Yet another Flynn book: Master of the Zaca

11 Apr

Ahoy all-

I have been in touch with the author of Master of Errol Flynn's Zaca Captain Patrick C. Cother. The writer is none other than his daughter Bonnie Cother.

Though currently traveling in the UK promoting the book, she was kind enough to send me a brochure. She'll be back June 1 stateside, ready to accept orders. It is selling for $29.00 US (plus the cost of shipping?).

I include a scan of the brochure sent me should anyone be interested … and after reading it- I SURE AM!

Best- Karl

— Karl

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Cheyenne Blood – in rehearsal with Louis Kraft

11 Apr
Louis Kraft:
“Cheyenne Blood” is in rehearsal and I'm having a blast (for background on the play and Ned Wynkoop see the attachment). The Petite Theatre, which is the home of the Elite Theatre Company, is an intimate theater, something I've not experienced since taking the Ned Wynkoop one-man show on the road (always huge venues outside of California). Now I've got the audience within a few feet of me–much more enjoyable theater, at least for me.

The size of the stage has dictated the size of the cast. I couldn't do “Cheyenne Blood” with a large cast and wrote it as a two-character play. The other is character is Monahsetah (the young Cheyenne woman Custer captured at the battle of the Washita). The play begins with Wynkoop's resignation (actually it is also ends at the time of his resignation, but it isn't stated) when he realizes that he can't be responsible for more innocent people being murdered. I chose Monahsetah as I wanted someone who lived through the events of the 1860s and also as she was in close proximity to Wynkoop due to her father following Cheyenne Chief Black Kettle's lead. Wynkoop knew her by association of his relationship with her father, Little Rock (also a chief).
Tanya Thomas is playing Monahsetah. She is a good actress and I'm thrilled to be working with her. Tom Eubanks is the artistic director of the Elite Theatre Company. Our friendship and working relationship goes way back. In fact he has directed every performance of the Wynkoop one-man over the years, which dates back to 2002 and four states.
The play is an extension of the Wynkoop one man show, which covers his introduction to the West, first contact with Indians, original hostile view toward Indians, Sand Creek, his complete turnabout, and his efforts to get the Indians a fair deal. The play is dramatic and different. For comments on the one-man show which played in Cheyenne, Oklahoma, last December, contact the Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, which paid for the production. The Washita phone number is: 580.497.2742.
The play opens on April 24 and plays through May 24 (Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 PM, Sunday matinees at 2:00 PM, with one Thursday night performance on May 7 at 8:00 PM). Tickets are $17.00 ($15.00 for students and seniors; think a senior is 62 years old). Call (805) 483-5118 for reservations. If you get a message, leave your phone number and they'll call you back.
Here is a link to an Elite Theatre Company blurb on the play:…. Click on the tabs to see pertinent information about the theater company, such as address, etc. There is a restaurant next to the theater called La Dolce Vita.

Are you on Facebook? If so, I have some photos posted there from the one-man show in Oklahoma last December.


— David DeWitt


Visit Writer Producer Steve Hayes' new website!

13 Mar

Our Author Steve Hayes has a new website!…!

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn: A Life in Doggerel

10 Mar

<?xml:namespace prefix = o />What follows is a manuscript excerpt from my mock-epic poem Errol Flynn: A Life in Doggerel, for which – if anyone's interested – I'm presently seeking a publisher.


 I've completed “Book I,” consisting of 6 “cantos,” some 600 stanzas total, and am now at work on “Book II,” which will consist of a like number of cantos and stanzas.  Book I ends exactly midway through Flynn's life, in late 1934, as he is crossing the Atlantic to Hollywood, and Book II picks up with Flynn recently installed in the film capital.


As my book's working title implies, this is not to be taken seriously as “poetry” – although I'm using a great poem as my template: Byron's Don Juan.  Being one of the twentieth century's consummate Don Juans, while having played the role to ironic perfection in a Hollywood film, Flynn and Byron's rollicking Don Juan stanza seemed like a natural pairing.  I also chose the verse form because:


Flynn was about romance and poetry –

He wasn't prosaic by any stretch;

And those biographies and other would-be

Accounts of the man (I don't wish to kvetch,

But it has to be said) miss his esprit,

Of which I'm at very great pains to etch

Into hearts and minds through the studied use

Of what's referred to as the “lighter muse.”


