Some references call the house “Villa Mildura” on 52 Warwick Street,
others just “Mildura”, but the house has that name to this day. They
are semidetached elegant homes, it is not clear how many, but Prof.
Theodore Thomson Flynn rented Villa Mildura in April 1909 shortly after
his and his wife's arrival in Hobart. Come June of the same year Errol
inspected his very first home and he stayed there until 1914 as proven
by Errol himself. Stated by Bob Casey that apparently a few years ago
at a renovation of Mildura, which must have been around 2004 as Bob
Casey's book was published 2008 and states there that the owner found
edged into the concrete floor under a carpet “Errol Flynn 1914.” Five
year old Errol could print his name very well – picture page 109 – a
very clever kid! Obviously he must have sensed already then that he
better proves his whereabouts!
— Tina