3 Ringling Circus

26 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

here is a rare pic of Errol a mere two weeks before his untimely death visiting Ringling Bros. Circus.
The team of three shows him with his past protegé and fiancé in spe Beverly and her friend Linda.
Where Flynn put his buzzsaw straw hat, if he threw into the ring or lent it to Maurice Chevalier remains an open investigation.

Make ‘em laugh,

— shangheinz


Errol Flynn Returns from Vacation November, 1938

20 Aug

Errol arrives in San Francisco by ocean liner on November 9th, from his Hawaiian vacation. He had sailed to San Francisco on his yacht Sirocco and now sails back to Los Angeles.  From there, he  will get ready for  his next film, Dodge City, on location in Modesto, California on November 10th.


— Topper


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Dennis Delaney StoryTeller Theatre!

15 Aug

We like to promote special people on the blog when they do something wonderful and in that spirit I present to you Dennis Delaney’s new DENNIS DELANEY STORYTELLER THEATRE that is a website dedicated to the spoken word. Dennis is a lifelong friend of mine and the blog, and has been an actor/writer/producer for many years. He is launching his website featuring new audio stories every month … please go check out this stuff!

— David DeWitt


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Errol Flynn in Early May to Early July, 1939

08 Aug

With The Knight and the Lady  (Elizabeth and Essex) beginning filming, it does not slow Flynn down from finding time for his adventures, big or small. Oh…you will notice  an “ooops” in the middle of the first page. I had an article incorrectly dated as May 15 when I placed it there. The correct date is April 15.  Instead of redoing two pages, I figured it was time for an “ooops“.

Enjoy …

— Topper


Flynn Noir

06 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

imagine if Errol had gotten some of the roles of Alan Ladd, Humphrey Bogart or even Ronald Reagan. And had worked with dark directors Fritz Lang, John Farrow or the early John Huston.

That‘d been kinda flynntastic.


— shangheinz



01 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

I wonder if the sequel to the prequel is a postel…?

Anyways, as a sequel to yesterday‘s post…, I couldn‘t help but notice the similarity of  Jean Harlow and Errol‘s one time charm Shirley Hassau. Also in type she is a dead ringer for the untimely demised blond bombshell, wife of the unlikely suicided producer Paul Bern. She would have made for a fine asset in the stable of Thompson Productions, at a time when Flynn‘s best man and pest pal Freddie McEvoy gave his occupation as manager for TP on various visas around the globe. Probably searching high and low, over and under for new talent with starry faces. One time they were even pitching the media a Miss Forsyte. But that is a story for another day.



— shangheinz



31 Jul

Dear Flynnstones,

there can never be another Flynn, right?

But while reading  Samuel Marx’ superb book “Deadly Illusions“ on Jean Harlow and the murder of Paul Bern, I came across a namesake actor’n’athlete, who could have given Errol a run for his ringside reputation.…
MBF threw in the Tinseltown towel early and made way for the real deal. He may have given Warners the idea to market our Hollywood hero as a bonafide boxer of Olympic proportions though. Luckily they didn‘t change the name of the aspiring contender to Terrence Thompson or Leslie LeBaron  or…

The studio then and there already knew the prequel can never outdo the original.


— shangheinz


Technical Difficulties!

31 Jul

We have had the issue of our COMMENTS going missing from the blog for some time. You might thing this is an easy fix but nope! All the comments are still on the backend, even new ones, but are not showing up and it a huge headache to find the problem and fix it. Yet, we are not giving up by any means …

— David DeWitt

1 Comment

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Errol Flynn from December 1948 to February, 1949

22 Jul

‘ADVENTURES of DON JUAN’ opens in theatres through the  holidays and Errol begins working for MGM on his next picture, while living at his Mulholland home.  There he hosts a dinner party and invites more than 300 guests. There are 2 bars and 3 bands which began at 8:00 p.m., and ended about 6:00 a.m. the next morning.


— Topper


Errol Flynn in California End of October, 1940 to Beginning December!

15 Jul

Negotiating, filming, dining, radio programming, merchandising,   and clowning around for publicity pictures there is never a dull moment …even while being sued!

 Enjoy …

— Topper