We Welcome old friend Lou Alexander to the Errol Flynn Blog!

04 Jun

Our new Author Lou Alexander “met” Errol Flynn as a very young child when his teacher pointed out Flynn sitting in a car by the curb as Lou and his fellow children stood outside his school with their teachers. Lou noticed his teacher seemed to be excited about the handsome man sitting in the car – and when he asked who he was – she said, Why, that's Errol Flynn!


— David DeWitt


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Master of Errol Flynn's Yacht Zaca Captain Patrick C. Cother

02 Jun

Ahoy all Zaca lovers

At last, Bonnie Cother is back from her visit to the UK and I have just now been in touch.

The ordering particulars are these:

The book is $29 (USD) and for the USA, shipping and handling is $5. Please check with her if you are outside USA.

No credit card or personal checks. A money order or the equivalent and to please make the check out to Veronica Cother-Bentley and send your order to the address below.

The Post Office informs her that shipping usually takes between 5 and 6 days.

If you want it sooner that can be arranged also but you must contact her for a different price

Veronica Cother-Bentley
P.O. Box 7621
Winter Haven, FL 33883

To refresh your memory:

She has said: “my father was the Master/Captain of Zaca during 56/57……….. the journal is full of photos of EF and family, copies of original letters to and from EF……..log book entrants……….. telegrams, and information dad has typed re meeting with EF.”

(Bonnie has further related this most interesting tidbit- that her father and Errol Flynn had MUCH common- not the least of which … a shared birthday!)

I am REALLY looking forward to this book as it is another unusual (and to date, unknown) witness to events that has come forward- albeit indirectly. In fact, had Ms Cother not gone through her fathers' things, discovered this treasure trove of Flynn stuff (and, in many cases VERY fragile items at that) and TAKEN THE TIME OFF to do loving justice to the assemblage of it all … I shudder to think of the alternative! Afterall, think of the almost fate of the Zaca itself!

Best- Karl

— Karl


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TCM Vault Collection – 100 Classic Films from the Warner Archive

02 Jun

Will Errol Flynn be represented?

Hi, David

I want to thank you for being a fan and posting TCM programming on your blog.  I wanted to be the first to share with you the news of the TCM Vault Collection. Because you’re a classic film fan I know you’re just as excited as we are of our newest development.  TCM is making over 100 classic films from the Warner Archive collection available on DVD for the first time.

The collection features rare titles such as “Doc Savage”, “Mr. Lucky”, “Westbound”, “Abe Lincoln in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Illinois”, “The Mating Game”, and “Mannequin”.   Many of the early films in the TCM Vault Collection feature stars like Clark Gable, Myrna Loy, Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, and Spencer Tracy. 

To view the TCM Vault Collection titles go to…

TCM is also on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube:………

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Sakeenah Johnson
Turner Entertainment Networks…

— David DeWitt


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We Welcome Bruce Bell our Newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog!

30 May

Welcome to The Errol Flynn Blog, Bruce! We look forward to your thoughts and articles!


             The Errol Flynn Centenary – Presented by The Errol Flynn Society of Tasmania, Inc.

             Learn more about Bruce Bell: Bruce Bell Tours

— David DeWitt

1 Comment

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We Welcome Our Newest Author Bruce Bell to the Errol Flynn Blog!

30 May

Welcome to The Errol Flynn Blog, Bruce! We look forward to your thoughts and articles…


           The Errol Flynn Centenary – Presented by the Errol Flynn Society of Tasmania

— David DeWitt


Bruce Bell's Errol Flynn Ranch Gallery!

29 May

We just received a very kind email from Bruce Bell at which reads:

Hi David,
I took these photos over a 3 week period in Nov-Dec 1987 while visiting LA. At the time I was reading 'My Wicked Wicked Ways' and decided to go in search of the infamous Mulholland ranch. As luck would have it Errol's former home was being renovated and the gate was open to let the workers come and go. I asked the foreman if I could take some pictures and he said it was cool. I went back a few times over the course of the few weeks while I had access. I really couldn't believe my luck reading about Errol Flynn while wandering the rooms of his beloved Mulholland Ranch.

Bruce Bell  Associate Editor  The Bulletin

I've made a photo album out of these extraordinary photos… you can click the image below on any Gallery page to view a slide show of that gallery!
This one points to Bruce's Gallery!

Tip o' the Hat to Bruce Bell

— David DeWitt


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Rear Doorway onto Pool – Diningroom behind tall glass windows

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch Interior – Bedroom 2nd Floor

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch – interior Solarium

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch – Exterior Solarium

29 May

— David DeWitt