Of course, without the “prosaic” biographies, I could never have written my work – but I did want to try and sing Flynn's life, as it were. 


The excerpt below comprises the concluding stanzas of canto 4, where we find Flynn having recently returned from his second New Guinea sojourn (or third, depending on how you count) and having just acted in his first movie, In the Wake of the Bounty.  But no other acting jobs are forthcoming.  It's late 1933 and Flynn is at loose ends:       



Errol was anxious about his future—

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 />New Guinea, he feared, was just a dead end.

He’d gone there partly seeking adventure

(Which he had found) but to mainly ascend

In the world and that brass ring to capture;

And though Wake of the Bounty might portend

Greater things to come, he had seen his share

Of portents prove out to be castles in the air.


He also harbored ambitions to rise

In society, and to that end had

Gained a fianceé—did I not apprise

You of this turn of events?  Well, the sad

Fact is that Flynn had been very unwise

And something of an insensitive lad

In swearing his love to Naomi Dibbs,

This one of his more unfortunate fibs.


Flynn rightly perceived Miss Dibbs as high class,

Being as she was from the upper crust,

And he handling her like fragile cut glass:

Containing somehow his powerful lust,

Never unsheathing his stalwart cutlass

And never betraying Naomi’s trust

That theirs was a love “on a higher plane”—

But leaving his lower parts in acute pain.


They’d now been “engaged” for almost three years,

But what in fact would it mean to marry?

Love, joy and laughter or blood, sweat and tears?

His parents’ union had made him wary

Of marriage, confirming all his worst fears,

And his own life was presently very

Unsettled and riddled with question marks . . .

And then he encountered a certain “Madge Parkes.”


That likely wasn’t the lady’s true name,

Flynn changed it in Wicked—you’ll see why—

And did I say “lady?”  Try one gorgeous dame!

The kind of woman that’d make a rabbi

Drop-kick his Talmud and loudly declaim

The Kama Sutra, or a sworn Samurai

Bust both of his swords right over his knee

And go off on a saki-drinking spree.


Statuesque she was, sporting auburn hair,

And we can safely resort to “bombshell”

In describing her figure; she bore an air

Of artless glamour and in a nutshell

Was charming, clever and had savoir faire—

Along with a touch of the Jezebel;

A scarlet woman, as it were, for you see,

Our siren was married—and pushing forty.


Urbane, well-traveled, spirited and gay,

She enjoyed swimming, also liked to dance,

Was stylish without being recherché,

The kind of woman who perforce enchants;

And what I guess I’m trying to convey

Is that Flynn’s first hot and heavy romance,

His first “real woman,” was no other

Than the doppelgänger of his mother.


And she was rich.  In their nights dining out,

And for drinks thereafter at a dance place,

There was never the shadow of a doubt

Who’d treat; and she did it with faultless grace,

Not in the business of trying to flout

The unspoken rules, leaving not a trace

Of just how the bill had been settled—they’d

Walk out of somewhere and it’d just be paid.


And she loved sex.  Madge Parkes loved it so,

That Flynn was a quick convert to the school

Of thought which holds that a woman’s libido

Emerges more active, and does not cool,

As might be expected, when the big 4-0

Looms up.  (However, in later life—you’ll

No doubt smile wryly—Flynn’s special delight

Was girls decades shy of their sexual height.)


Yes, sex was her thing and she Flynn’s training ground,

But her needs so great that the constitution

Of our phallic hero, later so renowned,

Was undergoing a dissolution;

And one night after another hard round,

Feeling like he could use a transfusion,

Errol arose weakly from the mattress,

Relieved to escape Madge's scorching caress.


She lay there sleeping, a vision, a dream,

Her arms outspread and her beautiful hair

Spread over the pillow, and a thing supreme

Was her form, with thighs designed to ensnare,

Fulsome hips (yet not too broad in the beam),

Slim waist, and her breasts—oh man, what a pair!

Flynn took all this in, and then his gaze

Began another vision to appraise.


On the dressing-room table, sparkling bold,

Were scattered some jewels, in sizes assorted,

Some of them rings, and others with gold

Or silver chains; he had often escorted

Madge out with these gemstones, but to behold

All those rocks now here together hoarded

Reminded him just how much she was worth

As well as of his own financial dearth.


