A Father’s Day Tribute to Errol from Bariebel

22 Jun

Here is a wonderful music video from Bariebel, aka preeminent EFB Author Tina Nyary. Thank you, Tina!

Btw, Tina toasted twice on Saturday to Errol’s 111th from Toronto (I think Toronto) with an 18-year-old Glennfiddich Malt Whiskey – once by her pool in the afternoon, and once in the evening!!

— Tim


Toasting Errol’s 111th Birthday at the Very Wooden Bar He Drank at in the 1930s

22 Jun

June 20, 2020, at the Old Arcade Tap Room in Delray Beach, Florida

Conveniently if not coincidentally, the Happy Birthday lights were there when we arrived to toast!…

The Baron in Boca

— Tim


Arno and Errol at Ta-Boo

21 Jun

At Ta-boo, an historic haunt of Errol’s on Palm Beach, I had the opportunity to memorialize our 111th Global Toast on one of their famous monkey images. Amazingly, autographing the image before me was “Arno”! …I have no idea who this Arno is, but I know it’s a name I’ve rarely ever known, maybe never other than for the Arno River in Florence and for Errol’s wonderful schnauzer. So, I’ll take this sign and signing as a sign Errol and Arno are still monkeying around together, and in all the best places.

From Ta-boo, it was off to 346 Seabreeze Avenue, the Palm Beach home Errol payed for, where Sean lived for much of his childhood with Lili. Toasted Sean there with a Coca-Cola – age-appropriate for young Sean’s time in PB.

— Tim


International Swashbucklers Day? — June 20 — Sounds Good to Me

21 Jun…

— Tim


Happy Birthday Errol Flynn 111th … Special Invitation!

20 Jun
Invitation to Join Film Fans in Global Toast to Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, on June 20 and July 1, 2020
Your group and members are specially invited to join film fans around the world in a Global Toast to Errol Flynn on June 20, 2020 – his 111th Birthday  – and 11 days later to Olivia de Havilland on the occasion of her 104th Birthday on July 1, 2020  Please toast any time of day that works best for your society and individual members on June 20 – and on July 1 for Olivia.

Please distribute to all your members and affiliates. Thank you.

Further details can be found at the following Errol Flynn Blog links:



Best to you,
“Gentleman Tim” Reid

— David DeWitt



19 Jun

I don’t have any memories of him unfortunately as i was born 24 years after his passing but…does anyone do and want to share?? I think it would be amazing..a way to keep his memory alive on the day of this beautiful soul birthday!

Happy birthday dear heart!






— Selene Hutchison-Zuffi


Posted in Main Page


Spain is in the House

18 Jun

José Luis García from Albacete, Spain, joins in the tribute of the 111th anniversary of the birth of Errol Flynn, providing the inside history and two sensational drawings below. Like Errol in ’37, he will be toasting with La Mancha wine, stating:

“El día 1 de abril de 1937, cuando visitó nuestra ciudad de Albacete Errol Flynn bebió vino de La Mancha junto a los brigadistas británicos de la XV durante la Guerra Civil española.”

“On April 1, 1937, when Errol Flynn visited our city of Albacete, he drank La Mancha wine together with the British brigade members of the 15th century during the Spanish Civil War.”

Flynntástico Jose! Muchas gracias y salud!

— Tim


How do you say no in Mexico?

18 Jun

June 17, 1938

Jimmy Starr
Evening Herald Express

Not so many months ago Booker McClay was Errol Flynn’s stand-in. Then one day word came that Booker had inherited more than three million dollars.* He quit his job, went into picture producing in Mexico. Yesterday he offered his former boss a fabulous salary to star in one production. Errol’s taking up the deal with Jack Warner, who will probably say “nix.”

* His inheritance included Texas and Oklahoma oil properties from his grandfather.

— Tim


T Minus 3 Days — Global Birthday Toast to Errol Flynn — June 20, 2020

17 Jun

Errol was born at 2:25 in the morning, on June 20, 1909, at Queen Alexandria Hospital, Battery Point, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. This being a world-wide celebration, all should feel free to raise their glasses at anytime on June 20 in their time zone. Hopefully, the first toast can be made in Hobart at exactly 2:25 a.m.*

* Thank you to Tina Nyary for the precise time of Errol’s birth!

— Tim


A Day in the Life of Arno and Errol — June 16, 1938

16 Jun

June 16, 1938

Harrison Carroll

Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn’s dog, Arno, is barred off The Sisters set. Flynn has been training him as a protector and, when Bette Davis had to make a pass at Errol in a scene, the dog lunged at her, bit her leg and chased Bette up on a chair.

June 16, 1938

Jimmy Starr

Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn’s getting rid of part of his private navy. Once the proud possessor of a fleet of five boats, Errol now has but three. Poor boy!

— Tim