An A through Z List of Possible Libations for the Global Toast to Errol on June 20, 2020

15 Jun

Based on drinks and beverages Errol is known to have drank, believed to have drank, likely Drank, rumored to have drank, and has had created and named in tribute to him, here is an A through Z list of possible libations for the Global Toast to Errol Flynn on June 20, 2020:

Absinthe – in Europe and New Orleans

Bacardi – in Cuba and elsewhere

Bavarian Beer – in Germany

Bloody Mary – the drink he introduced at the Smokehouse in LA

Bourbon – during Desperate Journey (the movie, not the marriage to Lili)

Brandy and Soda – a favored drink in New Guinea during his days there

British Beers from his days in Britain and at the Cock’n Bull in LA

Bundaberg Beer – in Australia and New Guinea

Bundy (Bundaberg Rum) – in Australia and New Guinea

Captain’s Blood – a daiquiri created in tribute to Errol

Cascade Brewery Beer – from Tasmania, per tassiedevil (Steve & Genene)

Champagne – throughout his celebrity years, and a la Olivia’s annual birthday toast to Errol

Chianti – drank at various locations and occasions


Coffee – throughout adulthood

Courvoisier cognac – during years of celebrity

Cuba Libre – from his first visits to Cuba in the mid-Thirties

Cuba Story – a drink created for Errol by Dennis Mullen

Daiquiri – during his visits to Havana, a la El Floridita

Dry Martini – throughout years of celebrity

Errol Flynn’s Pick-Me-Up – a drink named after him

Fine French Wines – brought with him to locations without, per Difford’s Guide for Discriminating Drinkers

Gin, bathtub-style – a la Errol at the Roosevelt Hotel

Gin – in many drinks, with mixes from tonic to O.J., sometimes with a splash of Squirt

Guinness Stout – in Britain and Ireland and elsewhere

Hennessy Cognac – a likely Flynn cognac

Herradura – the tequila owned by his friend Bing Crosby

Italian Wines – during his days in Italy and filming of William Tell (with sardines), et al

Irish Beers – from his days in Ireland and Britain

Irish whiskeys

Jack Rose – at the 21 Club (and maybe the Mocombo)

Jamaican Reef – created for Errol Dennis Mullen

Johnnie Walker – per Difford’s Guide for Discriminating Drinkers

Kentucky whiskey – straight, in a Mint Julep, or in a Kentucky Coffee

Louis XIII Cognac – a possible Flynn cognac

Maid Marian – created and bottled by Chesterfield Whisky

Mai Tai – see the “Q.B. Cooler” below

Mojito – a la Bodeguita del Medio

Moselle – a la 21 Club

Moscow Mule – a la the Cock ‘n Bull in LA

Napolean Cognac – a likely Flynn cognac

Navy Grog – in tribute to Errol’s In the Wake of the Bounty

Old Fashioned – a likely cocktail for Errol throughout adulthood

Pi Yi – a la Don the Beachcomber, LA

Q.B. Cooler – predecessor of the Mai Tai, created by tiki-drink pioneer, Donn Beach

Queen Elizabeth

Queen’s Pineapple Punch – a la Don the Beachcomber’s, LA

Remy Martin

Robin Hood cocktail

Rum and Coca-Cola – a la Caribbean, California and Courmayeur, et al

Sangria – a la Errol’s days in Spain

Sangro de Cristo

Sazerac – a la New Orleans


Tasmanian Devil

Tea – throughout his life

Tequilas – during his days in Mexico

The Errol Flynn – created by Errol, resurrected a la Petronella Wyatt

The Martini Special – a la Fabio Delgado Fuentes

The Tasmanian – a la Dennis Mullen

The Vancouver – a la Sylvia Hotel, Vancouver

U.S. Bar Beers – a la Boardner’s in LA and many other locations in. U.S.

Various Vodkas – straight, with tonic, with O.J., inter alia

Vicious Virgin – a la Don the Beachcomber

Veuve Clicquot

Vodka with Red Pepper – a la The Hotel Savoy’s American Bar in London

Water – both sparkling and natural

Whiskey Sour – a likely for Errol throughout adulthood

XXXX Gold beer- from Queensland and Tasmania

York Gin – Old Tom and Outlaw

Your favorite or choice for saluting Errol

Zombie – a la Don the Beachcomber

Zubrowka Polish Vodka

— Tim


“Mr. Flynn Tells ‘Em”

14 Jun

Mr. Flynn Stands Up and Tells the Nazis Off

Eighty Years Ago Today – June 14, 1940 – Errol Appeared on Brazilian National Radio to Condemn Nazi Infiltration of South America. The Next Day He Wrote the Following Letter to FDR.