And it seemed to him that in their affair

Madge was getting the far better deal;

She took him to places with long stemware,

Places that had a strong snob-appeal,

But you could eat only so much Camembert,

And even for bed he had lost his zeal,

For far from being paradisiacal

Her demands had grown nymphomaniacal.


His gaze drifted from the dressing-room table,

Away from the lustrous and dazzling jewels,

And back to those legs to rival Grable

And bust to incite Pavlovian drools

And shapely hips that were willing and able

And face over which men had once fought duels—

On Madge his eyes lingered for a short while,

Wrestling with his conscience—her or the pile?


It was clear that there were no prospects for Flynn

In Parkes; Errol still had big albeit

Somewhat vague plans for his future, which in

So far as he was able to see it,

Wasn’t in Australia—though he’d miss the women,

He felt that he had no choice but to flee it;

And as Madge had been getting constantly laid,

Then Errol ought to be consonantly paid.


In other words, it didn’t take long

For Flynn to decide on his course of action:

He knew emphatically that it was wrong,

By far the “most dastardly” malefaction

He’d ever committed, but the urge was strong,

So in his state of near stupefaction

He got himself dressed very stealthily

And grabbed up the loot as his rightful stud fee.


He raced down the stairs like the place was on fire,

Then hurried through the streets, but didn’t run

Since running was a thief-identifier;

And back at his lodgings he took his hard-won

Yet ill-gotten gains and placed them entire

—He'd scooped up plenty, but hardly a ton—

In the cavity of a shaving-brush,

Which was pretty darn crafty in view of his rush.


Several inches in length was the shaving

Brush’s handle and at the end a crown

That unscrewed to reveal a lifesaving

(Hopefully, at least, in case of shakedown)

Hollow interior made for a thing

To constrict blood vessels and thus shut down

The bleeding if you contracted a nick,

Namely an old-fashioned “shaving stick.”


Flynn placed the jewels in the hollow section

And put a small end of the stick on top

And then screwed the crown back on—a deception

That was likely to outsmart your basic cop,

From whom any top-to-bottom inspection

Of Errol’s belongings would surely stop

Short of reducing his toiletry articles

To their sundry component particles.


Flynn had to get out of town right away

And soon caught a boat that was leaving Sydney.

He’d safely boarded, they were all set to weigh

Anchor and sail from the harbor, when he

Saw bulking large in his stateroom doorway

Two plainclothes cops who’d come round to see

What they might be able to uncover

In the bags of Madge’s light-fingered lover.


First place they looked was the heels of his shoes,

Thinking they might be hollow, then they checked

His shoulder padding, another old ruse,

And the whole time Errol sought to affect

A derisive mien, putting to good use

His inborn and nurtured lack of respect

For authority types—but his fat sneer

Was also intended to mask his fear.


If they discovered the jewels he was sunk.

Prison was not the least of his worries,

But to be exposed as a dirty skunk,

And Father’s displeasure to incur, please,

That was too much; so he showed the same spunk

As Leonidas in reply to Xerxes

When he demanded that the Spartans lay

Down all their weapons at Thermopylae.[1]


“Are you shitheels finished?  Why don’t you take

One leg and you take the other and shake me,

I might just have them up my arse”—thus spake

Errol, they responding: “That would not be

A bad idea.”  No, a grave mistake

It would be, countered Flynn, and promised that he

Would shove through a porthole the first of them

Who attempted this foolhardy stratagem.


“Come and touch me, one of you yellow-livered

Sons-of-bitches!”  It was not as if these

Hardened Australian plainclothesmen shivered

In their boots at his words and got knock-knees,

But Flynn seemed like the sort who delivered

Fully on his threats, not a boy to sneeze

At by any means, so they let it ride

And by way of answer intensified


Their search of his bags; and then Errol, for

His part, did sneeze at them, simulating

An ACHOO that was summoned with a roar

When one of them started investigating

The shaving brush—which you might well deplore

As a sophomoric trick, effectuating

The exact opposite of its design,

But the cop was clearly no Albert Einstein,


So he failed to see through Errol’s schoolboy

Attempts to distract him from the very

Thing he was holding.  (The transparent ploy

Can also derail an adversary

Who anticipates that you will employ

Cunning—just witness that cautionary

Tale where doing the overt is better,

Edgar Allan Poe’s The Purloined Letter.)[2]


Whether or not Flynn’s sneezing and bating

Tactics really served to draw attention

Away from the search, thus extricating

Him from this fix, they show a dimension

Of his person, otherwise so fluctuating,

That was a constant, and hence bears mention:

Equipped with a heart unusually stout,

Flynn was an ace at brazening things out.


