“Beautiful spring day, warm sunshine, country beautiful. How can people fight a war in this lovely weather? Four hours train journey from here the most savage cruel patricidal war is being waged.”
So begins Errol’s Spanish Civil War Diary, eighty-four years ago today, on March 26, 1937.
Further, Errol wrote:
“Everyone is armed – some with large knives plus revolvers, but all with revolvers. The train is stopped. Plane has been heard – we are crowded with young loyalists all armed and with oddest assortment of uniforms.”
Christies wrote:
“Into the environment of violence and constant strife between fascists led by the iron-fisted Franco on the one side, and republicans and communists on the other, goes the intrepid Errol Flynn.”
Christies’ description of the diary:
“Autographed manuscript, various locations in Spain, 26th March, 1937, through at least April 2, in pencil. 74 pages, averaging at least 20 lines per page, 4 x 6 1/2 inches, bound in dark green leather over paper covers, strongly written and very legible; in very fine condition.”

— Tim