Seldom seen or mentioned, Four's a Crowd deserves another look. The only problem I have with this film is that Flynn ends up with the wrong girl. I'd love to see a DVD release on this one!
— Shamrock
Here is an unusual candid from The Sea Hawk. Note the man on the far left. From an 8 x 10 glossy that came to me from Rick Dodd in England many years ago.
— Shamrock
…and here they are years later on the set of The Master of Ballantrae, enjoy!
— Shamrock
Here is the first of two candids, Errol with William Keighley on the Robin Hood set….
— Shamrock
Ahoy Olympiads!
Attached is a rehearsal candid from The Sea Hawk. I've always though the man with his back to the camera wearing a hat was Curtiz. what do you think?
— Shamrock
Dear David and Fellow Olympiads
Many thanks for the invite, the blog looks great David. I'm going to have a look through my files and see if I can find a few things that may be new to you all.
Best wishes to all
— themainflynnman