Posts Tagged ‘Hobart’

Why was Errol maligned so much?

03 Feb

Why was Errol maligned so much by the media and some authors alike? All because of womanizing or his practical jokes? What otherwise did he do so wrong to deserve all this slander and mockery he had to endure?

He never attacked anybody unless he defended himself. He was a great charmer! He had great manners! He did no real harm to anybody!

What is your opinion and or inside information?

Below is one opinion by Luis Kraft:
Unscrupulous writer-historians and how they dupe their readers▪

I) I’ve struggled trying to decide if I should be vague or be specific and take people to task who push their agendas at the cost of truth. They create fictions and lies and often their cited documentation is a fabrication or worse. There is a war going on and I’m in the middle of it. If I opt for the second approach all hell will break out (at least for me).

II) It is now looking like this blog will become two blogs: 1) Indian wars, and 2) Film history. Reason: Information blasted over social media often deals with my very small world of historical research and writing. Some of the information I’m stumbling upon online and reading in printed form is shocking. Unfortunately people (I can’t call them historians; if I did I would choke) gobble up this misinformation and reprint it as if it is fact.
Louis Kraft

Here is a wonderful link to Louis Kraft’s site and about Errol.…

— Tina


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The transformation – how was it done?

20 Jan

I always wondered what do movie studios do to transform their new contract players into stars? Has anybody any ideas?

Errol arriving in Hollywood:
From this:

To this:

— Tina


What was the original idea of Jack Warner to groom Errol into?

19 Nov


Errol arriving fresh from England to conquer Hollywood!

In the Golden Age of Hollywood when starlets were taken under contract the first thing studios did was to establish how to fit them into a mold to suit their movie making plans. Grooming, reinventing and molding them was prime!
So what did Jack Warner had in mind with Errol?

— Tina


A Kitty Packard Pictorial of Errol Flynn

16 Jun

Hello Flynn Fans!
I thought I post this link as it is a very nice write-up about Errol.…

— Tina


Theodore Thomson Flynn: Not Just Errol’s Father

06 Aug

I’d like to share with you an engrossing radio podcast, first broadcast Saturday 3rd August across Australia on the ABC’s (Australian Broadcasting Commission) long running ‘Science Program’. You may think the topic of  Flynn wouldn’t be remotely scientific, but you’d be wrong. You see, the focus is mostly on Errol’s father TT Flynn. The programme titled “In With Flynn” , covers a few generations of Flynns starting with Errol’s grandfather in New South Wales … and it seems Errol wasn’t the first Flynn to have his wicked wicked ways … “Yes, Errol Flynn was a swashbuckling lothario, a 20th century film star of very mixed fame. But what about his dad? TT Flynn was a noted biologist in Hobart who looked at fossils, fish, Tasmanian Devils and much more. A new biography calls him ‘Not just Errol’s Father’ and details his considerable contributions to Australian science. But was he too ‘In like Flynn’?”

There are 2 segments – the first focusing on the recently refurbished TMAG (Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery) which incorporates the Maritime Museum once directed by Errol’s father TT. The second discussed a newly published book on TT, ‘Theodore Thomson Flynn: Not Just Errol’s Father’

An added bonus, there’s a nice little narration (taken from a doco on Flynn made in 2005 I believe) from Christopher Lee, who knew Errol and acted in 4 of his B Grade  European swashbucklers in the 50s.

Links to listen/download the programmes here:

New life for the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery…


T.T. Flynn: Tasmania’s first professor of biology

Talking about the newly published book ‘Theodore Thomson Flynn: Not Just Errol’s Father’…

— Philip


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The Book, ” The Young Errol: Flynn Before Hollywood”

12 Dec

The book, ” The Young Errol: Flynn Before Hollywood” has been re-published last month (11/2/2011) so there are more copies of the book out. I have ordered a copy of this book from Barnes and Noble and will be receiving it soon. I am wanting to let everyone know who may want to have a copy of this book about Errol.

— Mary Ann