— Tim


Posted in Main Page


watch TCM

14 Jun

TCM, beginning at 8pm EST, Catch a Classic!

Two classic films based on famous written works by Rudyard Kipling air tonight. First up is the legendary 1939 adventure film Gunga Din, adapted from Kipling’s 1890 poem Gunga Din, as well as from elements of his short story collection Soldiers Three. Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. star as three British sergeants in colonial India who, with their native water bearer Gunga Din (Sam Jaffe), battle a murderous cult. Next is Kim(1950), an adventure film starring Errol Flynn and Dean Stockwell, and based on Kipling’s 1901 novel.

— tassie devil


Errol at Sea – June of ’33

14 Jun

June 15, 1933

Excusez mon français…

— Tim


Red Light Green Light

14 Jun

Has anyone seen my “Green Light and Regal Splendour” quiz/post? It appears to have disappeared.

— Tim


No Highballs, Jingle Bells or Rah-Rah

13 Jun

But it was a Really Big Shew Nonetheless

June 13, 1939

Ed Sullivan

Hollywood Citizen News

Director Mike Curtiz, one of the best on the Warner lot, has a bad memory for names….He calls John Garfield “Group Theater”….Claude Rains, to Curtiz, always is “Mister Theater Guild”….Wayne Morris is “Bank Night”….Olivia de Havilland is “Baby”….In Elizabeth and Essex, Curtiz became impatient with a love scene that Errol Flynn and Bette Davis were doing, and stopped the action….”Remember always,” he explained, that this is a 17th Century love story without the highballs, jingle bells and rah-rah”….

— Tim


Fighting Hollywood

13 Jun


We all know Errol served in his own way. With his tours Etc


Sterling Hayden , US Marines and OSS . Smuggled guns into Yugoslavia and parachuted into Croatia .

James Stewart , US Army Air Corps. Bomber pilot who rose to the rank of General.

Ernest Borgnine , US Navy. Gunners Mate 1c, destroyer USS Lamberton.

Ed McMahon, US Marines. Fighter Pilot. (Flew OE-1 Bird Dogs over Korea as well.)

Telly Savalas , US Army.

Walter Matthau, US Army Air Corps., B-24 Radioman/Gunner and cryptographer.

Steve Forrest , US Army. Wounded, Battle of the Bulge.

Jonathan Winters, USMC. Battleship USS Wisconsin and Carrier USS Bon Homme Richard. Anti-aircraft gunner, Battle of Okinawa

Paul Newman, US Navy Rear seat gunner/radioman, torpedo bombers of USS Bunker Hill

Kirk Douglas, US Navy Sub-chaser in the Pacific. Wounded in action and medically discharged.

Robert Mitchum , US Army.

Dale Robertson , US Army. Tank Commander in North Africa under Patton. Wounded twice Battlefield Commission.

Henry Fonda , US Navy. Destroyer USS Satterlee.

John Carroll , US Army Air Corps. Pilot in North Africa . Broke his back in a crash.

Lee Marvin US Marines. Sniper. Wounded in action on Saipan . Buried in Arlington National Cemetery , Sec. 7A next to Greg Boyington and Joe Louis.

Art Carney , US Army. Wounded on Normandy beach, D-Day. Limped for the rest of his life.

Wayne Morris, US Navy fighter pilot, USS Essex . Downed seven Japanese fighters.

Rod Steiger , US Navy Was aboard one of the ships that launched the Doolittle Raid.

Tony Curtis , US Navy. Sub tender USS Proteus. In Tokyo Bay for the surrender of Japan

Larry Storch. US Navy. Sub tender USS Proteus with Tony Curtis.

Forrest Tucker, US Army. Enlisted as a private, rose to Lieutenant.

Robert Montgomery , US Navy.

George Kennedy , US Army. Enlisted after Pearl Harbor , stayed in sixteen years.

Mickey Rooney , US Army under Patton. Bronze Star.

Denver Pyle , US Navy. Wounded in the Battle of Guadalcanal . Medically discharged.

Burgess Meredith , US Army Air Corps.

DeForest Kelley , US Army Air Corps.

Robert Stack , US Navy. Gunnery Officer.

Neville Brand , US Army, Europe . Was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart

Tyrone Power, US Marines. Transport pilot in the Pacific Theater.

Charlton Heston , US Army Air Corps. Radio operator and aerial gunner on a B-25, Aleutians

Danny Aiello , US Army. Lied about his age to enlist at 16. Served three years.

James Arness , US Army. As an infantryman, he was severely wounded at Anzio , Italy .

