Tasmanian Devil: The Fast and Furious Life of Errol Flynn on DVD!

16 Mar


Producer Robert de Young has just announced the release of “Tasmanian Devil: The Fast & Furious Life of Errol Flynn on DVD! Extra Features and Interview material are on the 59 minute docu including:

ADDITONAL INTERVIEWS – with Christopher Lee, Rory Flynn, Beverly Aadland, Luke Flynn, Vincent Sherman
ERROL AND THE GULF SCREEN GUILD THEATRE – 2 Radio Plays: 'Alergic To Ladies' and 'Mr and Mrs Smith'

Check it out here: Umbrella Entertainment

The DVD Tasmanian Devil: The Fast and Furious Life of Errol Flynn will be available 4/18/08 at Gameplanet Store says James McAndrew! Thanks for the Tip, James!

— David DeWitt


Salute to the Fabulous Marino!

15 Mar

  image  An interview with Jack!

                       Jack Marino, Independant Filmmaker

Jack Marino owner and designer of the Fabulous Flynn website we all know, is an independent filmmaker in Hollywood who announced recently that his indie film FORGOTTEN HEROES is now coming out on DVD.


After 20 years of screening his film around to all the major studios and independent distributors its release on DVD marks a personal victory over the studio system that historically, he says, has portrayed the Vietnam veteran in a tragic light.


Determined to show his characters as heroes in a foreign conflict and not the stereotypical rapists, druggies and baby killers seen in most of the films dealing with the Vietnam War – Jack’s film is Pro American and is “a good old fashioned action film” in the classic mold without harsh language, and one dimensional characters.


In control of his film’s distribution after all these years – Jack Marino is taking his film on the road, and rather enjoying the attention his movie is getting. It is a new world for independent filmmakers like Jack because of the internet.


You can view the film’s trailer on Utube at:…


TV talk shows and radio programs are taking notice of his movie’s release and CBS Studios invited Jack to attend a “Celebrity Show for the Stars” on their backlot recently where Gunsmoke was filmed. The show is upcoming  May 17-18. You can meet Jack along with 100 celebrities who will be attending and even get a chance to purchase a copy of FORGOTTEN HEROES from Jack himself with a personalized autograph on the DVD!


$5.00 of each DVD sale of FORGOTTEN HEROES will go to the VERTERANS DISABLED FOR LIFE MEMORIAL FUND from his appearances and from any purchase made from his websites:……


Jack says he will personally autograph any DVD bought from his websites as well if you just post a note when you make your purchase.


Jack Marino was a personal friend of legendary movie director Vincent Sherman late in Sherman’s life. Of Jack’s work on FORGOTTEN HEROES Vince Sherman said that he felt Jack would have been given a contract to direct films from Jack Warner. “This was the best compliment I have ever received,” Jack said.


Jack Marino is having a hell of a lot of fun and is enjoying every minute of it.

— David DeWitt


Tyrone Power, November 15, 1958 (see commentary below)

04 Feb




This photograph was taken on the set of “Solomon and <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Sheba” on November 15, 1958 in Madrid, Spain. Power had been filming a fight scene with actor George Sanders when he became weak and collapsed. Nobody realized at the time that he was having a massive heart attack. Power retired to his small, Coachman trailer where he took a nap and died in his sleep less than four hours after this photo was taken. It was a tragic end to one of Hollywood’s greatest stars.

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Unfortunately, Tyrone Power shares with Errol Flynn the distinction of having been smeared after his death. Regarding Power’s alleged homosexuality, I defer to actor Jack Elam who knew Power as well as anyone. When I brought up these allegations in my interview with Elam on June 20, 1998, he became angry and said “Let me tell you something – you tell them they’re full of shit! I mean they’re just full of it! I remember he told Zanuck “Before we finish this picture, put this guy (Elam) under contract.” So I was put under contract at Fox. About three months later he did a picture called “An American Guerilla in the Philippines.” I had a bit part in it, if you remember, nothing important, but I was in the Philippines for a long time on that picture. And I had dinner with Ty many, many nights. And it wasn’t just me. I spent a lot of time with him and talked with him a lot about everything in the world. He loved to converse. He had a very great mind, and he loved to talk. I would have smelled it if there was anything at all. I would have known. There’s no way those people saying that stuff about Ty aren’t full of shit!

— Shamrock

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TCM Video Box….

03 Feb

Sakeenah Johnson at Turner Entertainment Networks contacted our blog and asked if we'd like to put a TCM Video Box on the blog for folks to enjoy some clips from their 31 Days of Oscar – unfortunately, we cannot embed the code here BUT we can at the website side of the Errol Flynn Blog at…. Therefore, Chums go here to see the Video Box and enjoy a few classic clips!

You'll notice Captain Blood right in the middle of the player! Just click it anywhere to activate it – then sellect your clip and enjoy!

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— David DeWitt


with Nora Eddington and Frank Sinatra

02 Feb

— Shamrock


The Dark Avenger rides! (U.S. title: The Warriors)

02 Feb

— Shamrock


the proud papa during the filming of Kim

02 Feb

— Shamrock


action scene from The Big Boodle

02 Feb

— Shamrock


With Eddie Albert in The Sun Also Rises

02 Feb

— Shamrock


The Sun Also Rises color candid

02 Feb

— Shamrock