Dear Errol Fans,

                     I came upon this photo and have never seen it published before. It shows a tanned, and even sunburned loving couple enjoying life to it's fullest. It 's a shame we cannot save these moments forever. I think it is is a testament to lovers everywhere. And by the way, I think Errol was the luckiest man to ever walk the earth at that particular moment.


— john


Errol Flynn Country Pt. I

24 Feb

     Dear Errol Fans,

               I have decided to let you in on some of my cherished Port Antonio photos and will post them from time to time to show you readers just how beautiful the area is, and maybe share a part of the world that Errol and I have fallen in love with. Now don't get me wrong, I am not comparing myself with Errol, but let me tell you, he had latched onto something good. and I admire his taste in not just women, but locales.

      This chapter is about the marvelous Trident Castle, which is located just W. of the Blue Hole, about 6 miles from Port Antonio. I shamelessly bribed my way into the place some months ago and was very impressed, and I am not easily impressed. It is a palace of immense proportions, and I have never seen it's match in Jamaica. It was built by the same folks who built and run the Jamaica Palace Hotel just down the road.

       The Castle was not there when Errol was roaming around the area, but I think he would have approved. For those who want to stay there, it is easily done: Just be prepared for the $5000.00 US Dollars per night fare. (with motorcar, meals, boat, and airplane available) Tom Cruise had just departed when I arrived to take these photos, and his picture resides on the grand piano.

       The Castle is built on the cliffs and the view is, of course, first-class. A large pool is at the ready, as is a large, friendly staff. A party room, library, game room, and an immense gathering hall( just inside the front doors) are ready for just about anything. There is even a chapel on the grounds for the religious in the crowd. There are guard dogs to keep away the odd paparazzi that may wander onto the property.(always a plus!)

       As a certain T.V. Host would say, “Champagne Wishes!”


                                           Thank You,   JOHN

   P.S. I have some eye-popping video of this place and when I figure out how to put it on the blog, I will be more than happy to share it. The pitiful photos I provided just don't do it justice. It is really 'something else'!  J.T.  Check out the website too!

— john