Errol Flynn Ranch – interior Solarium

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch – Exterior Solarium

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch The Pool

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch Garage

29 May

— David DeWitt


Flynn Ranch Fireplace

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch Flynn standing beside fireplace

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch Photo – Bruce Bell standing by Errol's fireplace

29 May

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Ranch Street Sign

29 May

I took these photos over a 3 week period in Nov-Dec 1987 while visiting LA. At the time I was reading 'My Wicked Wicked Ways' and decided to go in search of the infamous Mulholland ranch. As luck would have it Errol's former home was being renovated and the gate was open to let the workers come and go. I asked the foreman if I could take some pictures and he said it was cool. I went back a few times over the course of the few weeks while I had access. I really couldn't believe my luck reading about Errol Flynn while wandering the rooms of his beloved Mulholland Ranch.

Bruce Bell  Associate Editor  The Bulletin

— David DeWitt


To members of the Errol Flynn Society:

27 May

T.T. Flynn and Errol Flynn exhibition at UTAS

We are celebrating the centenary of the creation of the School of Biology/Zoology at the University of Tasmania, in particular its first Professor TT Flynn, as well as the birth of Errol in Hobart with a small exhibition in the foyer of the Morris Miller Library on the Sandy Bay campus of UTAS.

It will display photographs and plans of the original biology buildings built in 1909, publications by TT Flynn, including copies with his annotations – zoological specimens, lantern slides, equipment and glass plate negatives related to his research, the birth record of Errol from the Queen Alexander Hospital records, the enrolment register of Errol at Friends school, his school photo and enrolment card, editions of Errol's books from the State Library and other interesting items.

It will be running from the 11th June through to the end of July. We hope you can visit us during this time.

Best wishes,


Gillian Ward
Publications Librarian

Copyright and Digital Assets (CADA)
University of Tasmania Library
Private Bag 25
Tasmania 7001

Special thanks for reproducing this notice goes to Steve and Genene Randall –EFSOT

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Centenary in Hobart, Tasmania…

24 May

Steve and Genene Randall have just sent us a proof copy of their Errol Flynn Centenary brochure for Flynn's 100th birthday celebration in the land of his birth, Tasmania – in Hobart! It's a beautiful brochure, download it now to discover all the events planned for this special day…


                     Just click the pic!

— David DeWitt


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