Search Results for: Pirate

No Blood. No Charge.

June 13, 1935 Hollywood Citizen News by Elizabeth Yeaman Apropos of The Three Musketeers, and the quest for a dashing D’Artagnan, Warners are looking for a captain Blood to replace Robert Donat in the picture of that title. Captain Blood was Irish and had all the emotional verve typical of the Irish, so Warners hacve decided to test George Brent… (more…)

500 likes Lock, Stock and Errol

Dear fellow Flynn fans, Errol lives. While all is quiet here on the Western blog, there are 500 more Flynnthusiasts out there on FB:…… Granted half of em are personal aquaintances quizzing themselves about my inflynntuation with this Hollywood hero and villain long gone but still not forgotten. Well, that‘s what happens when you see “The Adventures of Robin… (more…)

Flynnfluences in Star Wars

It was just announced that Star Wars Episode IX, will be released in December. Though the “final chapter of the Star Wars saga”, Errol’s inspiration on the series has been profound, from the very start, as confirmed by the quotes below. Lucas and Spielberg “If one man defines the era of swashbuckling Hollywood action that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg… (more…)

Dear Prudence

Dear Prudence, A “more skillful swordsman” than Errol? I think not. Though you sure we’re one talented and rediantly-beautiful swashbucklerette, in both B&W and Technicolor. “Against All Flags, 1952. This was one of the last Hollywood swashbucklers starring Errol Flynn. Maureen O’Hara proves his equal with her swordplay as Prudence “Spitfire” Stevens. In fact, O’Hara swore she was the more… (more…)

In Eirinn Like Flynn

“Many stories have circulated about Errol’s visits to Belfast, the most repeated (and uncorroborated!) tales are about the excitement he caused at local dances, packed with adoring girls who’d heard that Flynn was to grace their Saturday-night bop!”… “Ian Rippey, Secretary of the Co Armagh Wildlife Society, reckons that Flynn definitely visited Belfast, and has information about a positive… (more…)

Father’s Day for Flynn Fans

At the Northern California Pirate Festival This weekend in Vallejo Ahoy, ye salty sea dogs! Keep a weather eye on the horizon – especially toward the Carquinez Strait. Pirates are coming to invade the Vallejo Waterfront Park Father’s Day weekend, June 16 and 17. And those sea rogues and privateers have been doing just that for a dozen years, giving… (more…)

And now for something completely differerent …

Errol Flynn, the Canine Caruso No pirates were (seriously) harmed in the making of this post. — Tim


To the Hotel Pierre, with Danny Devito, a pirate knife, two better-than-beautiful babes, and a $184 bottle of wine. — Tim

Taylor vs. Flynn

PULLING NO PUNCHES: All Time Awesome Aussies Extracts from: “DVD REVIEW: ACTOR ROD TAYLOR, FORMER BOXER AND LIFESAVER, PULLS NO PUNCHES” By Simon Caterson January 25, 2018 As an all-purpose Australian leading man of the 1950s through to the ’70s in Hollywood, Rod Taylor was the natural screen successor to Errol Flynn. Flynn has maintained legendary status despite or because… (more…)

New Kid On the Lot

Quiz on a Questionnaire Fresh from England in the Fall of 1934, Errol had his “first official” stateside interview. Conducted on Warner Brothers’ “Burbank campus” by Carlisle Jones, “dean of Hollywood press agents”, this debut interview revolved around answers Errol had recently provided on a WB publicity questionnaire. According to that questionnaire and interview: 1. Errol’s Schoolboy Ambition was: a)… (more…)