With the policemen having left empty-

Handed and the boat now full underway,

Errol unscrews the shaving brush and he

Prises the gemstones, one by one, away

From their settings and throws these into the sea,

Via the convenient porthole, the day

Having yielded to night of deepest black—

All hail our prudent kleptomaniac!


Flynn returns the jewels to their hiding place

And walks out on deck and breathes the fresh air,

And he gets the wind and the spray in his face

As he leans out over the railing; a rare

Sense of elation has come to replace

That of impending doom, the rude scare

He had suffered now giving way to a feeling

Akin to pride in his double-dealing.


He’d gotten away with it!  Guilt he had,

But that just made it more delectable;

He’d done a thing unquestionably bad

As well as highly disrespectable,

Something that branded him a first-rate cad,

But now that it was indetectable

And he himself pretty much off the hook,

He felt just swell about being a crook.


But Errol’s present exhilaration

Was not exclusively owing to his

Narrow escape from incarceration

But from his sexually exhausting miss

And that other form of ruination

Which went by the misnomer “wedded bliss,”

With his prim fiancée Naomi Dibbs,

Entailing both in-laws and baby cribs.


Also, as mentioned, Flynn felt that to make

His fortune he’d have to leave Down Under

And head Up Top; and icing on the cake

Was that with his newly acquired plunder

He now had a very healthy grubstake

Which might buy him time to work a wonder

In this or that project or endeavor,

In China, India, or wherever.


But not in Australia—that much Flynn knew.

In stealing the jewels he hadn’t planned

To bid a definitive farewell to

His mistress, intended, and native land;

But through his thievery, out of the blue,

Errol had managed to force his own hand,

His subconscious impulses, as a group,

Now being realized in one fell swoop.


And I’ll venture there was yet another

Unconscious urge behind his larceny:

Because Madge was so like Errol’s mother,

The quite real if latent misogyny,

Spawned by Marelle, found in his rich lover

An apt target, hence the sheer villainy

Of Errol's transgression, which victimized

A generous woman whom he otherwise prized.


But let’s leave Flynn now, leaning on the rail,

Looking out over the expanse of sea,

Trying to make out whatever detail

He can on the distant shore, because he

Will not be returning again; but braille

Is needed to pierce the obscurity,

The mainland now completely out of sight

As Flynn sails blindly into the night.



[1] Leonidas called back, “Come and get them!”

[2] In which the letter in question is “hidden” in such an open and predictable place that it escapes detection.

— Kevin McAleer


We welcome New Author Kevin McAleer to the Errol Flynn Blog!

06 Mar

I am happy to announce our newest Author Kevin McAleer to the Errol Flynn Blog… we welcome you, Kevin, and look forward to your contributions!

— David DeWitt


We welcome New Author David Boswell…

27 Feb

We are happy to announce New Author David Boswell at the Errol Flynn Blog! Looking forward to hearing from you, David… Welcome aboard!

— David DeWitt


Review: Errol Flynn Slept Here

23 Feb

“Errol Flynn Slept Here” by Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone


           The critical reassessment and popular rediscovery of Errol Flynn continues with the publication of “Errol Flynn Slept Here” by Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone. This beautiful hardcover with a full color dust jacket offers 184 pages of text and photos. The book reveals the story behind Errol Flynn’s legendary Mulholland Farm and can serve an as an introduction to Flynn for newcomers while adding immeasurably to the many scholarly reference works already available. The book celebrates the one hundredth anniversary of Flynn’s birthwhile noting the fiftieth anniversary of his death.

