Stepehn Youngkin on Os Morris…

23 May

Stpehen Youngkin sent this to me… fascinating, as SPOCK might say! Stephen writes:

Amongst the many people I interviewed for my biography of Peter Lorre was cinematographer Oswald “Os” Morris, whose screen credits include: Beat the Devil; Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison; Lolita; The Spy Who Came in from the Cold; The Taming of the Shrew; The Man Who Would Be King; Equus, etc.  Os was an interviewer’s dream.  He was affable, unassuming, hospitable and rolled out anecdotes with a storyteller’s gift for narrative and a historian’s eye for accuracy.  In other words, I just sat back and listened. 


Sensing my interest in his colorful tales about John Huston (they worked on eight films together), he said that he one day hoped to include them in an autobiography.  That was 1988.  Having recently seen Os on a documentary about Huston, I thought to look and see if he ever did pen that book.  Long story short, it came out last year: 


Huston, We Have A Problem: A Kaleidoscope of Filmmaking Memories (Scarecrow Press, 2006). 


One of the films Morris shot was The Roots of Heaven with Errol Flynn, who, said Morris, had trouble remembering his dialogue, sweated and drank heavily.  Nothing new there.  However, what did catch my attention was mention of a Flynn film that was new to me (and may be to other members):


“My last film [as clapper boy] at Elstree was the Karl Grune-directed Abdul the Damned [1935], hokum about an operetta star (Adrienne Ames) assailed by a villainous Turkish sultan (Fritz Kortner).  In the cast as a palace guard was a handsome lad called Errol Flynn.  He was immediately talent spotted.  Irving Asher, head of production at Warner Bros. studios at Teddington, Middlesex, tested him, the result was sent to Burbank, and Errol was given a six-month contract.”  p. 8.






Pictures curtesy of Karl Holmberg

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Rory Flynn to the Errol Flynn Blog!

21 May

We are honored to announce that Rory Flynn – daughter of Errol Flynn – has joined this blog as our newest Author! We look forward to her comments and insights…


 Rory Flynn and Friend inTasmania!

— David DeWitt


Early Antipodean Recollections.

19 May

In the sub-antarctic climes of  Hobart, far removed from any sirocco breeze there was another history. A scant history of a young boy who could never have known what life had in store for him. Hobart was Australia's second settled city. Its early architecture is still very evident today.One only has to take a casual stroll around Battery Point to achieve a sense of  colonial history. Ostensibly not much has changed over a hundred years except for a careful gentrification of this inner city area.

Its not hard to imagine the young Errol frequenting this area especially when we consider that tall ships and clippers would tie up along the foreshores of Salamanca Place as more modern vessels do until this very day.Errol's love of the great wide oceans certainly must have been  imprinted at an early age and indeed he may have wondered what good wind lay in wait for him.

During the mid 1980's I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of two gentleman from Errol's youth.Don Norman and Alan Mansfield. Each were childhood friends with Errol and all three would attend boxing training together. Don was to tell me “Errol could hold his hands up, he had to, he was picked on for his looks” ! Whilst each fought in different weight divisions they certainly applied themselves to their training as both Errol and Alan were state champions in their respective divisions.Alan was divulge to me that it was very sentimental to him whenever he watched  'Gentleman Jim', “I felt that a part of me was in the ring with him”! “Errol could really box”!

Alan (Mansfield) and Errol had often walked to school together  and in his reminiscing he would  ask me to forgive an old mans tears. “After Errol left Hobart to attend school in Sydney , New South Wales, I never saw him again although I watched his career with great interest”. …”but I did meet up with him again during WW2 whilst on shore leave in SanFrancisco”. At this point in our conversation, Alan's demeanour  becomes light and animated. “There we were marching down a street in SanFrancisco and we passed an open air restaurant that was one story high. ..and then I heard a voice from my past, “Alan , Alan old sport” ! “I looked up and it was my old chum…he was my best friend when were kids”. Alan was to tell me that Errol was always on the lookout for any Australians . ” Come up here and have lunch with me” was Errols cry. Alan replied ” I'd like to but I've got about eighty mates here”. “Well bring them up with you then”.

Alan Mansfield had been reunited with his best mate from school and he an Errol and eighty other servicemen had the afternoon of their lives. I think its demonstrative of Errol's affection for Hobart and Tasmania and those early years . I think its wonderful that Rory has returned to Hobart in recent times. I know it will help her connect to the formative years and heritage of the man she knows as 'The Baron' .

…thats all for this blog entry……travel well everyone

— Chris Driscoll


We Welcome New Author Chris Driscoll to The Errol Flynn Blog!

17 May

Welcome Chris! We look forward to your thoughts and contributions!


— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


We Welcome New Author Murphy Scott to The Errol Flynn Blog!

09 May

Murphy Scott joins us as our Newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog! Murphy, we look forward to your contributions! Welcome aboard!

— David DeWitt


How Come I'm Dead by Glen McDonald

08 May

This is a book that contains information on EF's final visit at the Vancouver morgue.  The chapter is entitled Captain Blood's Last Hurrah.  Maybe I am being a bit morbid, but I am reading all that I can find about him.  Can anyone tell me if the accounting of the events by Judge McDonald are accurate? 

 “We didn't find much in the way of personal effects . . .There was a ring.  It was on, I believe, his left hand but it wasn't particularly noticeable . . . it looked pretty cheap to me, in fact, like a trinket from a five-and-dime store. . . .”

Could this have been a keepsake of some sort?

— Kathleen


Tom McNulty's New Website!

07 May

Head on over to… to see our own Thomas McNulty's new place on the WWW (not the Wild Wild West but I'm sure he'd like that)!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


We Welcome New Author Kathleen to the Errol Flynn Blog!

30 Apr

I happy to announce New Author Kathleen to the Errol Flynn Blog! Kathleen, we look forward to your thoughts and contributions! Welcome aboard…

— David DeWitt


Posted in Katheen


Errol Flynn on Radio!

30 Apr

WE have some wonderful Errol Flynn audio Recording on this page!

— David DeWitt


Robert Florczak Video – GOTHIC

27 Apr


— David DeWitt