Errol Flynn Scans

21 Nov


Firstly, I apologise for not posting before, i have been busy with starting sixthform college and keeping my youtube channel, Cader1dris, going. This summer i found a couple of articles on Errol. One i found in my Grandma's 'Saga' magazine which has a fantastic photo of Errol. Another was from 'TV Times' about the new actor CLIVE STANDEN, which websites, TV programmes and magazines have all been saying how much he is like a new Errol Flynn!


— Sam


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Have you used the Search Feature lately?

20 Nov

Hallo, Chums! There is a handy little feature on the blog that you can use to find out if we have information about something you are interested in – it's the Search Feature! Located on the left hand side of the Main Page, under Logout – you can use the search bar to input keywords for subjects you are looking for… we have many casual readers and this if the fastest way to locate what you might be searching for…


Incidentally, we have 685 Articles, 758 Comments, 46 Authors, 11 Photo Albums, and 337 Pictures on this blog to date… as well as streaming Audio, Video, and Pdf downloads!

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn centennial ball a success

17 Nov

HI guy's found this article . Thought it would be of interest. Genene.

Errol Flynn centennial ball a success

Published: Tuesday | November 17, 2009

Gareth Davis Sr, Gleaner Writer

Errol Flynn

The inaugural Errol Flynn centennial ball, which attracted dignitaries, along with business interests from across the island – partying all night to jazz music from Sonny Bradshaw's Big Band – was from all indications, a huge success.

Held last Saturday night at the Ken Wright Pier of the Errol Flynn Marina in Port Antonio, the event was staged to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the former Hollywood legend, and also to celebrate the 50th year of his passing.

The toast of the night was his widow, Patrice Wymore Flynn, who was presented with a plaque from the Jamaica Tourist Board in honour of her late husband, who was influential in the birth of tourism in Port Antonio, which began with rafting on the Rio Grande.


“I am happy for an occasion like this one,” she said. “A bunch of youths, who are performers, are to benefit from proceeds gained from this ball. They are the Port Antonio Marching Band, which is in dire need of uniform and equipment. We are hoping to make this an annual event, and we are also harbouring thoughts of opening a compound for the performing arts to attract high-school students.”

It was a perfect setting for the first-ever centennial ball in the eastern parish of Portland, as ladies dressed in pirate suits added flavour and colour to the well-decorated and colourfully lit marina, which also displayed dozens of images of the late actor.

The magical setting, which portrayed the ambience of the marina, with water on both sides of the promenade, a white-sand beach with dozens of carefully pruned coconut trees, the lush vegetation of the nearby Navy Island, and well-arranged seating with candle light, captured the hearts of patrons.

The dancing was opened by Mrs Flynn, who danced away with her guest, and if that was not enough, the place was set on fire when President of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, Alec Dehaney, and environmentalist Margaret Gouron, took the floor dancing the tango.

They were later joined on the glass stage by several couples, including Information Minister Daryl Vaz and his wife, Ann-Marie.

Cameo performance

The centennial ball was also set alight during a cameo performance by wife of the late Sonny Bradshaw, Myrna Hague, who thrilled the hearts of the more than 400 patrons. And when she exited the stage, resounding applause could be heard echoing hundreds of metres away.

The event was heavily sponsored and, according to Dehaney, approximately 400 tickets were sold and all proceeds will go directly towards assisting the Port Antonio Marching Band.


— tassie devil

1 Comment

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Taking a Guess on EF's Crusader

17 Nov

Being a fan of Errol Flynn has been so much fun this last year.  I mean I've always been a fan but now I am reading all the books there are, finding sheet music and magazines.  I just visited his grave (will write more later on that experience), but what I want to say now is:  when I was surfing around the Internet looking for Errol, I came across L.A. LA Land's Hollywood Blog.  He had written a wonderful article and we traded thoughts back and forth a few times.  For some reason, while surfing around months later this article came up again and someone had responded to the article.  They were so supportive of EF.  I thought this is someone you would want on your “side”.  This is what struck me as so right on and is just a snippet from the original post:  “Look into his eyes, which are the mirror of the soul, prior to this event [rape trial] his eyes sparkled with a zest and excitement, afterward that sparkle, that glee was gone and it was gone forever“.  I want to say that Tina made that post.  Am I right, Tina?  If so, you go girl!

— Kathleen


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What a Surprise!

