We Welcome New Authors Karen Lynne and Graham Howes to the Errol Flynn Blog!

25 Jun

Something a bit different this time in our Traditional Welcoming for  new Authors! Karen Lynne and Graham Howes have produced a play about Errol Flynn (Karen wrote it, Graham directed) which was presented at the Aldwych Theatre in London’s West End Theatre district.

They say they have been working on the play and substantially reworked it since its debut and are looking for investors to bring the play to a new full staging. Copies of the play are available for serious investors…


— David DeWitt


A Star is Unveiled

21 Jun

Hi Guys click on this link to see the new star in honour of Errol in Hobart. There is a little news clip that you can look at with Rory and a dear lady named Ila who went to school with Errol. So just click on the video.…

Steve and Genene

— tassie devil


Happy 100th Birthday Errol.

20 Jun


With  Great Love and Appreciation for Inspiring and Impacting every Facet of My Life.  Be Gallant in All Things and Noble Always.  Michael. 

— Michael

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Happy Birthday

20 Jun

Hi all

Firtsly let us be the first to say Happy Birthday for Errol's centenary.

As we are in Hobart we get to celebrate before those in America and most of the world. We have celebrated in style accompanied by Rory and Sean Flynn. Tasmania and Australia has been most gracious to them with interviews on radio, television and newspapers from both here and the world. There is a story coming out in the Washington Post and it can be read at this addy,… or if you go to this address you can see a tv show called collectors and a segment on Errol Flynn. Yes I'm the big guy in white shirt and Genene is sitting to the right of me in Blue.… We trust that you enjoy them.

Today being Errols 100th there was a plaque unveiling outside the State Theatre in Hobart of which there is a pic with Genene. Tonight there is a Gala Ball with the Errol/Pirate theme. Rory and Sean will be there with Sean singing a couple of songs. Rory is such a lovely person that takes the time to talk with people and listens as well. We feel priveledged to have met Rory on the three occassions that she has been to Hobart and look forward to her coming again.

Bung Ho everyone and enjoy your festivities on this great occasion.

Steve and Genene

The Tassie Devils

— tassie devil


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Dear Friends! I am heading to LA!

16 Jun

Chums! I am heading to LA tomorrow for a certain Birthday Party that celebrates dear old Errol Flynn's 100th here in America – while half a world away, in Hobart, Tasmania – a special celebration is also happening for the Centenial of Errol's birth in the city of his birth itself!

Rory Flynn and her son Sean will be attending and many attractions are planned… check out the blog post on this and while you are at it – check out Robert Florczak's video tribute to Errol on uTube……

Watch it in HQ for best quality.

This means I will not be available to answer your many emails and I am sad about this – but I am sure you understand how happy I am to be attending the Centenial Bash for Errol Flynn in LA at the end of this week!

A full Report will follow…

Be good for the week that I am gone!

Or at least try to be…

— David DeWitt


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Music of Flynn Movies

15 Jun

I have finally realized that part of my enjoyment of watching Errol Flynn was the music in his films.  Now I'm off on a tangent looking for CD's.  My first stop was Amazon where I found numerous choices.  I also did a bit of research on Erich Wolfgang Korngold, the composer of  many Flynn movies:  Captain Blood, Adventures of Robin Hood, The Sea Hawk, Prince and the Pauper to name a few.  He was born on May 29, 1897 in Brunn, Moravia and grew up in Vienna.  While he was composing film scores in Hollywood under his contract with Warner Bros., he also was trying to maintain his concert and opera presence in Europe.  It was in 1946 that he attempted to return to the concert stage.  He had less than favorable results and found himself forgotten and essentially unappreciated in Austria and returned to America.  Korngold died on November 29, 1957 at the age of 60 in Hollywood believing himself virtually forgotten.  I find it interesting that EF thought his acting was not good enough, that he did not want to make swashbuckler movies; yet these, to me, are my very favorites.  Korngold also thought along those lines as he did not particularly want to be in America composing musical scores for movies, and here we are  enjoying them both 50+ years after their deaths and the next generation will do the same.  I wonder if they are amused and thinking “Who knew?”

— Kathleen


Browsing Used Books

15 Jun

I was looking for Errol Flynn books yesterday and came across Charles Higham's the Untold Story.  I thought about buying it for target practice (I read someone else did this and received immense satisfaction from blowing holes in it!), but I left it on the shelf.  Alas, this was the only book the shop had regarding EF.

— Kathleen


1949 Turf Cigarettes Cards

14 Jun

1949 Turf Cigarette Package:




— Russ McClay

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We Welcome New Author Bonny Cother to The Errol Flynn Blog!

13 Jun

Bonny is the author of the new book Master of Errol Flynn’s Yacht Zaca  about the years her father was Captain of Errol Flynn’ beloved Zaca… welcome, Bonny!

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Linda Christian to The Errol Flynn Blog!

13 Jun

Linda, Welcome aboard The Errol Flynn Blog! We are pleased to have you with us and look forward to your posts and comments!


— David DeWitt


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