           “Errol Flynn Slept Here” was a labor of love for Matzen and Mazzone. These long time collectors pooled their resources and produced a lavish book that is both fascinating and heartbreaking. The text, predominantly by Matzen, is superb. Matzen is also the author of a definitive biography of Carole Lombard and his writing talent and research skills are evident on every page. The dozens of black and white and color photographs, many published here for the first time, offer a window into the past. Preceded by two short reminisces by Matzen and Mazzone recounting their visits to Mulholland shortly before its destruction, the book traces Flynn’s purchase of the property where he would build his pleasure palace just over four miles from the Warner Brothers lot, nestled comfortably on a hilltop. Even today, over twenty years after its destruction, Flynn’s Mulholland Farm is the stuff of legend.

           Interested readers (and there will be many) are encouraged to seek out this book promptly, because I suspect it will become highly prized by bibliophiles. The book speaks for itself. I will mention only that the book also documents the other “Masters of Mulholland” – Stuart Hamblen and Rick Nelson. The stories are fascinating. Along the way you will  encounter Jack Marino, Steve Hayes, Robert Florczak, Matthew and Gunnar Nelson, the Hamblen family, and many others. The photographs, many from the private collections of Mike Mazzone and other collectors, are breathtaking.

           In some way this magnificent book is also an elegy for a bygone era. If memories are like ghosts then many of us are haunted by these reflections of the past. One can easily look at the photographs of Mulholland near the end, the halls and rooms empty but for that warm California sunlight pouring through the empty window frames, and we can imagine both the elegant dinner parties and the bawdy roistering, the squeal of a starlet being pursued across the patio steps; or perhaps the tinkle of glasses as fresh champagne is poured on a warm summer night before the onset of the white mice races. Was that a fleeting figure Robert Matzen glimpsed up in the dormer window as he stood near the pool taking photographs in 1987?

           Yes, there are ghosts here, but there’s nothing sensationalistic or campy in the production. This is the work of two researchers who document the facts like good journalists, and I guarantee the journey will take your breath away. As a reviewer I can offer nothing less than unbridled enthusiasm for this haunting but majestic book.           Mulholland Farm is inextricably connected to the lives of the Hamblen family and the Nelson family, but Errol Flynn’s spirit resides larger than life among the manzanita scrub and eucalyptus trees that shelter a sweltering array of today’s stars in the rolling hills surrounding Torreyson Place and Flynn Ranch Road. And none of them, no matter their boasting, can hold a candle to Errol Flynn.

           After finishing the book I set it down and sipped at my coffee and recalled that day I made the trek to the empty lot where Mulholland Farm once stood, and within moments I was compelled to pick up the book again and thumb its pages to peruse those haunting photos. I recalled the intoxicated midnight I pulled myself onto the stone wall (glimpsed in the background of a photo on page 75) and stared in abject dismay at the gravel that occupied the space where the pool had been. Perhaps it was the wind (or the alcohol) but I thought I heard voices in the darkness that led to the tennis court stairway. And I recalled a line from “Look Homeward, Angel” by Thomas Wolfe: “O lost, and by the wind grieved, ghost, come back again.”

           For those who never made it to Mulholland Farm, this book will take you there in an instant. This is a journey worth making. Fans of Errol Flynn and Rick Nelson will treasure this volume while benefiting from an introduction to Stuart Hamblen. The story of these lives converging in the house that Flynn built is compelling. A novelist couldn’t dream up such a fascinating tale with such remarkable men, and so the accomplishment of Matzen and Mazzone to document the facts is all the more worthwhile. I have no qualms in stating that I love this book. Time caught up with Mulholland Farm, and in its place now stands a new structure currently occupied by Justin Timberlake. But this book restores Flynn’s dream palace from its exile in the past, breathes new life into the rubble, turning it once again into a ceaseless paradise of flamboyance. “Errol Flynn Slept Here” is the perfect volume to celebrate the centenary of Errol Flynn’s birth.


— Thomas McNulty

— Shamrock

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Errol Flynn Slept Here! A winner!

21 Feb

The new Matzen/Mazzone book Errol Flynn Slept Here is getting wonderful word-of-mouth reviews! Check it out for yourself on…

— David DeWitt


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Istanbul Candid?

16 Feb

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Photos


Errol's 1935 Auburn Speedster! Can you name the dog? Hint: starts with a “G”!

16 Feb

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Candids