16 Nov

Just viewed a clip of the game show The Big Surprise.  I had no idea that Mike Wallace would be the emcee.  Errol was fun to watch.  He was witty and handsome as ever.  And, he got all of the answers and won $30,000.  Does anyone know if there is a clip available of his return visit for $100,000?

— Kathleen


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Olivia and Me! Rory Flynn…

04 Nov

I traveled to Paris in Sept., and had the great privilege of 
meeting Ms. Olivia de Haviland, who welcomed me into her beautiful  home with champagne and treats. I brought my dear friend Cooky, my brothers girlfriend, who is like my sister and who knows my family so well. We talked about my Dad. I told her stories and she told me stories. Mine were a little more personal for she was very curious as to the years I spent growing up with my Dad.

She did tell me that my father was still an enigma to her. That she had never been able to figure him out.Her presence was complete, her attention very directed, and her humor and high spirits was nothing less than an inspiration to me. How happy and welcoming she was to meet us. We had been corresponding for years and and I thought I may never get this chance, as time does fly by, and we are all so busy. She had just completed a video where she spoke about “Gone With the Wind” to commemorate the 50 years since it was made. She is very busy with her fan mail and other occasions that she is asked to attend.

I left with such a great feeling, to have been able to talk about my Dad with all the love I have for him and find it reciprocated by such a lovely woman who is full of compassion and devotion to his memory.

Cheers, Rory

— Rory Flynn


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As some of you know…

02 Nov

Hallo, Chums!

As some of you know, I have had an unexpected abdominal surgery, and spent 11 days in the hospital recently. I am home now, recovering for an estimated period of 6-8 weeks. Things went well during the surgery for me. Nothing too scary was found and the problem was addressed via the surgery. At this point, I am healing very, very slowly. I have not felt well enough to sit at the computer for very long periods until today, one of my “good days” but I wanted to let you all know I still here and doing well…

If you have not been able to log-on to use your Reader Account privileges, I have now set them for you. I apologise for any inconvenience.

It is very heartening to see all the comments being left on the blog in my absence and the new articles, and photos, too!

Best to all, d~

— David DeWitt


EF Honorary Pallbearers

19 Oct

Greetings –

It has been interesting to read the accounts of EF's passing in the archives of the LA Times these past few days. Today's edition has a reproduction of the photo of EF's remains arriving in LA by train, accompanied by Buster Wiles. In one of the many articles, it quotes Patrice Wymore listing the names of the honorary pallbearers to be present during the funeral service.

Most of those listed are easily identified and their association with EF is known: Michael Curtiz … Victor Fleming … Robert Ford … Gene Fowler … Jerry Giesler … Justin Golenbock … Paul Henreid … John Huston … Dennis Morgan … Jack Oakie … Pat O'Brien … Mike Romanoff … Mickey Rooney … Red Skelton … Raoul Walsh … Guinn Williams … Buster Wiles … Dick Hyland [LA Times columnist].

A handful of names were unrecognizable to me and I was wondering if anyone knew of their relationship with EF. One would assume that these folks were connected to him in a significant way, given the prominence of the names above. The names listed were: George Boyar … Paul Buttles … Jim McKinnon … John Perona … Don Petty … Stephen Raphael.

My wife believes that Mr Perona was a well-known restauranteur of the day. Robert Ford is — I presume — the attorney who assisted in representing Flynn during the statuatory rape trial. However, Lincoln Hurst once told me that EF ended up owing Ford a substantial amount of money [so the tale goes] and that Ford actually brought suit against EF for payment. Perhaps they had reconciled prior to EF's passing?

Many thanks in advance of any and all efforts.

Best wishes – Rick

— Rick


Errol in Sheet Music – Uncertain Glory, Santa Fe Trail, Never Say Goodbye, San Antonio

17 Oct

I've bought sheet music that is more than 60 years old–it is so unbelievable.  I never thought of looking for Errol on the piano.  I've found four so far.  Never Say Goodbye (Remember Me); Santa Fe Trail (Along the Santa Fe Trail), San Antonio (Some Sunday Morning) and Uncertain Glory (Marianne).  They all have beautiful front covers and are suitable for framing.

— Kathleen


The Golden Shanty

09 Oct

After reading several books which touched on Flynn's last film and how difficult it was for the director and actors to work with him I was curious to watch The Golden Shanty.  Then I came across the attached review and it motivated me to obtain a copy.  I have to say that I agree with the reviewer.  Watching the interactions and seeing Flynn with that famous grin was well worth the price I paid.  The segment is like watching an old Gunsmoke episode.  Patricia Barry was great.

— Kathleen