Edge of Darkness – in color!

01 Jul

This is reproduced from a magazine. I've never found a color glossy like it.

— Shamrock


Another candid

01 Jul

Staging a publicity photo shoot before filming began on the greatest film ever made.

— Shamrock


Robin Hood candid

01 Jul

Note Howard Hill and Mike Curtiz up on the balcony.

— Shamrock


Captain Blood's sword

01 Jul

A brief note –

Moments ago on BBC America's “Graham Norton Show” American rock star Alice Cooper claimed to be the owner of the sword Flynn used in Captain Blood. Hmmm…..that's news to me and I'll bet it's not authenticated, but who knows….I do know Cooper's last CD, “Dirty Diamonds” was pretty good. The old boy can still rock with the best of them, and he's an Errol Flynn fan, too!

— Shamrock


AFI dunderheads and one visionary at Entertainment Weekly…

25 Jun

The American Film Institute squandered another opportunity to list one of Errol Flynn’s films on their latest “Greatest Films of All Time” list. I wasn’t surprised to see that such classics as CAPTAIN BLOOD, THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE, THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD or THE SEA HAWK (to name a few) are missing because it’s been obvious to me for many years that certain “influences” involved with the AFI harbor anti-Errol Flynn sentiments. This is something the powers-to-be over at the AFI will undoubtedly publicly deny.

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Screw ‘em.


However, the June 22nd cover dated “Entertainment Weekly” magazine features an article by Marc Bernardin titled “the Greatest Action Films of all Time” and Bernardin lists THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD as # 18.


Kudos to Bernardin for including an Errol Flynn film.


In general, I agreed with most of the films on Bernardin’s list, although someone needs to finally tell the world’s critics that while Akira Kurosawa’s THE SEVEN SAMURAI is indeed a good film, it pales in comparison to the film it inspired, a Western called THE MAGNIFICIENT SEVEN. But placing Kurosawa’s name on a list is really chic amongst film critics and film writers, but I always laugh out loud when I see all the print devoted to THE SEVEN SAMURAI. Give it a rest, boys. THE MAGNIFICIENT SEVEN is the one that matters.


Anyway, since Marc Bernardin is one of the few film writers out there in la-la land willing to cite Flynn’s influence (“Errol Flynn is the king, nay, the Pope of derring-do”) that I’m willing to forgive him for jumping on Kurosawa’s over-rated bandwagon.


End of mini-rant.

Coffee courtesy of Dave.

No animals were killed or injured during the composition of this rant although I mangled a VHS copy of THE SEVEN SAMURAI.

— Shamrock


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Happy Birthyday, Errol…

21 Jun

Happy Birthday, Errol Flynn!

To celebrate, I have partnered with Verizon and Sonopia to provide a new cell phone brand: Zaca Wireless!


— David DeWitt


Tom McNulty's Life and Career of Errol Flynn on…

16 Jun

Click the bookcover to see how you can get this book at my Shop@coffeewithdavid!

— David DeWitt


Search for Errol Flynn on AMAZON.COM…

16 Jun

Look for all the best Errol Flynn stuff on…!

— David DeWitt


Reader TGMISFIT please contact us?

16 Jun

TGMISFIT, please CONTACT US for Administrative reasons? Under the category tree on the right side of the blog you will find the Contact Us page! Thanks, Chum!

— David DeWitt


Flynn and Bardot

16 Jun

Bardot signed pix with Flynn…for Dave, who knows the story….

— Shamrock

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