Flynn and Hitchcock…?

28 Apr

While for years everyone has been aware of the cameos that Alfred Hitchcock made in his own films, it has only just come to light that the puckish director had a penchant for sneaking into other people's films as well. Here he is crashing CAPTAIN BLOOD (1935), directed by an unwitting Michael Curtiz and starring Errol Flynn!

— David DeWitt

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Movie Story Covers

26 Apr

Here are two covers from Movie Story for Olympiads only!

— Shamrock

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Starlet Brigitte Bardot…

24 Apr

— David DeWitt

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Classic Bardot…

24 Apr

— David DeWitt

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Flynn fascinates a very young Brigitte Bardot…

24 Apr

— David DeWitt

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Happy Day at the Zoo with his girls…

24 Apr

— David DeWitt


Titchfield hotel, 20's and 30's… Port Antonio, Jamaica

24 Apr

— David DeWitt

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Living In Jamaica…

24 Apr

Errol owned the famous Titchfield Hotel in Jamaica and lived in a small house on Navy Island (which he also owned) opposite the hotel. He had a rowboat with which to row over to the hotel to have breakfast, visit the bar or sit around the pool…

— David DeWitt


Flynn with Mike Wallace

22 Apr

Errol Flynn with Mike Wallace of “60 Minutes” fame.

I sent Wallace a print of this photo and wrote to him many times over the years but he never responded.

— Shamrock


Sword of Villon Candid

22 Apr

Hello fellow Olympiads!

Here's a candid from “The Sword of Villon” that Rick Dodd sent to me in his Christmas card many years ago. Enjoy!

— Shamrock