27. Errol and Paul Lukas “Uncertain Glory” 1944

03 Jan

— Tina

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26. Errol with Monte Blue – left and Art Foster- right “Thank your Lucky Stars” 1943

03 Jan

— Tina


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25. Errol and Julie Bishop “Northern Pursuit” 1943

03 Jan

— Tina

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24. Errol and Ann Sheridan “Edge of Darkness” 1943

03 Jan

— Tina

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23. Errol with Alexis Smith and William Frawley “Gentleman Jim” 1942

03 Jan

— Tina

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21. Errol and Olivia “They Died with their Boots On” 1941

03 Jan

— Tina

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20. Errol with Brenda Marshall and Lucile Watson “Footsteps in the Dark” 1941

03 Jan

— Tina

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Errol and Paulette Goddard

02 Jan

Happy 2010 Everyone! I ran across this photo of Errol and Paulette Goddard while surfing the web this evening, thought I'd share it here~


— Bob


The New Rock-itt Issue is out…

02 Jan

Happy New Year!The ONLINE Rock-itt for January is now out….au – Peter Johnson says, hard copies of the magazine are being printed and distributed as well!

— David DeWitt

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Dean Stockwell

31 Dec

Have any of the authors here interviewed Dean Stockwell?  I came across an article on the Internet that quotes Mr. Stockwell during the time Kim was being filmed and the quotes are quite crude.  I've come across other crude quotes by others who knew Errol and wonder why he would say such things to preteens, his own son included!  Maybe that is why he gets such a bad rap.  Whenever I bring up his name my friends just shake their heads.  I still don't care . . . I am a fan.

— Kathleen


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