Efram Zimbalist, Jr., US Army. Purple Heart for a severe wound received at Huertgen Forest

Mickey Spillane, US Army Air Corps, Fighter Pilot and later Instructor Pilot.

Rod Serling. US Army. 11th Airborne Division in the Pacific. He jumped at Tagaytay in the Philippines and was later wounded in Manila .

Gene Autry , US Army Air Corps. Crewman on transports that ferried supplies over “The Hump” in the China-Burma-India Theater.
William Holden , US Army Air Corps.

Alan Hale Jr, US Coast Guard.

Russell Johnson , US Army Air Corps. B-24 crewman who was awarded Purple Heart when his aircraft was shot down by the Japanese in the Philippines

William Conrad , US Army Air Corps. Fighter Pilot.

Jack Klugman , US Army.

Frank Sutton , US Army. Took part in 14 assault landings, including Leyte, Luzon, Bataan and Corregidor .

Jackie Coogan , US Army Air Corps. Volunteered for gliders and flew troops and materials into Burma behind enemy lines.

Tom Bosley , US Navy.

Claude Akins , US Army. Signal Corps. , Burma and the Philippines

Chuck Connors , US Army. Tank-warfare instructor.

Harry Carey Jr., US Navy.

Mel Brooks , US Army. Combat Engineer. Saw action in the Battle of the Bulge

Robert Altman , US Army Air Corps. B-24 Co-Pilot.

Pat Hingle , US Navy. Destroyer USS Marshall

Fred Gwynne , US Navy. Radioman.

Karl Malden , US Army Air Corps. 8th Air Force, NCO.

Earl Holliman , US Navy. Lied about his age to enlist. Discharged after a year when they Navy found out.

Rock Hudson , US Navy. Aircraft mechanic, the Philippines .

Harvey Korman , US Navy.

Aldo Ray. US Navy. UDT frogman, Okinawa .

Don Knotts , US Army, Pacific Theater.

Don Rickles , US Navy aboard USS Cyrene.

Harry Dean Stanton , US Navy Served aboard an LST in the Battle of Okinawa

Soupy Sales, US Navy. Served on USS Randall in the South Pacific.

Lee Van Cleef , US Navy. Served aboard a sub chaser then a mine sweeper.

Clifton James , US Army, South Pacific. Was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart.

Ted Knight , US Army, Combat Engineers.

Jack Warden , US Navy, 1938-1942, then US Army, 1942-1945. 101st Airborne Division.

Don Adams. US Marines. Wounded on Guadalcanal , then served as a Drill Instructor.

James Gregory, US Navy and US Marines.

Brian Keith, US Marines. Radioman/Gunner in Dauntless dive-bombers.

Fess Parker, US Navy and US Marines. Booted from pilot training for being too tall, joined Marines as a radio operator.

Charles Durning. US Army. Landed at Normandy on D-Day. Shot multiple times. Awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts.SurvivedMalmedy Massacre.

Raymond Burr , US Navy. Shot in the stomach on Okinawa and medically discharged.

Hugh O’Brian, US Marines.

Robert Ryan, US Marines.

Eddie Albert , US Coast Guard. Bronze Star with Combat V for saving several Marines under heavy fire as pilot of a landing craft during the invasion of Tarawa

Cark Gable , US Army Air Corps. B-17 gunner over Europe .

Charles Bronson , US Army Air Corps. B-29 gunner, wounded in action.

Peter Graves , US Army Air Corps.

Buddy Hackett , US Army anti-aircraft gunner.

Victor Mature, US Coast Guard.

Jack Palance, US Army Air Corps. Severely injured bailing out of a burning B-24 bomber.

Robert Preston , US Army Air Corps. Intelligence Officer

Cesar Romero , US Coast Guard. Participated in the invasions of Tinian and Saipan on the assault transport USS Cavalier.

Norman Fell , US Army Air Corps., Tail Gunner, Pacific Theater.

Jason Robards , US Navy. Was aboard heavy cruiser USS Northampton when it was sunk off Guadalcanal . Also served on the USS Nashville during the invasion of the Philippines , surviving a kamikaze hit that caused 223 casualties

Steve Reeves, US Army , Philippines .

Dennis Weaver, US Navy. Pilot.

Robert Taylor , US Navy. Instructor Pilot.

Randolph Scott. Tried to enlist in the Marines but was rejected due to injuries sustained in US Army, World War 1.

Ronald Reagan. US Army. Was a 2nd Lt. in the Cavalry Reserves before the war. His poor eyesight kept him from being sent overseas with his unit when war came so he transferred to the Army Air Corps Public Relations Unit where he served for the duration.

