Some audio found by Chris Driscoll… the 100th Anniversary Life & Times

04 Jul

Life and Times has a bit of audio that Chris Driscoll found for us concerning Flynn's 100th Anniversary… check it out. It is an hour long and ends with one of Errol's radio shows, Mr. & Mrs. Smith with Lana Turner…

Chris says:  “…with [Errol] being interviewed and Norah as well, she sounds a lot like Rory…one account of Errol riding off on horseback with a bow and arrow to hunt boar! [When you get to the page] Just click to listen…”

Errol Flynn – the 100th Anniversary

— David DeWitt


Colonel Lankershim and Errol's Mulholland Property…

29 Jun

Since a few of us have been scouting the property up at Mulholland where Errol had a hilltop home – it seems a good idea to mention the article in the June 2, 1939 LA Mirror that Rick Stinehour found on their history blog…

Rick says,

It is a piece from a column — “Nuestro Pueblo” — that the paper ran on a regular basis. This particular article deals with the monument devoted to Colonel Lankershim, which abutted the Mulholland Farm property. Quite an interesting account of the Boy Scouts annoying EF's pets!

Also, deserving mention, if you go to the LA Time's website and access this article directly, some kind soul has taken photos of the contemporary sight and provided information as to how visitors may take a hike into see the monument in person. What a trip that would be! -RS

I was unable to find the link to the photos for us – but one of you computer whiz types out there might have better luck! Meantime Rick provides a photo of the article for us and I have made it into a pdf… Enjoy!

— David DeWitt


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Jack & Louise Marino's Errol Flynn Centenary Bash Invitation!

28 Jun

This is what you received IF you were lucky enough…

More to come including tales about the Centenial Celebrations in Hobart…

— David DeWitt

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A ray of light shines bright on Errol's Star in Hollywood…

28 Jun

Three days before Errol Flynn's 100th Birthday a ray of light shines brightly on his star in Hollywood… today, his star sits just a few feet from a popular eatery on Hollywood Blvd – and not too far from Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

The first star in the Hollywood Walk of fame was placed for Joanne Woodward on February 9, 1960 and to date there are over 2,000 stars representing stars who have made significant contributions to film, radio, television and the recording industry. Stars near Flynn's include Robert Vaughn and Leonard Nimoy just across the street…

While Steve and Genene Randall kicked off Errol's Centenary Celebrations with guests Rory Flynn and her son Sean in Hobart, Tasmania – Jack & Louise Marino's 100th Birthday Bash for Errol Flynn at a gathering of The Mulholland Drive Boys, with guests Ron Fisher (husband of Beverly Aadland), and his daughter, Aadlanda, actor William Smith (Forgotten Heroes, directed by Jack), and his wife Joanne and Paul Picerni (who played Detective Steven Ranier in Mara Maru with Flynn), was held in Burbank, California.

Jack says he owes his lovely wife Louise all the credit for opening her home to so many people and working so hard to make the evening a huge success. She was the perfect hostess… and everyone enjoyed her warm smile and many thoughtful kindnesses during the event…

Special Guest was Trudy McVicker who knew Earl Conrad and Tony Thomas well, among other Flynn writers and is a true “Keeper of the Flame”.

On hand was Flynn biographer Tom McNulty (Errol Flynn, The Life & Career), and his wife Jan, Musician and Artist Robert Florczak and his wife, Annette, Actor and Photographer Dick Wieand, Actor, Playwright and Author Louis Kraft, Karl Holmberg of the Yahoo chat group The Zaca, Steve Latshaw, Polly Kranjcich, Kent Hagen, Donny Sarian, Greg Maradei, Karen Figilis owner of Flynn's Appian Way home and many others… including one very lucky fellow named Carl Zetterstrom who journeyed all the way from Sweden  to be at Errol's gravesite on June 20, and ended up being invited to a very special party!

Details of the party in Burbank and Special Events in Hobart will be forthcoming along with a gallery of photos! Stay tuned…

— David DeWitt


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Hooker Oak v. Gallows Oak

27 Jun

This is a picture for Robert's Then and Now.  However, it may not be the tree used in scenes . . .it was taken in 1958.

— Kathleen


Hooker's Oak

27 Jun

— Kathleen


Errol's Beverly Hills Home-Then & Now

25 Jun

Here is a composite I just made today exclusively for Errol's fans. The photo of him in his car is c. 1938. There will be more from this location later.

— Robert


We Welcome New Authors Karen Lynne and Graham Howes to the Errol Flynn Blog!

25 Jun

Something a bit different this time in our Traditional Welcoming for  new Authors! Karen Lynne and Graham Howes have produced a play about Errol Flynn (Karen wrote it, Graham directed) which was presented at the Aldwych Theatre in London’s West End Theatre district.

They say they have been working on the play and substantially reworked it since its debut and are looking for investors to bring the play to a new full staging. Copies of the play are available for serious investors…


— David DeWitt


A Star is Unveiled

21 Jun

Hi Guys click on this link to see the new star in honour of Errol in Hobart. There is a little news clip that you can look at with Rory and a dear lady named Ila who went to school with Errol. So just click on the video.…

Steve and Genene

— tassie devil


Happy 100th Birthday Errol.

20 Jun


With  Great Love and Appreciation for Inspiring and Impacting every Facet of My Life.  Be Gallant in All Things and Noble Always.  Michael. 

— Michael

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