Ef with Nora

10 Nov

A fleeting moment of happiness.

— Shamrock


Happy Nurses… Uncertain Errol?

09 Nov

— David DeWitt


Dive Bomber # 2

09 Nov

“You're a window in my house of life.”

Well, this isn't exactly the scene where we hear that dialogue, but it seems to make a nice caption for this great still.

— Shamrock


Dive Bomber # 1

09 Nov

A scene from the ever popular Dive Bomber!

— Shamrock


Errol at Mulholland in color

09 Nov

He is every bit the aristocratic gentleman that he wanted to be.

— Shamrock

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Posted in Candids, Photos


The Errol Zone

09 Nov

That weird background has always reminded me of The Twilight Zone

— Shamrock

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Posted in Photos


Errol with Burns and Allen

09 Nov

— Shamrock

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Posted in Candids, Photos


Errol with Jane Russell

09 Nov

— Shamrock

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Posted in Candids, Photos


Flynn on the Prince and the Pauper set

06 Nov

— Shamrock


Prince and Pauper pix

06 Nov

This unusual photo is seldom seen so I thought I'd post it here for Flynn fans to copy and keep for their collections. Enjoy!

— Shamrock