John Wayne Declared “4F medically unfit” due to pre-existing injuries, he nonetheless attempted to volunteer three times (Army, Navy and Film Corps.
so he gets honorable mention.

And of course we have Audie Murphy , America ‘s most-decorated soldier, who became a Hollywood star as a result of his US Army service that included his being awarded the Medal of Honor.

Would someone please remind me again how many of today’s Hollywood elite put their careers on hold to enlist in Iraq or Afghanistan ? The only one
who even comes close was Pat Tillman, who turned down a contract offer of $36 million over three years from the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the US Army after September 11, 2001, and serve as a Ranger in Afghanistan , where he died in 2004. But rather than being lauded for his choice and his decision to put his country before his career, he was mocked and derided by many of his peers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit to you that this is not the America today that it was seventy years ago. And I, for one, am saddened. My generation grew up watching, being entertained by and laughing with so many of these fine people, never really knowing what they contributed to the war effort.
Like millions of Americans during the WWII, there was a job that needed doing they didn’t question, they went and did it, those that came home returned to their now new normal life and carried on, very few ever saying what they did or saw.

They took it as their “responsibility”, their “duty” to Country, to protect and preserve our freedoms and way of life, not just for themselves but for all future generations to come. As a member of a later generation, I’m forever humbly in their debt!
Please pass this on to remind people of what real men were like, not the show dogs of today’s screen.

— tassie devil


Errol’s Greige-Green Silver River Wool Coat

13 Jun

June 12, 1947

— Tim


Louis Kraft: Sand Creek & the Tragic End of a Lifeway …

11 Jun

Many of you know of our dear friend and brother, writer Louis Kraft. He is busy at work on a book about Errol & Olivia of the same title and has now finished his epic work Sand Creek & the Tragic End of a Lifeway which is a beautifully produced and rendered book about the American Indian massacre at Sand Creek over 150 years ago, and its impact on a centuries old way of life …

We promote the works of people here who are related to our interest in Errol Flynn and at times, also let you know about their other works, too. Louis Kraft is a dedicated Flynn historian and authority on Flynn and Olivia de Havilland whose friendship with Louis goes back over twenty years. This is a major work, and it deserves your attention:

I am reading it now, and as everything Louis writes, you start with the first sentence and are drawn all the way through whatever he writes with no regard to time or the ways of the world until the end … You can read more about his book at his blog… in this posting about his book

From Amazon:

“Nothing can change the terrible facts of the Sand Creek Massacre. The human toll of this horrific event and the ensuing loss of a way of life have never been fully recounted until now. In Sand Creek and the Tragic End of a Lifeway, Louis Kraft tells this story, drawing on the words and actions of those who participated in the events at this critical time.

The history that culminated in the end of a lifeway begins with the arrival of Algonquin-speaking peoples in North America, proceeds through the emergence of the Cheyennes and Arapahos on the Central Plains, and ends with the incursion of white people seeking land and gold. Beginning in the earliest days of the Southern Cheyennes, Kraft brings the voices of the past to bear on the events leading to the brutal murder of people and its disastrous aftermath. Through their testimony and their deeds as reported by contemporaries, major and supporting players give us a broad and nuanced view of the discovery of gold on Cheyenne and Arapaho land in the 1850s, followed by the land theft condoned by the U.S. government. The peace treaties and perfidy, the unfolding massacre and the investigations that followed, the devastating end of the Indians’ already-circumscribed freedom—all are revealed through the eyes of government officials, newspapers, and the military; Cheyennes and Arapahos who sought peace with or who fought Anglo-Americans; whites and Indians who intermarried and their offspring; and whites who dared to question what they considered heinous actions.

As instructive as it is harrowing, the history recounted here lives on in the telling, along with a way of life destroyed in all but cultural memory. To that memory this book gives eloquent, resonating voice.”

This is a substantial work with Notes to each Chapter, a bibliography, and Index. 430 pages. Published by University of Oklahoma: Norman.….  It is available on their website here: Sand Creek & The Tragic End of a Lifeway, by Louis Kraft. Also available at Barnes & Noble and Target bookstores.

You can get a print book or a Kindle version on Amazon. It is such a beautifully produced book, a real treat to hold and look at well worth your time taking a look at!

Well done, Louis …

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Promo


Ten Day Countdown to the Errol Flynn Global Toast on June 20, 2020

10 Jun

So far there’s been contact with every continent, subcontinent, and major country. The Netherlands is presently in the lead in Europe! Germany, Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. are doing well, too.

So the contest is on! Which country and continent will take top prizes? – North America? Europe? Australia? — Africa, Asia, India, Central America, South America, the Caribbean? …New Zealand?
Even Antarctica is in the race!…

— Tim